Further changes for the Use cases on the live site.
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / taxonomy / migration_templates / d6_vocabulary_field_instance.yml
1 id: d6_vocabulary_field_instance
2 label: Vocabulary field instance configuration
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 6
5 source:
6   plugin: d6_taxonomy_vocabulary_per_type
7   constants:
8     entity_type: node
9     auto_create: true
10     selection_handler: 'default:taxonomy_term'
11 process:
12   entity_type: 'constants/entity_type'
13   bundle:
14     -
15       plugin: migration_lookup
16       migration: d6_node_type
17       source: type
18     -
19       plugin: skip_on_empty
20       method: row
21   field_name:
22     -
23       plugin: migration_lookup
24       migration: d6_taxonomy_vocabulary
25       source: vid
26     -
27       plugin: skip_on_empty
28       method: row
29   label: name
30   'settings/handler': 'constants/selection_handler'
31   'settings/handler_settings/target_bundles/0': '@field_name'
32   'settings/handler_settings/auto_create': 'constants/auto_create'
33   required: required
34 destination:
35   plugin: entity:field_config
36 migration_dependencies:
37   required:
38     - d6_node_type
39     - d6_vocabulary_field