Interim commit.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / libraries / config / schema / libraries.schema.yml
1 # Configuration schema for the Libraries API module.
3 # Base configuration schema
4 libraries.settings:
5   type: config_object
6   label: 'Libraries API settings'
7   mapping:
8     definition:
9       type: mapping
10       label: 'Library definition settings'
11       mapping:
12         local:
13           type: mapping
14           label: 'Local'
15           mapping:
16             path:
17               type: path
18               label: 'Local path'
19         remote:
20           type: mapping
21           title: 'Remote'
22           mapping:
23             enable:
24               type: boolean
25               label: 'Enable remote fetching of library definitions'
26             urls:
27               type: sequence
28               label: 'A list of remote library registry URLs'
29               sequence:
30                 type: uri
31                 label: 'The URL of a remote library registry'
32     global_locators:
33       type: sequence
34       title: 'Global library locators'
35       sequence:
36         type: mapping
37         title: 'Global locator plugins'
38         mapping:
39           id:
40             type: string
41             title: 'The locator plugin id'
42           configuration:
43             type: libraries.locator.[]
44             title: 'The plugin configuration'
46 # Dynamic locator plugin schema
47 libraries.locator.uri:
48   type: mapping
49   label: 'URI locator configuration'
50   mapping:
51     uri:
52       type: uri
53       label: 'The locator URI'