homeDir = $homeDir; $this->originalCwd = Path::canonicalize($cwd); $this->etcPrefix = ''; $this->sharePrefix = ''; $this->drushBasePath = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)); $this->vendorDir = FsUtils::realpath(dirname($autoloadFile)); } /** * Load the autoloader for the selected Drupal site * * @param string $root * @return ClassLoader */ public function loadSiteAutoloader($root) { $autloadFilePath = "$root/autoload.php"; if (!file_exists($autloadFilePath)) { return $this->loader; } if ($this->siteLoader) { return $this->siteLoader; } $this->siteLoader = require $autloadFilePath; if ($this->siteLoader === true) { // The autoloader was already required. Assume that Drush and Drupal share an autoloader per // "Point autoload.php to the proper vendor directory" - https://www.drupal.org/node/2404989 $this->siteLoader = $this->loader; } // Ensure that the site's autoloader has highest priority. Usually, // the first classloader registered gets the first shot at loading classes. // We want Drupal's classloader to be used first when a class is loaded, // and have Drush's classloader only be called as a fallback measure. $this->siteLoader->unregister(); $this->siteLoader->register(true); return $this->siteLoader; } /** * Return the name of the user running drush. * * @return string */ protected function getUsername() { $name = null; if (!$name = getenv("username")) { // Windows if (!$name = getenv("USER")) { // If USER not defined, use posix if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $processUser = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); $name = $processUser['name']; } } } return $name; } protected function getTmp() { $directories = []; // Get user specific and operating system temp folders from system environment variables. // See http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/ntcmds_shelloverview.mspx?mfr=true $tempdir = getenv('TEMP'); if (!empty($tempdir)) { $directories[] = $tempdir; } $tmpdir = getenv('TMP'); if (!empty($tmpdir)) { $directories[] = $tmpdir; } // Operating system specific dirs. if (self::isWindows()) { $windir = getenv('WINDIR'); if (isset($windir)) { // WINDIR itself is not writable, but it always contains a /Temp dir, // which is the system-wide temporary directory on older versions. Newer // versions only allow system processes to use it. $directories[] = Path::join($windir, 'Temp'); } } else { $directories[] = Path::canonicalize('/tmp'); } $directories[] = Path::canonicalize(sys_get_temp_dir()); foreach ($directories as $directory) { if (is_dir($directory) && is_writable($directory)) { $temporary_directory = $directory; break; } } if (empty($temporary_directory)) { // If no directory has been found, create one in cwd. $temporary_directory = Path::join(Drush::config()->cwd(), 'tmp'); drush_mkdir($temporary_directory, true); if (!is_dir($temporary_directory)) { throw new \Exception(dt("Unable to create a temporary directory.")); } // Function not available yet - this is not likely to get reached anyway. // drush_register_file_for_deletion($temporary_directory); } return $temporary_directory; } /** * Convert the environment object into an exported configuration * array. * * @see PreflightArgs::applyToConfig(), which also exports information to config. * * @return array Nested associative array that is overlayed on configuration. */ public function exportConfigData() { return [ // Information about the environment presented to Drush 'env' => [ 'cwd' => $this->cwd(), 'home' => $this->homeDir(), 'user' => $this->getUsername(), 'is-windows' => $this->isWindows(), 'tmp' => $this->getTmp(), ], // These values are available as global options, and // will be passed in to the FormatterOptions et. al. 'options' => [ 'width' => $this->calculateColumns(), ], // Information about the directories where Drush found assets, etc. 'drush' => [ 'base-dir' => $this->drushBasePath, 'vendor-dir' => $this->vendorPath(), 'docs-dir' => $this->docsPath(), 'user-dir' => $this->userConfigPath(), 'system-dir' => $this->systemConfigPath(), 'system-command-dir' => $this->systemCommandFilePath(), ], 'runtime' => [ 'site-file-previous' => $this->getSiteSetAliasFilePath('drush-drupal-prev-site-'), 'site-file-current' => $this->getSiteSetAliasFilePath(), ], ]; } /** * The base directory of the Drush application itself * (where composer.json et.al. are found) * * @return string */ public function drushBasePath() { return $this->drushBasePath; } /** * Get the site:set alias from the current site:set file path. * * @return bool|string */ public function getSiteSetAliasName() { $site_filename = $this->getSiteSetAliasFilePath(); if (file_exists($site_filename)) { $site = file_get_contents($site_filename); if ($site) { return $site; } } return false; } /** * User's home directory * * @return string */ public function homeDir() { return $this->homeDir; } /** * The user's Drush configuration directory, ~/.drush * * @return string */ public function userConfigPath() { return $this->homeDir() . '/.drush'; } public function setConfigFileVariant($variant) { $this->configFileVariant = $variant; } /** * Get the config file variant -- defined to be * the Drush major version number. This is for * loading drush.yml and drush9.yml, etc. */ public function getConfigFileVariant() { return $this->configFileVariant; } /** * The original working directory * * @return string */ public function cwd() { return $this->originalCwd; } /** * Return the path to Drush's vendor directory * * @return string */ public function vendorPath() { return $this->vendorDir; } /** * The class loader returned when the autoload.php file is included. * * @return \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader */ public function loader() { return $this->loader; } /** * Set the class loader from the autload.php file, if available. * * @param \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader $loader */ public function setLoader(ClassLoader $loader) { $this->loader = $loader; } /** * Alter our default locations based on the value of environment variables * * @return $this */ public function applyEnvironment() { // Copy ETC_PREFIX and SHARE_PREFIX from environment variables if available. // This alters where we check for server-wide config and alias files. // Used by unit test suite to provide a clean environment. $this->setEtcPrefix(getenv('ETC_PREFIX')); $this->setSharePrefix(getenv('SHARE_PREFIX')); return $this; } /** * Set the directory prefix to locate the directory that Drush will * use as /etc (e.g. during the functional tests) * * @param string $etcPrefix * @return $this */ public function setEtcPrefix($etcPrefix) { if (isset($etcPrefix)) { $this->etcPrefix = $etcPrefix; } return $this; } /** * Set the directory prefix to locate the directory that Drush will * use as /user/share (e.g. during the functional tests) * @param string $sharePrefix * @return $this */ public function setSharePrefix($sharePrefix) { if (isset($sharePrefix)) { $this->sharePrefix = $sharePrefix; $this->docPrefix = null; } return $this; } /** * Return the directory where Drush's documentation is stored. Usually * this is within the Drush application, but some Drush RPM distributions * & c. for Linux platforms slice-and-dice the contents and put the docs * elsewhere. * * @return string */ public function docsPath() { if (!$this->docPrefix) { $this->docPrefix = $this->findDocsPath($this->drushBasePath); } return $this->docPrefix; } /** * Locate the Drush documentation. This is recalculated whenever the * share prefix is changed. * * @param string $drushBasePath * @return string */ protected function findDocsPath($drushBasePath) { $candidates = [ "$drushBasePath/README.md", static::systemPathPrefix($this->sharePrefix, '/usr') . '/share/docs/drush/README.md', ]; return $this->findFromCandidates($candidates); } /** * Check a list of directories and return the first one that exists. * * @param array $candidates * @return string|boolean */ protected function findFromCandidates($candidates) { foreach ($candidates as $candidate) { if (file_exists($candidate)) { return dirname($candidate); } } return false; } /** * Return the appropriate system path prefix, unless an override is provided. * @param string $override * @param string $defaultPrefix * @return string */ protected static function systemPathPrefix($override = '', $defaultPrefix = '') { if ($override) { return $override; } return static::isWindows() ? getenv('ALLUSERSPROFILE') . '/Drush' : $defaultPrefix; } /** * Return the system configuration path (default: /etc/drush) * * @return string */ public function systemConfigPath() { return static::systemPathPrefix($this->etcPrefix, '') . '/etc/drush'; } /** * Return the system shared commandfile path (default: /usr/share/drush/commands) * * @return string */ public function systemCommandFilePath() { return static::systemPathPrefix($this->sharePrefix, '/usr') . '/share/drush/commands'; } /** * Determine whether current OS is a Windows variant. * * @return boolean */ public static function isWindows($os = null) { return strtoupper(substr($os ?: PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN'; } /** * Verify that we are running PHP through the command line interface. * * @return boolean * A boolean value that is true when PHP is being run through the command line, * and false if being run through cgi or mod_php. */ public function verifyCLI() { return (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' || (is_numeric($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] > 0)); } /** * Calculate the terminal width used for wrapping table output. * Normally this is exported using tput in the drush script. * If this is not present we do an additional check using stty here. * On Windows in CMD and PowerShell is this exported using mode con. * * @return integer */ public function calculateColumns() { if ($columns = getenv('COLUMNS')) { return $columns; } // Trying to export the columns using stty. exec('stty size 2>&1', $columns_output, $columns_status); if (!$columns_status) { $columns = preg_replace('/\d+\s(\d+)/', '$1', $columns_output[0], -1, $columns_count); } // If stty fails and Drush us running on Windows are we trying with mode con. if (($columns_status || !$columns_count) && static::isWindows()) { $columns_output = []; exec('mode con', $columns_output, $columns_status); if (!$columns_status && is_array($columns_output)) { $columns = (int)preg_replace('/\D/', '', $columns_output[4], -1, $columns_count); } // TODO: else { 'Drush could not detect the console window width. Set a Windows Environment Variable of COLUMNS to the desired width.' } // Failling back to default columns value if (empty($columns)) { $columns = 80; } // TODO: should we deal with reserve-margin here, or adjust it later? return $columns; } /** * Returns the filename for the file that stores the DRUPAL_SITE variable. * * @param string $filename_prefix * An arbitrary string to prefix the filename with. * * @return string|false * Returns the full path to temp file if possible, or FALSE if not. */ protected function getSiteSetAliasFilePath($filename_prefix = 'drush-drupal-site-') { $shell_pid = getenv('DRUSH_SHELL_PID'); if (!$shell_pid && function_exists('posix_getppid')) { $shell_pid = posix_getppid(); } if (!$shell_pid) { return false; } // The env variables below must match the variables in example.prompt.sh $tmp = getenv('TMPDIR') ? getenv('TMPDIR') : '/tmp'; $username = $this->getUsername(); return "{$tmp}/drush-env-{$username}/{$filename_prefix}" . $shell_pid; } }