@drushTest @drush Feature: Drush-specific steps In order to prove that the drush driver is working properly As a developer I need to be able to use the steps provided here Scenario: drush command with text matching: drush output correct status Given I run drush "st" Then drush output should contain "Drupal version" Then drush output should contain "Site URI" Then drush output should match "/.*Site\sURI\s+:.*/" Then drush output should contain "Database driver" Then drush output should contain "Successful" Then drush output should not contain "NonExistantWord" Scenario: drush command with arguments: re-enable toolbar Given I run drush "en" "toolbar -y" And I run drush "en" "toolbar -y" Then drush output should contain "toolbar is already enabled." Scenario: Create and view a node with fields using the Drush driver Given I am viewing an "Article": | title | My article with fields! | | body | A placeholder | Then I should see the heading "My article with fields!" And I should see the text "A placeholder"