'\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\StringFormatter', 'yaml' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\YamlFormatter', 'xml' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\XmlFormatter', 'json' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\JsonFormatter', 'print-r' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\PrintRFormatter', 'php' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\SerializeFormatter', 'var_export' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\VarExportFormatter', 'list' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\ListFormatter', 'csv' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\CsvFormatter', 'tsv' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\TsvFormatter', 'table' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\TableFormatter', 'sections' => '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\SectionsFormatter', ]; if (class_exists('Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\CliDumper')) { $defaultFormatters['var_dump'] = '\Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Formatters\VarDumpFormatter'; } foreach ($defaultFormatters as $id => $formatterClassname) { $formatter = new $formatterClassname; $this->addFormatter($id, $formatter); } $this->addFormatter('', $this->formatters['string']); } public function addDefaultSimplifiers() { // Add our default array simplifier (DOMDocument to array) $this->addSimplifier(new DomToArraySimplifier()); } /** * Add a formatter * * @param string $key the identifier of the formatter to add * @param string $formatter the class name of the formatter to add * @return FormatterManager */ public function addFormatter($key, FormatterInterface $formatter) { $this->formatters[$key] = $formatter; return $this; } /** * Add a simplifier * * @param SimplifyToArrayInterface $simplifier the array simplifier to add * @return FormatterManager */ public function addSimplifier(SimplifyToArrayInterface $simplifier) { $this->arraySimplifiers[] = $simplifier; return $this; } /** * Return a set of InputOption based on the annotations of a command. * @param FormatterOptions $options * @return InputOption[] */ public function automaticOptions(FormatterOptions $options, $dataType) { $automaticOptions = []; // At the moment, we only support automatic options for --format // and --fields, so exit if the command returns no data. if (!isset($dataType)) { return []; } $validFormats = $this->validFormats($dataType); if (empty($validFormats)) { return []; } $availableFields = $options->get(FormatterOptions::FIELD_LABELS); $hasDefaultStringField = $options->get(FormatterOptions::DEFAULT_STRING_FIELD); $defaultFormat = $hasDefaultStringField ? 'string' : ($availableFields ? 'table' : 'yaml'); if (count($validFormats) > 1) { // Make an input option for --format $description = 'Format the result data. Available formats: ' . implode(',', $validFormats); $automaticOptions[FormatterOptions::FORMAT] = new InputOption(FormatterOptions::FORMAT, '', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, $description, $defaultFormat); } if ($availableFields) { $defaultFields = $options->get(FormatterOptions::DEFAULT_FIELDS, [], ''); $description = 'Available fields: ' . implode(', ', $this->availableFieldsList($availableFields)); $automaticOptions[FormatterOptions::FIELDS] = new InputOption(FormatterOptions::FIELDS, '', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, $description, $defaultFields); $automaticOptions[FormatterOptions::FIELD] = new InputOption(FormatterOptions::FIELD, '', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "Select just one field, and force format to 'string'.", ''); } return $automaticOptions; } /** * Given a list of available fields, return a list of field descriptions. * @return string[] */ protected function availableFieldsList($availableFields) { return array_map( function ($key) use ($availableFields) { return $availableFields[$key] . " ($key)"; }, array_keys($availableFields) ); } /** * Return the identifiers for all valid data types that have been registered. * * @param mixed $dataType \ReflectionObject or other description of the produced data type * @return array */ public function validFormats($dataType) { $validFormats = []; foreach ($this->formatters as $formatId => $formatterName) { $formatter = $this->getFormatter($formatId); if (!empty($formatId) && $this->isValidFormat($formatter, $dataType)) { $validFormats[] = $formatId; } } sort($validFormats); return $validFormats; } public function isValidFormat(FormatterInterface $formatter, $dataType) { if (is_array($dataType)) { $dataType = new \ReflectionClass('\ArrayObject'); } if (!is_object($dataType) && !class_exists($dataType)) { return false; } if (!$dataType instanceof \ReflectionClass) { $dataType = new \ReflectionClass($dataType); } return $this->isValidDataType($formatter, $dataType); } public function isValidDataType(FormatterInterface $formatter, \ReflectionClass $dataType) { if ($this->canSimplifyToArray($dataType)) { if ($this->isValidFormat($formatter, [])) { return true; } } // If the formatter does not implement ValidationInterface, then // it is presumed that the formatter only accepts arrays. if (!$formatter instanceof ValidationInterface) { return $dataType->isSubclassOf('ArrayObject') || ($dataType->getName() == 'ArrayObject'); } return $formatter->isValidDataType($dataType); } /** * Format and write output * * @param OutputInterface $output Output stream to write to * @param string $format Data format to output in * @param mixed $structuredOutput Data to output * @param FormatterOptions $options Formatting options */ public function write(OutputInterface $output, $format, $structuredOutput, FormatterOptions $options) { $formatter = $this->getFormatter((string)$format); if (!is_string($structuredOutput) && !$this->isValidFormat($formatter, $structuredOutput)) { $validFormats = $this->validFormats($structuredOutput); throw new InvalidFormatException((string)$format, $structuredOutput, $validFormats); } if ($structuredOutput instanceof FormatterAwareInterface) { $structuredOutput->setFormatter($formatter); } // Give the formatter a chance to override the options $options = $this->overrideOptions($formatter, $structuredOutput, $options); $restructuredOutput = $this->validateAndRestructure($formatter, $structuredOutput, $options); if ($formatter instanceof MetadataFormatterInterface) { $formatter->writeMetadata($output, $structuredOutput, $options); } $formatter->write($output, $restructuredOutput, $options); } protected function validateAndRestructure(FormatterInterface $formatter, $structuredOutput, FormatterOptions $options) { // Give the formatter a chance to do something with the // raw data before it is restructured. $overrideRestructure = $this->overrideRestructure($formatter, $structuredOutput, $options); if ($overrideRestructure) { return $overrideRestructure; } // Restructure the output data (e.g. select fields to display, etc.). $restructuredOutput = $this->restructureData($structuredOutput, $options); // Make sure that the provided data is in the correct format for the selected formatter. $restructuredOutput = $this->validateData($formatter, $restructuredOutput, $options); // Give the original data a chance to re-render the structured // output after it has been restructured and validated. $restructuredOutput = $this->renderData($formatter, $structuredOutput, $restructuredOutput, $options); return $restructuredOutput; } /** * Fetch the requested formatter. * * @param string $format Identifier for requested formatter * @return FormatterInterface */ public function getFormatter($format) { // The client must inject at least one formatter before asking for // any formatters; if not, we will provide all of the usual defaults // as a convenience. if (empty($this->formatters)) { $this->addDefaultFormatters(); $this->addDefaultSimplifiers(); } if (!$this->hasFormatter($format)) { throw new UnknownFormatException($format); } $formatter = $this->formatters[$format]; return $formatter; } /** * Test to see if the stipulated format exists */ public function hasFormatter($format) { return array_key_exists($format, $this->formatters); } /** * Render the data as necessary (e.g. to select or reorder fields). * * @param FormatterInterface $formatter * @param mixed $originalData * @param mixed $restructuredData * @param FormatterOptions $options Formatting options * @return mixed */ public function renderData(FormatterInterface $formatter, $originalData, $restructuredData, FormatterOptions $options) { if ($formatter instanceof RenderDataInterface) { return $formatter->renderData($originalData, $restructuredData, $options); } return $restructuredData; } /** * Determine if the provided data is compatible with the formatter being used. * * @param FormatterInterface $formatter Formatter being used * @param mixed $structuredOutput Data to validate * @return mixed */ public function validateData(FormatterInterface $formatter, $structuredOutput, FormatterOptions $options) { // If the formatter implements ValidationInterface, then let it // test the data and throw or return an error if ($formatter instanceof ValidationInterface) { return $formatter->validate($structuredOutput); } // If the formatter does not implement ValidationInterface, then // it will never be passed an ArrayObject; we will always give // it a simple array. $structuredOutput = $this->simplifyToArray($structuredOutput, $options); // If we could not simplify to an array, then throw an exception. // We will never give a formatter anything other than an array // unless it validates that it can accept the data type. if (!is_array($structuredOutput)) { throw new IncompatibleDataException( $formatter, $structuredOutput, [] ); } return $structuredOutput; } protected function simplifyToArray($structuredOutput, FormatterOptions $options) { // We can do nothing unless the provided data is an object. if (!is_object($structuredOutput)) { return $structuredOutput; } // Check to see if any of the simplifiers can convert the given data // set to an array. $outputDataType = new \ReflectionClass($structuredOutput); foreach ($this->arraySimplifiers as $simplifier) { if ($simplifier->canSimplify($outputDataType)) { $structuredOutput = $simplifier->simplifyToArray($structuredOutput, $options); } } // Convert data structure back into its original form, if necessary. if ($structuredOutput instanceof OriginalDataInterface) { return $structuredOutput->getOriginalData(); } // Convert \ArrayObjects to a simple array. if ($structuredOutput instanceof \ArrayObject) { return $structuredOutput->getArrayCopy(); } return $structuredOutput; } protected function canSimplifyToArray(\ReflectionClass $structuredOutput) { foreach ($this->arraySimplifiers as $simplifier) { if ($simplifier->canSimplify($structuredOutput)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Restructure the data as necessary (e.g. to select or reorder fields). * * @param mixed $structuredOutput * @param FormatterOptions $options * @return mixed */ public function restructureData($structuredOutput, FormatterOptions $options) { if ($structuredOutput instanceof RestructureInterface) { return $structuredOutput->restructure($options); } return $structuredOutput; } /** * Allow the formatter access to the raw structured data prior * to restructuring. For example, the 'list' formatter may wish * to display the row keys when provided table output. If this * function returns a result that does not evaluate to 'false', * then that result will be used as-is, and restructuring and * validation will not occur. * * @param mixed $structuredOutput * @param FormatterOptions $options * @return mixed */ public function overrideRestructure(FormatterInterface $formatter, $structuredOutput, FormatterOptions $options) { if ($formatter instanceof OverrideRestructureInterface) { return $formatter->overrideRestructure($structuredOutput, $options); } } /** * Allow the formatter to mess with the configuration options before any * transformations et. al. get underway. * @param FormatterInterface $formatter * @param mixed $structuredOutput * @param FormatterOptions $options * @return FormatterOptions */ public function overrideOptions(FormatterInterface $formatter, $structuredOutput, FormatterOptions $options) { if ($formatter instanceof OverrideOptionsInterface) { return $formatter->overrideOptions($structuredOutput, $options); } return $options; } }