language: php branches: # Only test the master branch and SemVer tags. only: - master - /^[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+.*$/ matrix: include: - php: 7.1 env: 'HIGHEST_LOWEST="update" STABILITY="RC"' - php: 7.0.11 - php: 5.6 - php: 5.5 - php: 5.4 env: 'HIGHEST_LOWEST="update --prefer-lowest"' sudo: false cache: directories: - vendor - $HOME/.composer/cache before_script: # If running a highest/lowest dependencies test, get rid of composer.lock - | if [ -n "$HIGHEST_LOWEST" ] ; then rm composer.lock composer config --unset platform.php composer config minimum-stability ${STABILITY-stable} fi - 'composer -n ${HIGHEST_LOWEST-install} --prefer-dist' - composer why symfony/console # Print out all of the installed packages in alphabetical order, with versions - composer licenses script: - vendor/bin/phpunit - vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 -n src after_success: - travis_retry php vendor/bin/coveralls -v