Further changes for the Use cases on the live site.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / migrate_plus / migrate_plus.install
1 <?php
3 /**
4  * @file
5  * Install, update, and uninstall functions for migrate_plus.
6  */
8 /**
9  * Converts 8.0.x core migration entities to 8.1.x migrate_plus entities.
10  */
11 function migrate_plus_update_8100() {
12   // We cannot use the configration entity system directly, because the entity
13   // type migrate.migration.* no longer exists - we must directly manipulate
14   // the config table.
15   $database = \Drupal::database();
16   $migration_config = $database->select('config', 'c')
17     ->fields('c', ['name', 'data'])
18     ->condition('name', 'migrate.migration.%', 'LIKE')
19     ->execute();
20   foreach ($migration_config as $migration) {
21     $data = unserialize($migration->data);
22     if (isset($data['third_party_settings']['migrate_plus']['migration_group'])) {
23       $data['migration_group'] = $data['third_party_settings']['migrate_plus']['migration_group'];
24       unset($data['third_party_settings']['migrate_plus']);
25       if (empty($data['third_party_settings'])) {
26         unset($data['third_party_settings']);
27       }
28       $new_name = str_replace('migrate.migration.', 'migrate_plus.migration.', $migration->name);
29       $database->update('config')
30         ->fields([
31           'name' => $new_name,
32           'data' => serialize($data),
33         ])
34         ->condition('name', $migration->name)
35         ->execute();
36     }
37   }
38 }