'Enrich the bash startup file with completion and aliases. Copy .drushrc file to ~/.drush', 'aliases' => array('init'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'package' => 'core', 'global-options' => array('editor', 'bg'), 'options' => array( 'edit' => 'Open the new config file in an editor.', 'add-path' => "Always add Drush to the \$PATH in the user's .bashrc file, even if it is already in the \$PATH. Use --no-add-path to skip updating .bashrc with the Drush \$PATH. Default is to update .bashrc only if Drush is not already in the \$PATH.", ), 'examples' => array( 'drush core-init --edit' => 'Enrich Bash and open drush config file in editor.', 'drush core-init --edit --bg' => 'Return to shell prompt as soon as the editor window opens.', ), ); return $items; } /** * Initialize local Drush configuration */ function drush_init_core_init() { $home = drush_server_home(); $drush_config_dir = $home . "/.drush"; $drush_config_file = $drush_config_dir . "/drushrc.php"; $drush_bashrc = $drush_config_dir . "/drush.bashrc"; $drush_prompt = $drush_config_dir . "/drush.prompt.sh"; $drush_complete = $drush_config_dir . "/drush.complete.sh"; $examples_dir = DRUSH_BASE_PATH . "/examples"; $example_configuration = $examples_dir . "/example.drushrc.php"; $example_bashrc = $examples_dir . "/example.bashrc"; $example_prompt = $examples_dir . "/example.prompt.sh"; $example_complete = DRUSH_BASE_PATH . "/drush.complete.sh"; $bashrc_additions = array(); // Create a ~/.drush directory if it does not yet exist if (!is_dir($drush_config_dir)) { drush_mkdir($drush_config_dir); } // If there is no ~/.drush/drushrc.php, then copy the // example Drush configuration file here if (!is_file($drush_config_file)) { copy($example_configuration, $drush_config_file); drush_log(dt("Copied example Drush configuration file to !path", array('!path' => $drush_config_file)), LogLevel::OK); } // If there is no ~/.drush/drush.bashrc file, then copy // the example bashrc file there if (!is_file($drush_bashrc)) { copy($example_bashrc, $drush_bashrc); $pattern = basename($drush_bashrc); $bashrc_additions["%$pattern%"] = "# Include Drush bash customizations.\n". drush_bash_addition($drush_bashrc); drush_log(dt("Copied example Drush bash configuration file to !path", array('!path' => $drush_bashrc)), LogLevel::OK); } // If there is no ~/.drush/drush.complete.sh file, then copy it there if (!is_file($drush_complete)) { copy($example_complete, $drush_complete); $pattern = basename($drush_complete); $bashrc_additions["%$pattern%"] = "# Include Drush completion.\n". drush_bash_addition($drush_complete); drush_log(dt("Copied Drush completion file to !path", array('!path' => $drush_complete)), LogLevel::OK); } // If there is no ~/.drush/drush.prompt.sh file, then copy // the example prompt.sh file here if (!is_file($drush_prompt)) { copy($example_prompt, $drush_prompt); $pattern = basename($drush_prompt); $bashrc_additions["%$pattern%"] = "# Include Drush prompt customizations.\n". drush_bash_addition($drush_prompt); drush_log(dt("Copied example Drush prompt file to !path", array('!path' => $drush_prompt)), LogLevel::OK); } // Decide whether we want to add our Bash commands to // ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile $bashrc = drush_init_find_bashrc($home); // If Drush is not in the $PATH, then figure out which // path to add so that Drush can be found globally. $add_path = drush_get_option('add-path', NULL); if ((!drush_which("drush") || $add_path) && ($add_path !== FALSE)) { $drush_path = drush_find_path_to_drush($home); $drush_path = preg_replace("%^" . preg_quote($home) . "/%", '$HOME/', $drush_path); $bashrc_additions["%$drush_path%"] = "# Path to Drush, added by 'drush init'.\nexport PATH=\"\$PATH:$drush_path\"\n\n"; } // Modify the user's bashrc file, adding our customizations. $bashrc_contents = ""; if (file_exists($bashrc)) { $bashrc_contents = file_get_contents($bashrc); } $new_bashrc_contents = $bashrc_contents; foreach ($bashrc_additions as $pattern => $addition) { // Only put in the addition if the pattern does not already // exist in the bashrc file. if (!preg_match($pattern, $new_bashrc_contents)) { $new_bashrc_contents = $new_bashrc_contents . $addition; } } if ($new_bashrc_contents != $bashrc_contents) { if (drush_confirm(dt(implode('', $bashrc_additions) . "Append the above code to !file?", array('!file' => $bashrc)))) { file_put_contents($bashrc, "\n\n". $new_bashrc_contents); drush_log(dt("Updated bash configuration file !path", array('!path' => $bashrc)), LogLevel::OK); drush_log(dt("Start a new shell in order to experience the improvements (e.g. `bash`)."), LogLevel::OK); if (drush_get_option('edit')) { $exec = drush_get_editor(); drush_shell_exec_interactive($exec, $drush_config_file, $drush_config_file); } } else { return drush_user_abort(); } } else { drush_log(dt('No code added to !path', array('!path' => $bashrc)), LogLevel::OK); } } /** * Determine which .bashrc file is best to use on this platform. */ function drush_init_find_bashrc($home) { return $home . "/.bashrc"; } /** * Determine where Drush is located, so that we can add * that location to the $PATH */ function drush_find_path_to_drush($home) { // First test: is Drush inside a vendor directory? // Does vendor/bin exist? If so, use that. We do // not have a good way to locate the 'bin' directory // if it has been relocated in the composer.json config // section. if ($vendor_pos = strpos(DRUSH_BASE_PATH, "/vendor/")) { $vendor_dir = substr(DRUSH_BASE_PATH, 0, $vendor_pos + 7); $vendor_bin = $vendor_dir . '/bin'; if (is_dir($vendor_bin)) { return $vendor_bin; } } // Fallback is to use the directory that Drush is in. return DRUSH_BASE_PATH; } function drush_bash_addition($file) { return <<