# This file is for customizing the Docker environment which is used to develop # Drush. If you are just using Drush to run commands, you may ignore this file # and docker-compose.yml. # # Uncomment to change versions of php and DBs # POSTGRES_TAG= # MARIADB_TAG= # PHP_TAG= # # UNISH_NO_TIMEOUTS=y # Uncomment to run tests against a different DB. Defaults to mysql. # UNISH_DB_URL=pgsql://unish:unish@postgres # UNISH_DB_URL=sqlite://sut/sites/default/files/.ht.sqlite # # XDebug defaults to Off in the php container. # Uncomment to enable XDebug. See https://wodby.com/stacks/drupal/docs/local/xdebug/. # When Xdebug first successfully connects back to PHPStorm, you are prompted to create a Server called unish # Then you are prompted to add path mappings (its mandatory). # PHP_XDEBUG=1 # PHP_XDEBUG_DEFAULT_ENABLE=1 # PHP_IDE_CONFIG=serverName=unish # PHP_XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST=host.docker.internal