# Migration configuration for {{ plugin_id }} content. id: {{ plugin_id }} label: {{ plugin_label }} migration_group: {{ migration_group }} source: plugin: {{ plugin_id }} destination: # Specify the destination plugin (usually entity:entity_type). plugin: {{ destination_plugin }} process: # Hardcode the destination node type (bundle) as 'migrate_example_beer'. type: plugin: default_value default_value: migrate_example_beer title: name nid: bid uid: plugin: migration migration: beer_user source: aid sticky: plugin: default_value default_value: 0 field_migrate_example_country: countries field_migrate_example_beer_style: plugin: migration migration: beer_term source: terms # Some Drupal fields may have multiple components we may want to set # separately. For example, text fields may have summaries (teasers) in # addition to the full text value. We use / to separate the field name from # the internal field value being set, and put it in quotes because / is a # YAML special character. 'body/value': body 'body/summary': excerpt # Our beer nodes have references to terms and users, so we want those to be # imported first. We make that dependency explicit here - by putting those # migrations under the 'required' key, we ensure that the tools will prevent # us from running the beer_node migration unless the beer_term and beer_user # migrations are complete (although we can override the dependency check by # passing --force to the drush migrate-import command). We can also add # 'optional' dependencies - these affect the order in which migrations are # displayed, and run by default, but does not force you run them in that # order. # The general rule of thumb is that any migrations referenced by migration # process plugins should be required here. migration_dependencies: required: - beer_term - beer_user dependencies: enforced: module: - migrate_example