Updated Drupal to 8.6. This goes with the following updates because it's possible...
[yaffs-website] / vendor / nikic / php-parser / test / code / parser / commentAtEndOfClass.test
1 Comment at end of class (#509)
2 -----
3 <?php
4 class MyClass {
5     protected $a;
6     // my comment
7 }
8 -----
9 array(
10     0: Stmt_Class(
11         flags: 0
12         name: Identifier(
13             name: MyClass
14         )
15         extends: null
16         implements: array(
17         )
18         stmts: array(
19             0: Stmt_Property(
20                 flags: MODIFIER_PROTECTED (2)
21                 props: array(
22                     0: Stmt_PropertyProperty(
23                         name: VarLikeIdentifier(
24                             name: a
25                         )
26                         default: null
27                     )
28                 )
29             )
30             1: Stmt_Nop(
31                 comments: array(
32                     0: // my comment
33                 )
34             )
35         )
36     )
37 )