description: 'Generates a site alias.' help: 'The generate:site:alias command helps you generate a new site alias.' options: name: 'Site name.' environment: 'Environment name.' type: 'The site type.' composer-root: 'The Drupal root project directory.' host: 'The ip/domain name of the remote system. Not required on local sites.' port: 'The port to use when connecting via ssh.' user: 'The username to use when connecting via ssh.' extra-options: 'Used only when the target requires extra options, such as alternative authentication method and/or alternative identity file.' site-uri: 'Drupal uri (for multi-sites).' directory: 'Directory to store the generated site alias.' questions: name: 'Select or enter the site name' environment: 'Enter the environment name (dev, test, prod, qa, dev.uri, test.uri, etc...)' type: 'Select site type. Allowed options [local, ssh or container].' composer-root: 'Enter the Drupal root project directory.' host: 'Enter the ip/domain name of the remote system.' port: 'Enter the port to use when connecting via ssh.' user: 'Enter the username to use when connecting via ssh.' extra-options: 'Select or enter a valid extra option.' site-uri: 'Enter the Drupal uri (for multi-sites).' directory: 'Select the directory to store the generated site alias.'