entityTypeManager = $entityTypeManager; } /** * Delete content entities. * * To delete configuration entities, see config:delete command. * * @param string $entity_type An entity machine name. * @param string $ids A comma delimited list of Ids. * @param array $options * * @option bundle Restrict deletion to the specified bundle. Ignored when ids is specified. * @usage drush entity:delete node --bundle=article * Delete all article entities. * @usage drush entity:delete shortcut * Delete all shortcut entities. * @usage drush entity:delete node 22,24 * Delete nodes 22 and 24. * * @command entity:delete * @aliases edel,entity-delete * @throws \Exception */ public function delete($entity_type, $ids = null, $options = ['bundle' => self::REQ]) { $storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage($entity_type); if ($ids = StringUtils::csvToArray($ids)) { $entities = $storage->loadMultiple($ids); } elseif ($bundle = $options['bundle']) { $bundleKey = $this->entityTypeManager->getDefinition($entity_type)->getKey('bundle'); $entities = $storage->loadByProperties([$bundleKey => $bundle]); } else { $entities = $storage->loadMultiple(); } if (empty($entities)) { throw new \Exception(dt('No matching entities found.')); } $storage->delete($entities); $this->logger()->success(dt('Deleted !type entity Ids: !ids', ['!type' => $entity_type, '!ids' => implode(', ', array_keys($entities))])); } }