self::REQ, 'format' => 'table']) { $data = $this->getPropertyList($options); $result = new PropertyList($data); $result->addRendererFunction([$this, 'renderStatusCell']); return $result; } public function getPropertyList($options) { $boot_manager = Drush::bootstrapManager(); $boot_object = Drush::bootstrap(); if (($drupal_root = $boot_manager->getRoot()) && ($boot_object instanceof DrupalBoot)) { $status_table['drupal-version'] = $boot_object->getVersion($drupal_root); $conf_dir = $boot_object->confPath(); $settings_file = "$conf_dir/settings.php"; $status_table['drupal-settings-file'] = file_exists($settings_file) ? $settings_file : ''; if ($boot_manager->hasBootstrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE)) { $status_table['uri'] = $boot_manager->getUri(); try { $sql = SqlBase::create($options); $db_spec = $sql->getDbSpec(); $status_table['db-driver'] = $db_spec['driver']; if (!empty($db_spec['unix_socket'])) { $status_table['db-socket'] = $db_spec['unix_socket']; } elseif (isset($db_spec['host'])) { $status_table['db-hostname'] = $db_spec['host']; } $status_table['db-username'] = isset($db_spec['username']) ? $db_spec['username'] : null; $status_table['db-password'] = isset($db_spec['password']) ? $db_spec['password'] : null; $status_table['db-name'] = isset($db_spec['database']) ? $db_spec['database'] : null; $status_table['db-port'] = isset($db_spec['port']) ? $db_spec['port'] : null; if ($boot_manager->hasBootstrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION)) { if (method_exists('Drupal', 'installProfile')) { $status_table['install-profile'] = \Drupal::installProfile(); } if ($boot_manager->hasBootstrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_DATABASE)) { $status_table['db-status'] = dt('Connected'); if ($boot_manager->hasBootstrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL)) { $status_table['bootstrap'] = dt('Successful'); } } } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Don't worry be happy. } } if ($boot_manager->hasBootstrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL)) { $status_table['theme'] = \Drupal::config('system.theme')->get('default'); $status_table['admin-theme'] = $theme = \Drupal::config('system.theme')->get('admin') ?: 'seven'; } } $status_table['php-bin'] = PHP_BINARY; $status_table['php-os'] = PHP_OS; if ($phpIniFiles = EditCommands::phpIniFiles()) { $status_table['php-conf'] = $phpIniFiles; } $status_table['drush-script'] = DRUSH_COMMAND; $status_table['drush-version'] = Drush::getVersion(); $status_table['drush-temp'] = $this->getConfig()->tmp(); $status_table['drush-cache-directory'] = $this->getConfig()->cache(); $status_table['drush-conf'] = Drush::config()->get('runtime.config.paths'); // List available alias files $alias_files = $this->siteAliasManager()->listAllFilePaths(); sort($alias_files); $status_table['drush-alias-files'] = $alias_files; $alias_searchpaths = $this->siteAliasManager()->searchLocations(); $status_table['alias-searchpaths'] = $alias_searchpaths; $paths = self::pathAliases($options, $boot_manager, $boot_object); if (!empty($paths)) { foreach ($paths as $target => $one_path) { $name = $target; if (substr($name, 0, 1) == '%') { $name = substr($name, 1); } $status_table[$name] = $one_path; } } // Store the paths into the '%paths' index; this will be // used by other code, but will not be included in the output // of the drush status command. $status_table['%paths'] = $paths; return $status_table; } public function renderStatusCell($key, $cellData, FormatterOptions $options) { if (is_array($cellData)) { return implode("\n", $cellData); } return $cellData; } /** * @hook pre-command core-status */ public function adjustStatusOptions(CommandData $commandData) { $input = $commandData->input(); $args = $input->getArguments(); if (!empty($args['filter'])) { $input->setOption('fields', '*' . $args['filter'] . '*'); } } /** * @param array $options * @param BootstrapManager $boot_manager * @return array */ public static function pathAliases(array $options, BootstrapManager $boot_manager, $boot) { $paths = []; $site_wide = 'sites/all'; if ($drupal_root = $boot_manager->getRoot()) { $paths['%root'] = $drupal_root; if (($boot instanceof DrupalBoot) && ($site_root = $boot->confPath())) { $paths['%site'] = $site_root; if (is_dir($modules_path = $site_root . '/modules')) { $paths['%modules'] = $modules_path; } else { $paths['%modules'] = ltrim($site_wide . '/modules', '/'); } if (is_dir($themes_path = $site_root . '/themes')) { $paths['%themes'] = $themes_path; } else { $paths['%themes'] = ltrim($site_wide . '/themes', '/'); } if ($boot_manager->hasBootstrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION)) { try { if (isset($GLOBALS['config_directories'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['config_directories'] as $label => $unused) { $paths["%config-$label"] = config_get_config_directory($label); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Nothing to do. } } if ($boot_manager->hasBootstrapped(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL)) { $paths['%files'] = PublicStream::basePath(); $paths['%temp'] = file_directory_temp(); if ($private_path = PrivateStream::basePath()) { $paths['%private'] = $private_path; } $modules = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->getModuleList(); $themes = \Drupal::service('theme_handler')->listInfo(); $projects = array_merge($modules, $themes); foreach (explode(',', $options['project']) as $target) { if (array_key_exists($target, $projects)) { $paths['%' . $target] = $drupal_root . '/' . $projects[$target]->getPath(); } } } } } // Add in all of the global paths from $options['path-aliases'] // @todo is this used? if (isset($options['path-aliases'])) { $paths = array_merge($paths, $options['path-aliases']); } return $paths; } }