Upgraded drupal core with security updates
[yaffs-website] / vendor / phpunit / phpunit / tests / TextUI / log-json-post-66021.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 phpunit --log-json php://stdout BankAccountTest ../_files/BankAccountTest.php
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 if (!defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT')) {
6     print 'skip: JSON_PRETTY_PRINT is required';
7 } elseif (json_encode(array(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) != '[]') {
8     print 'skip: Does not have PHP #66021 (Blank line inside empty JSON array/object)';
9 }
10 ?>
11 --FILE--
12 <?php
13 $_SERVER['argv'][1] = '--no-configuration';
14 $_SERVER['argv'][2] = '--log-json';
15 $_SERVER['argv'][3] = 'php://stdout';
16 $_SERVER['argv'][4] = 'BankAccountTest';
17 $_SERVER['argv'][5] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../_files/BankAccountTest.php';
19 require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
20 PHPUnit_TextUI_Command::main();
21 ?>
22 --EXPECTF--
23 PHPUnit %s by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
25 {
26     "event": "suiteStart",
27     "suite": "BankAccountTest",
28     "tests": 3
29 }{
30     "event": "testStart",
31     "suite": "BankAccountTest",
32     "test": "BankAccountTest::testBalanceIsInitiallyZero"
33 }.{
34     "event": "test",
35     "suite": "BankAccountTest",
36     "test": "BankAccountTest::testBalanceIsInitiallyZero",
37     "status": "pass",
38     "time": %f,
39     "trace": [],
40     "message": "",
41     "output": ""
42 }{
43     "event": "testStart",
44     "suite": "BankAccountTest",
45     "test": "BankAccountTest::testBalanceCannotBecomeNegative"
46 }.{
47     "event": "test",
48     "suite": "BankAccountTest",
49     "test": "BankAccountTest::testBalanceCannotBecomeNegative",
50     "status": "pass",
51     "time": %f,
52     "trace": [],
53     "message": "",
54     "output": ""
55 }{
56     "event": "testStart",
57     "suite": "BankAccountTest",
58     "test": "BankAccountTest::testBalanceCannotBecomeNegative2"
59 }.{
60     "event": "test",
61     "suite": "BankAccountTest",
62     "test": "BankAccountTest::testBalanceCannotBecomeNegative2",
63     "status": "pass",
64     "time": %f,
65     "trace": [],
66     "message": "",
67     "output": ""
68 }
70 Time: %s, Memory: %s
72 OK (3 tests, 3 assertions)