Style changes for the Use cases.
[yaffs-website] / node_modules / orchestrator / index.js
1 /*jshint node:true */\r
2 \r
3 "use strict";\r
4 \r
5 var util = require('util');\r
6 var events = require('events');\r
7 var EventEmitter = events.EventEmitter;\r
8 var runTask = require('./lib/runTask');\r
9 \r
10 var Orchestrator = function () {\r
12         this.doneCallback = undefined; // call this when all tasks in the queue are done\r
13         this.seq = []; // the order to run the tasks\r
14         this.tasks = {}; // task objects: name, dep (list of names of dependencies), fn (the task to run)\r
15         this.isRunning = false; // is the orchestrator running tasks? .start() to start, .stop() to stop\r
16 };\r
17 util.inherits(Orchestrator, EventEmitter);\r
18 \r
19         Orchestrator.prototype.reset = function () {\r
20                 if (this.isRunning) {\r
21                         this.stop(null);\r
22                 }\r
23                 this.tasks = {};\r
24                 this.seq = [];\r
25                 this.isRunning = false;\r
26                 this.doneCallback = undefined;\r
27                 return this;\r
28         };\r
29         Orchestrator.prototype.add = function (name, dep, fn) {\r
30                 if (!fn && typeof dep === 'function') {\r
31                         fn = dep;\r
32                         dep = undefined;\r
33                 }\r
34                 dep = dep || [];\r
35                 fn = fn || function () {}; // no-op\r
36                 if (!name) {\r
37                         throw new Error('Task requires a name');\r
38                 }\r
39                 // validate name is a string, dep is an array of strings, and fn is a function\r
40                 if (typeof name !== 'string') {\r
41                         throw new Error('Task requires a name that is a string');\r
42                 }\r
43                 if (typeof fn !== 'function') {\r
44                         throw new Error('Task '+name+' requires a function that is a function');\r
45                 }\r
46                 if (!Array.isArray(dep)) {\r
47                         throw new Error('Task '+name+' can\'t support dependencies that is not an array of strings');\r
48                 }\r
49                 dep.forEach(function (item) {\r
50                         if (typeof item !== 'string') {\r
51                                 throw new Error('Task '+name+' dependency '+item+' is not a string');\r
52                         }\r
53                 });\r
54                 this.tasks[name] = {\r
55                         fn: fn,\r
56                         dep: dep,\r
57                         name: name\r
58                 };\r
59                 return this;\r
60         };\r
61         Orchestrator.prototype.task = function (name, dep, fn) {\r
62                 if (dep || fn) {\r
63                         // alias for add, return nothing rather than this\r
64                         this.add(name, dep, fn);\r
65                 } else {\r
66                         return this.tasks[name];\r
67                 }\r
68         };\r
69         Orchestrator.prototype.hasTask = function (name) {\r
70                 return !!this.tasks[name];\r
71         };\r
72         // tasks and optionally a callback\r
73         Orchestrator.prototype.start = function() {\r
74                 var args, arg, names = [], lastTask, i, seq = [];\r
75                 args =, 0);\r
76                 if (args.length) {\r
77                         lastTask = args[args.length-1];\r
78                         if (typeof lastTask === 'function') {\r
79                                 this.doneCallback = lastTask;\r
80                                 args.pop();\r
81                         }\r
82                         for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\r
83                                 arg = args[i];\r
84                                 if (typeof arg === 'string') {\r
85                                         names.push(arg);\r
86                                 } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {\r
87                                         names = names.concat(arg); // FRAGILE: ASSUME: it's an array of strings\r
88                                 } else {\r
89                                         throw new Error('pass strings or arrays of strings');\r
90                                 }\r
91                         }\r
92                 }\r
93                 if (this.isRunning) {\r
94                         // reset specified tasks (and dependencies) as not run\r
95                         this._resetSpecificTasks(names);\r
96                 } else {\r
97                         // reset all tasks as not run\r
98                         this._resetAllTasks();\r
99                 }\r
100                 if (this.isRunning) {\r
101                         // if you call start() again while a previous run is still in play\r
102                         // prepend the new tasks to the existing task queue\r
103                         names = names.concat(this.seq);\r
104                 }\r
105                 if (names.length < 1) {\r
106                         // run all tasks\r
107                         for (i in this.tasks) {\r
108                                 if (this.tasks.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\r
109                                         names.push(this.tasks[i].name);\r
110                                 }\r
111                         }\r
112                 }\r
113                 seq = [];\r
114                 try {\r
115                         this.sequence(this.tasks, names, seq, []);\r
116                 } catch (err) {\r
117                         // Is this a known error?\r
118                         if (err) {\r
119                                 if (err.missingTask) {\r
120                                         this.emit('task_not_found', {message: err.message, task:err.missingTask, err: err});\r
121                                 }\r
122                                 if (err.recursiveTasks) {\r
123                                         this.emit('task_recursion', {message: err.message, recursiveTasks:err.recursiveTasks, err: err});\r
124                                 }\r
125                         }\r
126                         this.stop(err);\r
127                         return this;\r
128                 }\r
129                 this.seq = seq;\r
130                 this.emit('start', {message:'seq: '+this.seq.join(',')});\r
131                 if (!this.isRunning) {\r
132                         this.isRunning = true;\r
133                 }\r
134                 this._runStep();\r
135                 return this;\r
136         };\r
137         Orchestrator.prototype.stop = function (err, successfulFinish) {\r
138                 this.isRunning = false;\r
139                 if (err) {\r
140                         this.emit('err', {message:'orchestration failed', err:err});\r
141                 } else if (successfulFinish) {\r
142                         this.emit('stop', {message:'orchestration succeeded'});\r
143                 } else {\r
144                         // ASSUME\r
145                         err = 'orchestration aborted';\r
146                         this.emit('err', {message:'orchestration aborted', err: err});\r
147                 }\r
148                 if (this.doneCallback) {\r
149                         // Avoid calling it multiple times\r
150                         this.doneCallback(err);\r
151                 } else if (err && !this.listeners('err').length) {\r
152                         // No one is listening for the error so speak louder\r
153                         throw err;\r
154                 }\r
155         };\r
156         Orchestrator.prototype.sequence = require('sequencify');\r
157         Orchestrator.prototype.allDone = function () {\r
158                 var i, task, allDone = true; // nothing disputed it yet\r
159                 for (i = 0; i < this.seq.length; i++) {\r
160                         task = this.tasks[this.seq[i]];\r
161                         if (!task.done) {\r
162                                 allDone = false;\r
163                                 break;\r
164                         }\r
165                 }\r
166                 return allDone;\r
167         };\r
168         Orchestrator.prototype._resetTask = function(task) {\r
169                 if (task) {\r
170                         if (task.done) {\r
171                                 task.done = false;\r
172                         }\r
173                         delete task.start;\r
174                         delete task.stop;\r
175                         delete task.duration;\r
176                         delete task.hrDuration;\r
177                         delete task.args;\r
178                 }\r
179         };\r
180         Orchestrator.prototype._resetAllTasks = function() {\r
181                 var task;\r
182                 for (task in this.tasks) {\r
183                         if (this.tasks.hasOwnProperty(task)) {\r
184                                 this._resetTask(this.tasks[task]);\r
185                         }\r
186                 }\r
187         };\r
188         Orchestrator.prototype._resetSpecificTasks = function (names) {\r
189                 var i, name, t;\r
190 \r
191                 if (names && names.length) {\r
192                         for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {\r
193                                 name = names[i];\r
194                                 t = this.tasks[name];\r
195                                 if (t) {\r
196                                         this._resetTask(t);\r
197                                         if (t.dep && t.dep.length) {\r
198                                                 this._resetSpecificTasks(t.dep); // recurse\r
199                                         }\r
200                                 //} else {\r
201                                         // FRAGILE: ignore that the task doesn't exist\r
202                                 }\r
203                         }\r
204                 }\r
205         };\r
206         Orchestrator.prototype._runStep = function () {\r
207                 var i, task;\r
208                 if (!this.isRunning) {\r
209                         return; // user aborted, ASSUME: stop called previously\r
210                 }\r
211                 for (i = 0; i < this.seq.length; i++) {\r
212                         task = this.tasks[this.seq[i]];\r
213                         if (!task.done && !task.running && this._readyToRunTask(task)) {\r
214                                 this._runTask(task);\r
215                         }\r
216                         if (!this.isRunning) {\r
217                                 return; // task failed or user aborted, ASSUME: stop called previously\r
218                         }\r
219                 }\r
220                 if (this.allDone()) {\r
221                         this.stop(null, true);\r
222                 }\r
223         };\r
224         Orchestrator.prototype._readyToRunTask = function (task) {\r
225                 var ready = true, // no one disproved it yet\r
226                         i, name, t;\r
227                 if (task.dep.length) {\r
228                         for (i = 0; i < task.dep.length; i++) {\r
229                                 name = task.dep[i];\r
230                                 t = this.tasks[name];\r
231                                 if (!t) {\r
232                                         // FRAGILE: this should never happen\r
233                                         this.stop("can't run "" because it depends on "+name+" which doesn't exist");\r
234                                         ready = false;\r
235                                         break;\r
236                                 }\r
237                                 if (!t.done) {\r
238                                         ready = false;\r
239                                         break;\r
240                                 }\r
241                         }\r
242                 }\r
243                 return ready;\r
244         };\r
245         Orchestrator.prototype._stopTask = function (task, meta) {\r
246                 task.duration = meta.duration;\r
247                 task.hrDuration = meta.hrDuration;\r
248                 task.running = false;\r
249                 task.done = true;\r
250         };\r
251         Orchestrator.prototype._emitTaskDone = function (task, message, err) {\r
252                 if (!task.args) {\r
253                         task.args = {};\r
254                 }\r
255                 task.args.duration = task.duration;\r
256                 task.args.hrDuration = task.hrDuration;\r
257                 task.args.message =' '+message;\r
258                 var evt = 'stop';\r
259                 if (err) {\r
260                         task.args.err = err;\r
261                         evt = 'err';\r
262                 }\r
263                 // 'task_stop' or 'task_err'\r
264                 this.emit('task_'+evt, task.args);\r
265         };\r
266         Orchestrator.prototype._runTask = function (task) {\r
267                 var that = this;\r
268 \r
269                 task.args = {,' started'};\r
270                 this.emit('task_start', task.args);\r
271                 task.running = true;\r
272 \r
273                 runTask(task.fn.bind(this), function (err, meta) {\r
274               , task, meta);\r
275               , task, meta.runMethod, err);\r
276                         if (err) {\r
277                                 return, err);\r
278                         }\r
279               ;\r
280                 });\r
281         };\r
282 \r
283 // FRAGILE: ASSUME: this list is an exhaustive list of events emitted\r
284 var events = ['start','stop','err','task_start','task_stop','task_err','task_not_found','task_recursion'];\r
285 \r
286 var listenToEvent = function (target, event, callback) {\r
287         target.on(event, function (e) {\r
288                 e.src = event;\r
289                 callback(e);\r
290         });\r
291 };\r
292 \r
293         Orchestrator.prototype.onAll = function (callback) {\r
294                 var i;\r
295                 if (typeof callback !== 'function') {\r
296                         throw new Error('No callback specified');\r
297                 }\r
298 \r
299                 for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {\r
300                         listenToEvent(this, events[i], callback);\r
301                 }\r
302         };\r
303 \r
304 module.exports = Orchestrator;\r