Version 1
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / node / migration_templates / d6_node_translation.yml
1 id: d6_node_translation
2 label: Node translations
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 6
5 deriver: Drupal\node\Plugin\migrate\D6NodeDeriver
6 source:
7   plugin: d6_node
8   translations: true
9 process:
10   # If you are using this file to build a custom migration consider removing
11   # the nid field to allow incremental migrations.
12   nid: tnid
13   type: type
14   langcode:
15     plugin: default_value
16     source: language
17     default_value: "und"
18   title: title
19   uid: node_uid
20   status: status
21   created: created
22   changed: changed
23   promote: promote
24   sticky: sticky
25   'body/format':
26     plugin: migration_lookup
27     migration: d6_filter_format
28     source: format
29   'body/value': body
30   'body/summary': teaser
31   revision_uid: revision_uid
32   revision_log: log
33   revision_timestamp: timestamp
34   content_translation_source: source_langcode
36 #  unmapped d6 fields.
37 #  translate
38 #  moderate
39 #  comment
41 destination:
42   plugin: entity:node
43   translations: true
44 migration_dependencies:
45   required:
46     - d6_user
47     - d6_node_type
48     - d6_node_settings
49     - d6_filter_format
50     - language
51   optional:
52     - d6_field_instance_widget_settings
53     - d6_field_formatter_settings
54     - d6_upload_field_instance
55 provider: migrate_drupal