application = new ApplicationWithTerminalWidth('TestApplication', '0.0.0'); $this->commandFactory = new AnnotatedCommandFactory(); // $factory->addListener(...); $alterOptionsEventManager = new AlterOptionsCommandEvent($this->application); $eventDispatcher = new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher(); $eventDispatcher->addSubscriber($this->commandFactory->commandProcessor()->hookManager()); $this->commandFactory->commandProcessor()->hookManager()->addCommandEvent($alterOptionsEventManager); $this->application->setDispatcher($eventDispatcher); $this->application->setAutoExit(false); $discovery = new CommandFileDiscovery(); $discovery ->setSearchPattern('*CommandFile.php') ->setIncludeFilesAtBase(false) ->setSearchLocations(['alpha']); chdir(__DIR__); $commandFiles = $discovery->discover('.', '\Consolidation\TestUtils'); $formatter = new FormatterManager(); $formatter->addDefaultFormatters(); $formatter->addDefaultSimplifiers(); $terminalWidthOption = new PrepareTerminalWidthOption(); $terminalWidthOption->setApplication($this->application); $this->commandFactory->commandProcessor()->setFormatterManager($formatter); $this->commandFactory->commandProcessor()->addPrepareFormatter($terminalWidthOption); $this->commandFactory->setIncludeAllPublicMethods(false); $this->addDiscoveredCommands($this->commandFactory, $commandFiles); $helpCommandfile = new HelpCommand($this->application); $commandList = $this->commandFactory->createCommandsFromClass($helpCommandfile); foreach ($commandList as $command) { $this->application->add($command); } } public function addDiscoveredCommands($factory, $commandFiles) { foreach ($commandFiles as $path => $commandClass) { $this->assertFileExists($path); if (!class_exists($commandClass)) { include $path; } $commandInstance = new $commandClass(); $commandList = $factory->createCommandsFromClass($commandInstance); foreach ($commandList as $command) { $this->application->add($command); } } } function assertRunCommandViaApplicationEquals($cmd, $expectedOutput, $expectedStatusCode = 0) { $input = new StringInput($cmd); $output = new BufferedOutput(); $statusCode = $this->application->run($input, $output); $commandOutput = trim($output->fetch()); $expectedOutput = $this->simplifyWhitespace($expectedOutput); $commandOutput = $this->simplifyWhitespace($commandOutput); $this->assertEquals($expectedOutput, $commandOutput); $this->assertEquals($expectedStatusCode, $statusCode); } function simplifyWhitespace($data) { return trim(preg_replace('#\s+$#m', '', $data)); } function testHelp() { $expectedXML = << example:table [--format [FORMAT]] [--fields [FIELDS]] [--field FIELD] [--] [<unused>] example:table --format=yml Show the example table in yml format. example:table --fields=first,third Show only the first and third fields in the table. example:table --fields=II,III Note that either the field ID or the visible field label may be used. Test command with formatters An unused argument Test command with formatters extab docs-tables EOT; $this->assertRunCommandViaApplicationEquals('my-help --format=xml example:table', $expectedXML); $expectedJSON = <<]" ], "examples": [ { "usage": "example:table --format=yml", "description": "Show the example table in yml format." }, { "usage": "example:table --fields=first,third", "description": "Show only the first and third fields in the table." }, { "usage": "example:table --fields=II,III", "description": "Note that either the field ID or the visible field label may be used." } ], "description": "Test command with formatters", "arguments": { "unused": { "name": "unused", "is_required": "0", "is_array": "0", "description": "An unused argument" } }, "options": { "format": { "name": "--format", "shortcut": "", "accept_value": "1", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Format the result data. Available formats: csv,json,list,php,print-r,sections,string,table,tsv,var_export,xml,yaml", "defaults": [ "table" ] }, "fields": { "name": "--fields", "shortcut": "", "accept_value": "1", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Available fields: I (first), II (second), III (third)" }, "field": { "name": "--field", "shortcut": "", "accept_value": "1", "is_value_required": "1", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Select just one field, and force format to 'string'." }, "help": { "name": "--help", "shortcut": "-h", "accept_value": "0", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Display this help message" }, "quiet": { "name": "--quiet", "shortcut": "-q", "accept_value": "0", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Do not output any message" }, "verbose": { "name": "--verbose", "shortcut": "-v", "shortcuts": "-v|-vv|-vvv", "accept_value": "0", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug" }, "version": { "name": "--version", "shortcut": "-V", "accept_value": "0", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Display this application version" }, "ansi": { "name": "--ansi", "shortcut": "", "accept_value": "0", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Force ANSI output" }, "no-ansi": { "name": "--no-ansi", "shortcut": "", "accept_value": "0", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Disable ANSI output" }, "no-interaction": { "name": "--no-interaction", "shortcut": "-n", "accept_value": "0", "is_value_required": "0", "is_multiple": "0", "description": "Do not ask any interactive question" } }, "help": "Test command with formatters", "aliases": [ "extab" ], "topics": [ "docs-tables" ] } EOT; $this->assertRunCommandViaApplicationEquals('my-help --format=json example:table', $expectedJSON); } }