Updated all the contrib modules to their latest versions.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / image_widget_crop / modules / image_widget_crop_examples / config / optional / responsive_image.styles.crop_example_responsive.yml
1 langcode: en
2 status: true
3 dependencies:
4   config:
5     - image.style.medium_4_3
6     - image.style.medium_crop_simple
7     - image.style.small_16_9
8   theme:
9     - bartik
10 _core:
11   default_config_hash: smXG38Wy1OwTb8zBaiRzEeLGKI6yeEfN3P9il5jLX8o
12 id: crop_example_responsive
13 label: 'Crop example responsive'
14 image_style_mappings:
15   -
16     breakpoint_id: bartik.wide
17     multiplier: 1x
18     image_mapping_type: image_style
19     image_mapping: small_16_9
20   -
21     breakpoint_id: bartik.narrow
22     multiplier: 1x
23     image_mapping_type: image_style
24     image_mapping: medium_crop_simple
25   -
26     breakpoint_id: bartik.mobile
27     multiplier: 1x
28     image_mapping_type: image_style
29     image_mapping: medium_4_3
30 breakpoint_group: bartik
31 fallback_image_style: small_16_9