Further changes for the Use cases on the live site.
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / taxonomy / migration_templates / d6_taxonomy_vocabulary_translation.yml
1 id: d6_taxonomy_vocabulary_translation
2 label: Taxonomy vocabularies
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 6
5 source:
6   plugin: d6_taxonomy_vocabulary_translation
7 process:
8   vid:
9     -
10       plugin: machine_name
11       source: name
12     -
13       plugin: substr
14       length: 32
15   langcode: language
16   property:
17     plugin: static_map
18     source: property
19     map:
20       name: name
21       description: description
22   translation: translation
23 destination:
24   plugin: entity:taxonomy_vocabulary
25 migration_dependencies:
26   required:
27     - d6_taxonomy_vocabulary