true, 'entity-updates' => false, 'post-updates' => true]) { $this->cache_clear = $options['cache-clear']; require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/'; require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/'; drupal_load_updates(); // Disables extensions that have a lower Drupal core major version, or too high of a PHP requirement. // Those are rare, and this function does a full rebuild. So commenting it out for now. // update_fix_compatibility(); // Check requirements before updating. if (!$this->updateCheckRequirements()) { if (!$this->io()->confirm(dt('Requirements check reports errors. Do you wish to continue?'))) { throw new UserAbortException(); } } $return = drush_invoke_process('@self', 'updatedb:status', [], ['entity-updates' => $options['entity-updates'], 'post-updates' => $options['post-updates']]); if ($return['error_status']) { throw new \Exception('Failed getting update status.'); } elseif (empty($return['object'])) { // Do nothing. updatedb:status already logged a message. } else { if (!$this->io()->confirm(dt('Do you wish to run the specified pending updates?'))) { throw new UserAbortException(); } if (Drush::simulate()) { $success = true; } else { $success = $this->updateBatch($options); // Caches were just cleared in updateFinished callback. } if (!$success) { drush_set_context('DRUSH_EXIT_CODE', DRUSH_FRAMEWORK_ERROR); } $level = $success ? ConsoleLogLevel::SUCCESS : LogLevel::ERROR; $this->logger()->log($level, dt('Finished performing updates.')); } } /** * Apply pending entity schema updates. * * @command entity:updates * @option cache-clear Set to 0 to suppress normal cache clearing; the caller should then clear if needed. * @bootstrap full * @kernel update * @aliases entup,entity-updates * @usage drush updatedb:status --entity-updates | grep entity-update * Use updatedb:status to detect pending updates. * */ public function entityUpdates($options = ['cache-clear' => true]) { if (Drush::simulate()) { throw new \Exception(dt('entity-updates command does not support --simulate option.')); } if ($this->entityUpdatesMain() === false) { throw new \Exception('Entity updates not run.'); } if ($options['cache-clear']) { drush_drupal_cache_clear_all(); } $this->logger()->success(dt('Finished performing updates.')); } /** * List any pending database updates. * * @command updatedb:status * @option entity-updates Show entity schema updates. * @option post-updates Show post updates. * @bootstrap full * @kernel update * @aliases updbst,updatedb-status * @field-labels * module: Module * update_id: Update ID * description: Description * type: Type * @default-fields module,update_id,type,description * @return \Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields */ public function updatedbStatus($options = ['format'=> 'table', 'entity-updates' => true, 'post-updates' => true]) { require_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_CORE . '/includes/'; drupal_load_updates(); list($pending, $start) = $this->getUpdatedbStatus($options); if (empty($pending)) { $this->logger()->success(dt("No database updates required.")); } else { return new RowsOfFields($pending); } } /** * Process operations in the specified batch set. * * @command updatedb:batch-process * @param string $batch_id The batch id that will be processed. * @bootstrap full * @kernel update * @hidden */ public function process($batch_id) { // Suppress the output of the batch process command. This is intended to // be passed to the initiating command rather than being output to the // console. $this->output()->setVerbosity(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET); return drush_batch_command($batch_id); } /** * Perform one update and store the results which will later be displayed on * the finished page. * * An update function can force the current and all later updates for this * module to abort by returning a $ret array with an element like: * $ret['#abort'] = array('success' => FALSE, 'query' => 'What went wrong'); * The schema version will not be updated in this case, and all the * aborted updates will continue to appear on update.php as updates that * have not yet been run. * * @param $module * The module whose update will be run. * @param $number * The update number to run. * @param $context * The batch context array */ public function updateDoOne($module, $number, $dependency_map, &$context) { $function = $module . '_update_' . $number; // Disable config entity overrides. if (!defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) { define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'update'); } // If this update was aborted in a previous step, or has a dependency that // was aborted in a previous step, go no further. if (!empty($context['results']['#abort']) && array_intersect($context['results']['#abort'], array_merge($dependency_map, [$function]))) { return; } $context['log'] = false; \Drupal::moduleHandler()->loadInclude($module, 'install'); $ret = []; if (function_exists($function)) { try { if ($context['log']) { Database::startLog($function); } $this->logger()->notice("Update started: $function"); $ret['results']['query'] = $function($context['sandbox']); $ret['results']['success'] = true; } catch (\Throwable $e) { // PHP 7 introduces Throwable, which covers both Error and Exception throwables. $ret['#abort'] = ['success' => false, 'query' => $e->getMessage()]; $this->logger()->error($e->getMessage()); } catch (\Exception $e) { // In order to be compatible with PHP 5 we also catch regular Exceptions. $ret['#abort'] = ['success' => false, 'query' => $e->getMessage()]; $this->logger()->error($e->getMessage()); } if ($context['log']) { $ret['queries'] = Database::getLog($function); } } else { $ret['#abort'] = ['success' => false]; $this->logger()->warning(dt('Update function @function not found', ['@function' => $function])); } if (isset($context['sandbox']['#finished'])) { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['#finished']; unset($context['sandbox']['#finished']); } if (!isset($context['results'][$module])) { $context['results'][$module] = []; } if (!isset($context['results'][$module][$number])) { $context['results'][$module][$number] = []; } $context['results'][$module][$number] = array_merge($context['results'][$module][$number], $ret); // Log the message that was returned. if (!empty($ret['results']['query'])) { $this->logger()->notice(strip_tags((string) $ret['results']['query'])); } if (!empty($ret['#abort'])) { // Record this function in the list of updates that were aborted. $context['results']['#abort'][] = $function; // Setting this value will output an error message. // @see \DrushBatchContext::offsetSet() $context['error_message'] = "Update failed: $function"; } // Record the schema update if it was completed successfully. if ($context['finished'] == 1 && empty($ret['#abort'])) { drupal_set_installed_schema_version($module, $number); // Setting this value will output a success message. // @see \DrushBatchContext::offsetSet() $context['message'] = "Update completed: $function"; } } /** * Batch command that executes a single post-update. * * @param string $function * The post-update function to execute. * @param array $context * The batch context. */ public function updateDoOnePostUpdate($function, &$context) { $ret = []; // Disable config entity overrides. if (!defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) { define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'update'); } // If this update was aborted in a previous step, or has a dependency that was // aborted in a previous step, go no further. if (!empty($context['results']['#abort'])) { return; } list($module, $name) = explode('_post_update_', $function, 2); module_load_include('php', $module, $module . '.post_update'); if (function_exists($function)) { $this->logger()->notice("Update started: $function"); try { $ret['results']['query'] = $function($context['sandbox']); $ret['results']['success'] = true; if (!isset($context['sandbox']['#finished']) || (isset($context['sandbox']['#finished']) && $context['sandbox']['#finished'] >= 1)) { \Drupal::service('update.post_update_registry')->registerInvokedUpdates([$function]); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // @TODO We may want to do different error handling for different exception // types, but for now we'll just log the exception and return the message // for printing. // @see $this->logger()->error($e->getMessage()); $variables = Error::decodeException($e); unset($variables['backtrace']); $ret['#abort'] = [ 'success' => false, 'query' => t('%type: @message in %function (line %line of %file).', $variables), ]; } } if (isset($context['sandbox']['#finished'])) { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['#finished']; unset($context['sandbox']['#finished']); } if (!isset($context['results'][$module][$name])) { $context['results'][$module][$name] = []; } $context['results'][$module][$name] = array_merge($context['results'][$module][$name], $ret); // Log the message that was returned. if (!empty($ret['results']['query'])) { $this->logger()->notice(strip_tags((string) $ret['results']['query'])); } if (!empty($ret['#abort'])) { // Record this function in the list of updates that were aborted. $context['results']['#abort'][] = $function; // Setting this value will output an error message. // @see \DrushBatchContext::offsetSet() $context['error_message'] = "Update failed: $function"; } else { // Setting this value will output a success message. // @see \DrushBatchContext::offsetSet() $context['message'] = "Update completed: $function"; } } /** * Start the database update batch process. */ public function updateBatch($options) { $start = $this->getUpdateList(); // Resolve any update dependencies to determine the actual updates that will // be run and the order they will be run in. $updates = update_resolve_dependencies($start); // Store the dependencies for each update function in an array which the // batch API can pass in to the batch operation each time it is called. (We // do not store the entire update dependency array here because it is // potentially very large.) $dependency_map = []; foreach ($updates as $function => $update) { $dependency_map[$function] = !empty($update['reverse_paths']) ? array_keys($update['reverse_paths']) : []; } $operations = []; foreach ($updates as $update) { if ($update['allowed']) { // Set the installed version of each module so updates will start at the // correct place. (The updates are already sorted, so we can simply base // this on the first one we come across in the above foreach loop.) if (isset($start[$update['module']])) { drupal_set_installed_schema_version($update['module'], $update['number'] - 1); unset($start[$update['module']]); } // Add this update function to the batch. $function = $update['module'] . '_update_' . $update['number']; $operations[] = [[$this, 'updateDoOne'], [$update['module'], $update['number'], $dependency_map[$function]]]; } } // Perform entity definition updates, which will update storage // schema if needed. If module update functions need to work with specific // entity schema they should call the entity update service for the specific // update themselves. // @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDefinitionUpdateManagerInterface::applyEntityUpdate() // @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDefinitionUpdateManagerInterface::applyFieldUpdate() if ($options['entity-updates'] && \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->needsUpdates()) { $operations[] = [[$this, 'updateEntityDefinitions'], []]; } // Lastly, apply post update hooks if specified. if ($options['post-updates']) { $post_updates = \Drupal::service('update.post_update_registry')->getPendingUpdateFunctions(); if ($post_updates) { if ($operations) { // Only needed if we performed updates earlier. $operations[] = [[$this, 'cacheRebuild'], []]; } foreach ($post_updates as $function) { $operations[] = [[$this, 'updateDoOnePostUpdate'], [$function]]; } } } $batch['operations'] = $operations; $batch += [ 'title' => 'Updating', 'init_message' => 'Starting updates', 'error_message' => 'An unrecoverable error has occurred. You can find the error message below. It is advised to copy it to the clipboard for reference.', 'finished' => [$this, 'updateFinished'], 'file' => 'core/includes/', ]; batch_set($batch); // See updateFinished() for the restore of maint mode. $this->maintenanceModeOriginalState = \Drupal::service('state')->get('system.maintenance_mode'); \Drupal::service('state')->set('system.maintenance_mode', true); $result = drush_backend_batch_process('updatedb:batch-process'); $success = false; if (!is_array($result)) { $this->logger()->error(dt('Batch process did not return a result array. Returned: !type', ['!type' => gettype($result)])); } elseif (!array_key_exists('object', $result)) { $this->logger()->error(dt('Batch process did not return a result object.')); } elseif (!empty($result['object'][0]['#abort'])) { // Whenever an error occurs the batch process does not continue, so // this array should only contain a single item, but we still output // all available data for completeness. $this->logger()->error(dt('Update aborted by: !process', [ '!process' => implode(', ', $result['object'][0]['#abort']), ])); } else { $success = true; } return $success; } /** * Apply entity schema updates. */ public function updateEntityDefinitions(&$context) { try { \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->applyupdates(); } catch (EntityStorageException $e) { watchdog_exception('update', $e); $variables = Error::decodeException($e); unset($variables['backtrace']); // The exception message is run through // \Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup::checkPlain() by // \Drupal\Core\Utility\Error::decodeException(). $ret['#abort'] = ['success' => false, 'query' => t('%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $variables)]; $context['results']['core']['update_entity_definitions'] = $ret; $context['results']['#abort'][] = 'update_entity_definitions'; } } // Copy of protected \Drupal\system\Controller\DbUpdateController::getModuleUpdates. public function getUpdateList() { $return = []; $updates = update_get_update_list(); foreach ($updates as $module => $update) { $return[$module] = $update['start']; } return $return; } /** * Clears caches and rebuilds the container. * * This is called in between regular updates and post updates. Do not use * drush_drupal_cache_clear_all() as the cache clearing and container rebuild * must happen in the same process that the updates are run in. * * Drupal core's update.php uses drupal_flush_all_caches() directly without * explicitly rebuilding the container as the container is rebuilt on the next * HTTP request of the batch. * * @see drush_drupal_cache_clear_all() * @see \Drupal\system\Controller\DbUpdateController::triggerBatch() */ public function cacheRebuild() { drupal_flush_all_caches(); \Drupal::service('kernel')->rebuildContainer(); // Load the module data which has been removed when the container was // rebuilt. $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler(); $module_handler->loadAll(); $module_handler->invokeAll('rebuild'); } /** * Batch update callback, clears the cache if needed, and restores maint mode. * * @see \Drupal\system\Controller\DbUpdateController::batchFinished() * @see \Drupal\system\Controller\DbUpdateController::results() * * @param boolean $success Whether the batch ended without a fatal error. * @param array $results * @param array $operations */ public function updateFinished($success, $results, $operations) { if (!$this->cache_clear) { $this->logger()->info(dt("Skipping cache-clear operation due to --no-cache-clear option.")); } else { drupal_flush_all_caches(); } \Drupal::service('state')->set('system.maintenance_mode', $this->maintenanceModeOriginalState); } /** * Return a 2 item array with * - an array where each item is a 4 item associative array describing a pending update. * - an array listing the first update to run, keyed by module. */ public function getUpdatedbStatus(array $options) { require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/'; $pending = \update_get_update_list(); $return = []; // Ensure system module's updates run first. $start['system'] = []; foreach ($pending as $module => $updates) { if (isset($updates['start'])) { foreach ($updates['pending'] as $update_id => $description) { // Strip cruft from front. $description = str_replace($update_id . ' - ', '', $description); $return[$module . "_update_$update_id"] = [ 'module' => $module, 'update_id' => $update_id, 'description' => $description, 'type'=> 'hook_update_n' ]; } if (isset($updates['start'])) { $start[$module] = $updates['start']; } } } // Append row(s) for pending entity definition updates. if ($options['entity-updates']) { foreach (\Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager() ->getChangeSummary() as $entity_type_id => $changes) { foreach ($changes as $change) { $return[] = [ 'module' => dt('@type entity type', ['@type' => $entity_type_id]), 'update_id' => '', 'description' => strip_tags($change), 'type' => 'entity-update' ]; } } } // Pending hook_post_update_X() implementations. $post_updates = \Drupal::service('update.post_update_registry')->getPendingUpdateInformation(); if ($options['post-updates']) { foreach ($post_updates as $module => $post_update) { foreach ($post_update as $key => $list) { if ($key == 'pending') { foreach ($list as $id => $item) { $return[$module . '-post-' . $id] = [ 'module' => $module, 'update_id' => $id, 'description' => $item, 'type' => 'post-update' ]; } } } } } return [$return, $start]; } /** * Apply pending entity schema updates. */ public function entityUpdatesMain() { $change_summary = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->getChangeSummary(); if (!empty($change_summary)) { $this->output()->writeln(dt('The following updates are pending:')); $this->io()->newLine(); foreach ($change_summary as $entity_type_id => $changes) { $this->output()->writeln($entity_type_id . ' entity type : '); foreach ($changes as $change) { $this->output()->writeln(strip_tags($change), 2); } } if (!$this->io()->confirm(dt('Do you wish to run all pending updates?'))) { throw new UserAbortException(); } $operations[] = [[$this, 'updateEntityDefinitions'], []]; $batch['operations'] = $operations; $batch += [ 'title' => 'Updating', 'init_message' => 'Starting updates', 'error_message' => 'An unrecoverable error has occurred. You can find the error message below. It is advised to copy it to the clipboard for reference.', 'finished' => [$this, 'updateFinished'], ]; batch_set($batch); // See updateFinished() for the restore of maint mode. $this->maintenanceModeOriginalState = \Drupal::service('state')->get('system.maintenance_mode'); \Drupal::service('state')->set('system.maintenance_mode', true); drush_backend_batch_process(); } else { $this->logger()->success(dt("No entity schema updates required")); } } /** * Log messages for any requirements warnings/errors. */ public function updateCheckRequirements() { $return = true; \Drupal::moduleHandler()->resetImplementations(); $requirements = update_check_requirements(); $severity = drupal_requirements_severity($requirements); // If there are issues, report them. if ($severity != REQUIREMENT_OK) { if ($severity === REQUIREMENT_ERROR) { $return = false; } foreach ($requirements as $requirement) { if (isset($requirement['severity']) && $requirement['severity'] != REQUIREMENT_OK) { $message = isset($requirement['description']) ? $requirement['description'] : ''; if (isset($requirement['value']) && $requirement['value']) { $message .= ' (Currently using '. $requirement['title'] .' '. $requirement['value'] .')'; } $log_level = $requirement['severity'] === REQUIREMENT_ERROR ? LogLevel::ERROR : LogLevel::WARNING; $this->logger()->log($log_level, $message); } } } return $return; } }