Interim commit.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / drupalmoduleupgrader / config / install / drupalmoduleupgrader.rewriters.yml
1 # This file controls the behavior of parametric rewriters, which are in
2 # DMU's Utility\ParametricRewriter namespace.
3 #
4 # A parametric rewriter is essentially an intelligent search and replace
5 # that acts on a function body and bases its changes on one of the
6 # function's parameters. The type of parameter MUST be known ahead of time,
7 # and it must be one of the types described in this file. A rewriter
8 # configured to rewrite for a node, for example, will change $node->nid to
9 # $node->id(), $node->title to $node->getTitle(), and so forth.
11 definitions:
12   account:
13     type_hint: \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface
14   comment:
15     type_hint: \Drupal\comment\CommentInterface
16     properties:
17       cid:
18         get: id
19       changed:
20         get: getChangedTime
21       created:
22         get: getCreatedTime
23         set: setCreatedTime
24       homepage:
25         get: getHomepage
26         set: setHomepage
27       hostname:
28         get: getHostname
29         set: setHostname
30       mail:
31         get: getAuthorEmail
32       name:
33         get: getAuthorName
34         set: setAuthorName
35       status:
36         get: isPublished
37         set: setPublished
38       subject:
39         get: getSubject
40         set: setSubject
41       thread:
42         get: getThread
43         set: setThread
44   field:
45     type_hint: \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface
46     properties:
47       cardinality:
48         get: getCardinality
49       field_name:
50         get: getName
51       module:
52         get: getProvider
53       settings:
54         get: getSettings
55       translatable:
56         get: isTranslatable
57         set: setTranslatable
58       type:
59         get: getType
60   field_instance:
61     type_hint: \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface
62     properties:
63       bundle:
64         get: getTargetBundle
65       entity_type:
66         get: getTargetEntityTypeId
67       field_name:
68         get: getName
69       required:
70         get: isRequired
71       type:
72         get: getType
73   node:
74     type_hint: \Drupal\node\NodeInterface
75     properties:
76       nid:
77         get: id
78       sticky:
79         get: isSticky
80         set: setSticky
81       status:
82         get: isPublished
83         set: setPublished
84       promoted:
85         get: isPromoted
86         set: setPromoted
87       title:
88         get: getTitle
89         set: setTitle
90       uid:
91         get: getOwnerId
92         set: setOwnerId
93       created:
94         get: getCreatedTime
95         set: setCreatedTime
96       type:
97         get: getType
98       is_new:
99         get: isNew
100   user:
101     type_hint: \Drupal\user\UserInterface
102     properties:
103       uid:
104         get: id
105       access:
106         get: getLastAccessTime
107         set: setLastAccessTime
108       created:
109         get: getCreatedTime
110       is_new:
111         get: isNew
112       login:
113         get: getLastLoginTime
114         set: setLastLoginTime
115       mail:
116         get: getEmail
117         set: setEmail
118       name:
119         get: getUsername
120         set: setUsername
121       pass:
122         get: getPassword
123         set: setPassword
124   taxonomy_term:
125     type_hint: \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface
126     properties:
127       tid:
128         get: id
129       name:
130         get: getName
131         set: setName
132       description:
133         get: getDescription
134         set: setDescription
135       weight:
136         get: getWeight
137         set: setWeight
138       vid:
139         get: getVocabularyId
140       is_new:
141         get: isNew