configFactory; } /** * ConfigCommands constructor. * @param ConfigFactoryInterface $configFactory */ public function __construct($configFactory) { parent::__construct(); $this->configFactory = $configFactory; } /** * Display a config value, or a whole configuration object. * * @command config:get * @validate-config-name * @interact-config-name * @param $config_name The config object name, for example "". * @param $key The config key, for example "page.front". Optional. * @option source The config storage source to read. Additional labels may be defined in settings.php. * @option include-overridden Apply module and settings.php overrides to values. * @usage drush config:get * Displays the config. * @usage drush config:get page.front * Gets value. * @aliases cget,config-get */ public function get($config_name, $key = '', $options = ['format' => 'yaml', 'source' => 'active', 'include-overridden' => false]) { // Displaying overrides only applies to active storage. $factory = $this->getConfigFactory(); $config = $options['include-overridden'] ? $factory->get($config_name) : $factory->getEditable($config_name); $value = $config->get($key); // @todo If the value is TRUE (for example), nothing gets printed. Is this yaml formatter's fault? return $key ? ["$config_name:$key" => $value] : $value; } /** * Set config value directly. Does not perform a config import. * * @command config:set * @validate-config-name * @todo @interact-config-name deferred until we have interaction for key. * @param $config_name The config object name, for example "". * @param $key The config key, for example "page.front". * @param $value The value to assign to the config key. Use '-' to read from STDIN. * @option format Format to parse the object. Use "string" for string (default), and "yaml" for YAML. * // A convenient way to pass a multiline value within a backend request. * @option value The value to assign to the config key (if any). * @hidden-options value * @usage drush config:set page.front node * Sets to "node". * @aliases cset,config-set */ public function set($config_name, $key, $value = null, $options = ['format' => 'string', 'value' => self::REQ]) { // This hidden option is a convenient way to pass a value without passing a key. $data = $options['value'] ?: $value; if (!isset($data)) { throw new \Exception(dt('No config value specified.')); } $config = $this->getConfigFactory()->getEditable($config_name); // Check to see if config key already exists. $new_key = $config->get($key) === null; // Special flag indicating that the value has been passed via STDIN. if ($data === '-') { $data = stream_get_contents(STDIN); } // Now, we parse the value. switch ($options['format']) { case 'yaml': $parser = new Parser(); $data = $parser->parse($data, true); } if (is_array($data) && $this->io()->confirm(dt('Do you want to update or set multiple keys on !name config.', ['!name' => $config_name]))) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $config->set($key, $value); } return $config->save(); } else { $confirmed = false; if ($config->isNew() && $this->io()->confirm(dt('!name config does not exist. Do you want to create a new config object?', ['!name' => $config_name]))) { $confirmed = true; } elseif ($new_key && $this->io()->confirm(dt('!key key does not exist in !name config. Do you want to create a new config key?', ['!key' => $key, '!name' => $config_name]))) { $confirmed = true; } elseif ($this->io()->confirm(dt('Do you want to update !key key in !name config?', ['!key' => $key, '!name' => $config_name]))) { $confirmed = true; } if ($confirmed && !\Drush\Drush::simulate()) { return $config->set($key, $data)->save(); } } } /** * Open a config file in a text editor. Edits are imported after closing editor. * * @command config:edit * @validate-config-name * @interact-config-name * @param $config_name The config object name, for example "". * @optionset_get_editor * @allow_additional_options config-import * @hidden-options source,partial * @usage drush config:edit * Edit the image style configurations. * @usage drush config:edit * Choose a config file to edit. * @usage drush --bg config-edit * Return to shell prompt as soon as the editor window opens. * @aliases cedit,config-edit * @validate-module-enabled config */ public function edit($config_name) { $config = $this->getConfigFactory()->get($config_name); $active_storage = $config->getStorage(); $contents = $active_storage->read($config_name); // Write tmp YAML file for editing $temp_dir = drush_tempdir(); $temp_storage = new FileStorage($temp_dir); $temp_storage->write($config_name, $contents); $exec = drush_get_editor(); drush_shell_exec_interactive($exec, $temp_storage->getFilePath($config_name)); // Perform import operation if user did not immediately exit editor. if (!$options['bg']) { $options = Drush::redispatchOptions() + ['partial' => true, 'source' => $temp_dir]; $backend_options = ['interactive' => true]; return (bool) drush_invoke_process('@self', 'config-import', [], $options, $backend_options); } } /** * Delete a configuration key, or a whole object. * * @command config:delete * @validate-config-name * @interact-config-name * @param $config_name The config object name, for example "". * @param $key A config key to clear, for example "page.front". * @usage drush config:delete * Delete the the config object. * @usage drush config:delete page.front node * Delete the 'page.front' key from the object. * @aliases cdel,config-delete */ public function delete($config_name, $key = null) { $config = $this->getConfigFactory()->getEditable($config_name); if ($key) { if ($config->get($key) === null) { throw new \Exception(dt('Configuration key !key not found.', ['!key' => $key])); } $config->clear($key)->save(); } else { $config->delete(); } } /** * Display status of configuration (differences between the filesystem configuration and database configuration). * * @command config:status * @option state A comma-separated list of states to filter results. * @option prefix Prefix The config prefix. For example, "system". No prefix will return all names in the system. * @option string $label A config directory label (i.e. a key in \$config_directories array in settings.php). * @usage drush config:status * Display configuration items that need to be synchronized. * @usage drush config:status --state=Identical * Display configuration items that are in default state. * @usage drush config:status --state='Only in sync dir' --prefix=node.type. * Display all content types that would be created in active storage on configuration import. * @usage drush config:status --state=Any --format=list * List all config names. * @field-labels * name: Name * state: State * @default-fields name,state * @aliases cst,config-status * @return \Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields */ public function status($options = ['state' => 'Only in DB,Only in sync dir,Different', 'prefix' => self::REQ, 'label' => self::REQ]) { $config_list = array_fill_keys( $this->configFactory->listAll($options['prefix']), 'Identical' ); $directory = $this->getDirectory($options['label']); $storage = $this->getStorage($directory); $state_map = [ 'create' => 'Only in DB', 'update' => 'Different', 'delete' => 'Only in sync dir', ]; foreach ($this->getChanges($storage) as $collection) { foreach ($collection as $operation => $configs) { foreach ($configs as $config) { if (!$options['prefix'] || strpos($config, $options['prefix']) === 0) { $config_list[$config] = $state_map[$operation]; } } } } if ($options['state']) { $allowed_states = explode(',', $options['state']); if (!in_array('Any', $allowed_states)) { $config_list = array_filter($config_list, function ($state) use ($allowed_states) { return in_array($state, $allowed_states); }); } } ksort($config_list); $rows = []; $color_map = [ 'Only in DB' => 'green', 'Only in sync dir' => 'red', 'Different' => 'yellow', 'Identical' => 'white', ]; foreach ($config_list as $config => $state) { if ($options['format'] == 'table' && $state != 'Identical') { $state = "$state"; } $rows[$config] = [ 'name' => $config, 'state' => $state, ]; } if ($rows) { return new RowsOfFields($rows); } else { $this->logger()->notice(dt('No differences between DB and sync directory.')); } } /** * Determine which configuration directory to use and return directory path. * * Directory path is determined based on the following precedence: * 1. User-provided $directory. * 2. Directory path corresponding to $label (mapped via $config_directories in settings.php). * 3. Default sync directory * * @param string $label * A configuration directory label. * @param string $directory * A configuration directory. */ public static function getDirectory($label, $directory = null) { $return = null; // If the user provided a directory, use it. if (!empty($directory)) { if ($directory === true) { // The user did not pass a specific directory, make one. $return = FsUtils::prepareBackupDir('config-import-export'); } else { // The user has specified a directory. drush_mkdir($directory); $return = $directory; } } else { // If a directory isn't specified, use the label argument or default sync directory. $return = \config_get_config_directory($label ?: CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY); } return Path::canonicalize($return); } /** * Returns the difference in configuration between active storage and target storage. */ public function getChanges($target_storage) { /** @var StorageInterface $active_storage */ $active_storage = \Drupal::service(''); $config_comparer = new StorageComparer($active_storage, $target_storage, \Drupal::service('config.manager')); $change_list = []; if ($config_comparer->createChangelist()->hasChanges()) { foreach ($config_comparer->getAllCollectionNames() as $collection) { $change_list[$collection] = $config_comparer->getChangelist(null, $collection); } } return $change_list; } /** * Get storage corresponding to a configuration directory. */ public function getStorage($directory) { if ($directory == \config_get_config_directory(CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY)) { return \Drupal::service(''); } else { return new FileStorage($directory); } } /** * Build a table of config changes. * * @param array $config_changes * An array of changes keyed by collection. * * @return Table A Symfony table object. */ public static function configChangesTable(array $config_changes, OutputInterface $output, $use_color = true) { $rows = []; foreach ($config_changes as $collection => $changes) { foreach ($changes as $change => $configs) { switch ($change) { case 'delete': $colour = ''; break; case 'update': $colour = ''; break; case 'create': $colour = ''; break; default: $colour = ""; break; } if ($use_color) { $prefix = $colour; $suffix = ''; } else { $prefix = $suffix = ''; } foreach ($configs as $config) { $rows[] = [ $collection, $config, $prefix . ucfirst($change) . $suffix, ]; } } } $table = new Table($output); $table->setHeaders(['Collection', 'Config', 'Operation']); $table->addRows($rows); return $table; } /** * @hook interact @interact-config-name */ public function interactConfigName($input, $output) { if (empty($input->getArgument('config_name'))) { $config_names = $this->getConfigFactory()->listAll(); $choice = $this->io()->choice('Choose a configuration', drush_map_assoc($config_names)); $input->setArgument('config_name', $choice); } } /** * @hook interact @interact-config-label */ public function interactConfigLabel(InputInterface $input, ConsoleOutputInterface $output) { global $config_directories; $option_name = $input->hasOption('destination') ? 'destination' : 'source'; if (empty($input->getArgument('label') && empty($input->getOption($option_name)))) { $choices = drush_map_assoc(array_keys($config_directories)); unset($choices[CONFIG_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY]); if (count($choices) >= 2) { $label = $this->io()->choice('Choose a '. $option_name. '.', $choices); $input->setArgument('label', $label); } } } /** * Validate that a config name is valid. * * If the argument to be validated is not named $config_name, pass the * argument name as the value of the annotation. * * @hook validate @validate-config-name * @param \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\CommandData $commandData * @return \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\CommandError|null */ public function validateConfigName(CommandData $commandData) { $arg_name = $commandData->annotationData()->get('validate-config-name', null) ?: 'config_name'; $config_name = $commandData->input()->getArgument($arg_name); $config = \Drupal::config($config_name); if ($config->isNew()) { $msg = dt('Config !name does not exist', ['!name' => $config_name]); return new CommandError($msg); } } /** * Copies configuration objects from source storage to target storage. * * @param StorageInterface $source * The source config storage service. * @param StorageInterface $destination * The destination config storage service. */ public static function copyConfig(StorageInterface $source, StorageInterface $destination) { // Make sure the source and destination are on the default collection. if ($source->getCollectionName() != StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION) { $source = $source->createCollection(StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION); } if ($destination->getCollectionName() != StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION) { $destination = $destination->createCollection(StorageInterface::DEFAULT_COLLECTION); } // Export all the configuration. foreach ($source->listAll() as $name) { $destination->write($name, $source->read($name)); } // Export configuration collections. foreach ($source->getAllCollectionNames() as $collection) { $source = $source->createCollection($collection); $destination = $destination->createCollection($collection); foreach ($source->listAll() as $name) { $destination->write($name, $source->read($name)); } } } /** * Get diff between two config sets. * * @param StorageInterface $destination_storage * @param StorageInterface $source_storage * @param OutputInterface $output * @return array|bool * An array of strings containing the diff. */ public static function getDiff(StorageInterface $destination_storage, StorageInterface $source_storage, OutputInterface $output) { // Copy active storage to a temporary directory. $temp_destination_dir = drush_tempdir(); $temp_destination_storage = new FileStorage($temp_destination_dir); self::copyConfig($destination_storage, $temp_destination_storage); // Copy source storage to a temporary directory as it could be // modified by the partial option or by decorated sync storages. $temp_source_dir = drush_tempdir(); $temp_source_storage = new FileStorage($temp_source_dir); self::copyConfig($source_storage, $temp_source_storage); $prefix = 'diff'; if (drush_program_exists('git') && $output->isDecorated()) { $prefix = 'git diff --color=always'; } drush_shell_exec($prefix . ' -u %s %s', $temp_destination_dir, $temp_source_dir); return drush_shell_exec_output(); } }