Upgraded imagemagick and manually altered pdf to image module to handle changes....
[yaffs-website] / web / core / profiles / standard / config / install / editor.editor.basic_html.yml
1 langcode: en
2 status: true
3 dependencies:
4   config:
5     - filter.format.basic_html
6   module:
7     - ckeditor
8 format: basic_html
9 editor: ckeditor
10 settings:
11   toolbar:
12     rows:
13       -
14         -
15           name: Formatting
16           items:
17             - Bold
18             - Italic
19         -
20           name: Linking
21           items:
22             - DrupalLink
23             - DrupalUnlink
24         -
25           name: Lists
26           items:
27             - BulletedList
28             - NumberedList
29         -
30           name: Media
31           items:
32             - Blockquote
33             - DrupalImage
34         -
35           name: 'Block Formatting'
36           items:
37             - Format
38         -
39           name: Tools
40           items:
41             - Source
42   plugins:
43     stylescombo:
44       styles: ''
45 image_upload:
46   status: true
47   scheme: public
48   directory: inline-images
49   max_size: ''
50   max_dimensions:
51     width: 0
52     height: 0