cron; } /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface */ public function getModuleHandler() { return $this->moduleHandler; } /** * @param \Drupal\Core\CronInterface $cron */ public function __construct(CronInterface $cron, ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler) { $this->cron = $cron; $this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler; } /** * Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site. * * @command core:cron * @aliases cron,core-cron * @topics docs:cron */ public function cron() { $result = $this->getCron()->run(); if (!$result) { throw new \Exception(dt('Cron run failed.')); } } /** * Compile all Twig template(s). * * @command twig:compile * @aliases twigc,twig-compile */ public function twigCompile() { require_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_CORE . "/themes/engines/twig/twig.engine"; // Scan all enabled modules and themes. $modules = array_keys($this->getModuleHandler()->getModuleList()); foreach ($modules as $module) { $searchpaths[] = drupal_get_path('module', $module); } $themes = \Drupal::service('theme_handler')->listInfo(); foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) { $searchpaths[] = $theme->getPath(); } $files = Finder::create() ->files() ->name('*.html.twig') ->exclude('tests') ->in($searchpaths); foreach ($files as $file) { $relative = Path::makeRelative($file->getRealPath(), Drush::bootstrapManager()->getRoot()); // @todo Dynamically disable twig debugging since there is no good info there anyway. twig_render_template($relative, ['theme_hook_original' => '']); $this->logger()->success(dt('Compiled twig template !path', ['!path' => $relative])); } } /** * Information about things that may be wrong in your Drupal installation. * * @command core:requirements * @option severity Only show status report messages with a severity greater than or equal to the specified value. * @option ignore Comma-separated list of requirements to remove from output. Run with --format=yaml to see key values to use. * @aliases status-report,rq,core-requirements * @usage drush core:requirements * Show all status lines from the Status Report admin page. * @usage drush core:requirements --severity=2 * Show only the red lines from the Status Report admin page. * @table-style default * @field-labels * title: Title * severity: Severity * sid: SID * description: Description * value: Summary * @default-fields title,severity,value * @return \Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields */ public function requirements($options = ['format' => 'table', 'severity' => -1, 'ignore' => '']) { include_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_CORE . '/includes/'; $severities = [ REQUIREMENT_INFO => dt('Info'), REQUIREMENT_OK => dt('OK'), REQUIREMENT_WARNING => dt('Warning'), REQUIREMENT_ERROR => dt('Error'), ]; drupal_load_updates(); $requirements = $this->getModuleHandler()->invokeAll('requirements', ['runtime']); // If a module uses "$requirements[] = " instead of // "$requirements['label'] = ", then build a label from // the title. foreach ($requirements as $key => $info) { if (is_numeric($key)) { unset($requirements[$key]); $new_key = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $info['title'])); $requirements[$new_key] = $info; } } $ignore_requirements = StringUtils::csvToArray($options['ignore']); foreach ($ignore_requirements as $ignore) { unset($requirements[$ignore]); } ksort($requirements); $min_severity = $options['severity']; $i = 0; foreach ($requirements as $key => $info) { $severity = array_key_exists('severity', $info) ? $info['severity'] : -1; $rows[$i] = [ 'title' => (string) $info['title'], 'value' => (string) $info['value'], 'description' => DrupalUtil::drushRender($info['description']), 'sid' => $severity, 'severity' => @$severities[$severity] ]; if ($severity < $min_severity) { unset($rows[$i]); } $i++; } $result = new RowsOfFields($rows); return $result; } }