Updated all the contrib modules to their latest versions.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / image_widget_crop / config / schema / image_widget_crop.schema.yml
1 # Schema for configuration files of the ImageWidgetCrop module.
3 field.widget.settings.image_widget_crop:
4   type: mapping
5   label: 'Image field display format settings'
6   mapping:
7     progress_indicator:
8       type: string
9       label: 'Progress indicator'
10     preview_image_style:
11       type: string
12       label: 'Preview image style'
13     crop_preview_image_style:
14       type: string
15       label: 'Preview crop image style'
16     crop_list:
17       type: sequence
18       label: 'The preview image will be cropped'
19       sequence:
20         type: string
21     crop_types_required:
22       type: sequence
23       label: 'Required crop types'
24       sequence:
25         type: string
26     warn_multiple_usages:
27       type: boolean
28       label: 'Warn user when a file have multiple usages'
29     show_crop_area:
30       type: boolean
31       label: 'Always expand crop area'
32     show_default_crop:
33       type: boolean
34       label: 'Show default crop area'
36 image_widget_crop.settings:
37   type: config_object
38   label: 'Image widget crop settings'
39   mapping:
40     settings:
41       type: mapping
42       mapping:
43         library_url:
44           type: string
45           label: 'Library URL'
46         css_url:
47           type: string
48           label: 'CSS URL'
49         crop_preview_image_style:
50           type: string
51           label: 'Preview crop image style'
52         crop_list:
53           type: sequence
54           label: 'The preview image will be cropped'
55           sequence:
56             type: string
57         crop_types_required:
58           type: sequence
59           label: 'Required crop types'
60           sequence:
61             type: string
62         warn_multiple_usages:
63           type: boolean
64           label: 'Warn user when a file have multiple usages'
65         show_default_crop:
66           type: boolean
67           label: 'Show default crop area'
68         show_crop_area:
69           type: boolean
70           label: 'Always expand crop area'