configManager; } /** * @return StorageInterface */ public function getConfigStorage() { return $this->configStorage; } /** * @return StorageInterface */ public function getConfigStorageSync() { return $this->configStorageSync; } /** * @param ConfigManagerInterface $configManager * @param StorageInterface $configStorage * @param StorageInterface $configStorageSync */ public function __construct(ConfigManagerInterface $configManager, StorageInterface $configStorage, StorageInterface $configStorageSync) { parent::__construct(); $this->configManager = $configManager; $this->configStorage = $configStorage; $this->configStorageSync = $configStorageSync; } /** * Export Drupal configuration to a directory. * * @command config:export * @interact-config-label * @param string $label A config directory label (i.e. a key in $config_directories array in settings.php). * @option add Run `git add -p` after exporting. This lets you choose which config changes to sync for commit. * @option commit Run `git add -A` and `git commit` after exporting. This commits everything that was exported without prompting. * @option message Commit comment for the exported configuration. Optional; may only be used with --commit. * @option destination An arbitrary directory that should receive the exported files. A backup directory is used when no value is provided. * @option diff Show preview as a diff, instead of a change list. * @usage drush config:export --destination * Export configuration; Save files in a backup directory named config-export. * @aliases cex,config-export */ public function export($label = null, $options = ['add' => false, 'commit' => false, 'message' => self::REQ, 'destination' => self::OPT, 'diff' => false]) { // Get destination directory. $destination_dir = ConfigCommands::getDirectory($label, $options['destination']); // Do the actual config export operation. $preview = $this->doExport($options, $destination_dir); // Do the VCS operations. $this->doAddCommit($options, $destination_dir, $preview); } public function doExport($options, $destination_dir) { // Prepare the configuration storage for the export. if ($destination_dir == Path::canonicalize(\config_get_config_directory(CONFIG_SYNC_DIRECTORY))) { $target_storage = $this->getConfigStorageSync(); } else { $target_storage = new FileStorage($destination_dir); } if (count(glob($destination_dir . '/*')) > 0) { // Retrieve a list of differences between the active and target configuration (if any). $config_comparer = new StorageComparer($this->getConfigStorage(), $target_storage, $this->getConfigManager()); if (!$config_comparer->createChangelist()->hasChanges()) { $this->logger()->notice(dt('The active configuration is identical to the configuration in the export directory (!target).', ['!target' => $destination_dir])); return; } $this->output()->writeln("Differences of the active config to the export directory:\n"); if ($options['diff']) { $diff = ConfigCommands::getDiff($target_storage, $this->getConfigStorage(), $this->output()); $this->output()->writeln($diff); } else { $change_list = []; foreach ($config_comparer->getAllCollectionNames() as $collection) { $change_list[$collection] = $config_comparer->getChangelist(null, $collection); } // Print a table with changes in color, then re-generate again without // color to place in the commit comment. $bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutput(); $table = ConfigCommands::configChangesTable($change_list, $bufferedOutput, false); $table->render(); $preview = $bufferedOutput->fetch(); $table = ConfigCommands::configChangesTable($change_list, $this->output(), true); $table->render(); } if (!$this->io()->confirm(dt('The .yml files in your export directory (!target) will be deleted and replaced with the active config.', ['!target' => $destination_dir]))) { throw new UserAbortException(); } // Only delete .yml files, and not .htaccess or .git. $target_storage->deleteAll(); } // Write all .yml files. ConfigCommands::copyConfig($this->getConfigStorage(), $target_storage); $this->logger()->success(dt('Configuration successfully exported to !target.', ['!target' => $destination_dir])); drush_backend_set_result($destination_dir); return isset($preview) ? $preview : 'No existing configuration to diff against.'; } public function doAddCommit($options, $destination_dir, $preview) { // Commit or add exported configuration if requested. if ($options['commit']) { // There must be changed files at the destination dir; if there are not, then // we will skip the commit step. $result = drush_shell_cd_and_exec($destination_dir, 'git status --porcelain .'); if (!$result) { throw new \Exception(dt("`git status` failed.")); } $uncommitted_changes = drush_shell_exec_output(); if (!empty($uncommitted_changes)) { $result = drush_shell_cd_and_exec($destination_dir, 'git add -A .'); if (!$result) { throw new \Exception(dt("`git add -A` failed.")); } $comment_file = drush_save_data_to_temp_file($options['message'] ?: 'Exported configuration.'. $preview); $result = drush_shell_cd_and_exec($destination_dir, 'git commit --file=%s', $comment_file); if (!$result) { throw new \Exception(dt("`git commit` failed. Output:\n\n!output", ['!output' => implode("\n", drush_shell_exec_output())])); } } } elseif ($options['add']) { drush_shell_exec_interactive('git add -p %s', $destination_dir); } } /** * @hook validate config-export * @param \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\CommandData $commandData */ public function validate(CommandData $commandData) { $destination = $commandData->input()->getOption('destination'); if ($destination === true) { // We create a dir in command callback. No need to validate. return; } if (!empty($destination)) { // TODO: evaluate %files et. al. in destination // $commandData->input()->setOption('destination', $destination); if (!file_exists($destination)) { $parent = dirname($destination); if (!is_dir($parent)) { throw new \Exception('The destination parent directory does not exist.'); } if (!is_writable($parent)) { throw new \Exception('The destination parent directory is not writable.'); } } else { if (!is_dir($destination)) { throw new \Exception('The destination is not a directory.'); } if (!is_writable($destination)) { throw new \Exception('The destination directory is not writable.'); } } } } }