moduleHandler = $moduleHandler; $this->entityTypeManager = $entityTypeManager; $this->renderer = $renderer; $this->configFactory = $configFactory; } /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface */ public function getConfigFactory() { return $this->configFactory; } /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface */ public function getModuleHandler() { return $this->moduleHandler; } /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface */ public function getEntityTypeManager() { return $this->entityTypeManager; } /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface */ public function getRenderer() { return $this->renderer; } /** * Set several Views settings to more developer-oriented values. * * @command views:dev * * @validate-module-enabled views * @aliases vd,views-dev */ public function dev() { $settings = [ '' => true, '' => true, '' => true, 'ui.always_live_preview' => false, 'ui.always_live_preview_button' => true, '' => true, '' => true, '' => 'above', '' => true, '' => true, ]; $config = $this->getConfigFactory()->getEditable('views.settings'); foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { $config->set($setting, $value); // Convert boolean values into a string to print. if (is_bool($value)) { $value = $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; } // Wrap string values in quotes. elseif (is_string($value)) { $value = "\"$value\""; } $this->logger()->success(dt('!setting set to !value', [ '!setting' => $setting, '!value' => $value ])); } // Save the new config. $config->save(); $this->logger()->success(dt('New views configuration saved.')); } /** * Get a list of all views in the system. * * @command views:list * * @option name A string contained in the view's name to filter the results with. * @option tags A comma-separated list of views tags by which to filter the results. * @option status Filter views by status. Choices: enabled, disabled. * @usage drush vl * Show a list of all available views. * @usage drush vl --name=blog * Show a list of views which names contain 'blog'. * @usage drush vl --tags=tag1,tag2 * Show a list of views tagged with 'tag1' or 'tag2'. * @usage drush vl --status=enabled * Show a list of enabled views. * @table-style default * @field-labels * machine-name: Machine name * label: Name * description: Description * status: Status * tag: Tag * @default-fields machine-name,label,description,status * @aliases vl,views-list * @validate-module-enabled views * * @return \Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields */ public function vlist($options = ['name' => self::REQ, 'tags' => self::REQ, 'status' => self::REQ, 'format' => 'table']) { $disabled_views = []; $enabled_views = []; $views = $this->getEntityTypeManager()->getStorage('view')->loadMultiple(); // Get the --name option. $name = StringUtils::csvToArray($options['name']); $with_name = !empty($name) ? true : false; // Get the --tags option. $tags = \_convert_csv_to_array($options['tags']); $with_tags = !empty($tags) ? true : false; // Get the --status option. Store user input apart to reuse it after. $status = $options['status']; // @todo See if ($status && !in_array($status, ['enabled', 'disabled'])) { throw new \Exception(dt('Invalid status: @status. Available options are "enabled" or "disabled"', ['@status' => $status])); } // Setup a row for each view. foreach ($views as $view) { // If options were specified, check that first mismatch push the loop to the // next view. if ($with_name && !stristr($view->id(), $name[0])) { continue; } if ($with_tags && !in_array($view->get('tag'), $tags)) { continue; } $status_bool = $status == 'enabled'; if ($status && ($view->status() !== $status_bool)) { continue; } $row = [ 'machine-name' => $view->id(), 'label' => $view->label(), 'description' => $view->get('description'), 'status' => $view->status() ? dt('Enabled') : dt('Disabled'), 'tag' => $view->get('tag'), ]; // Place the row in the appropriate array, so we can have disabled views at // the bottom. if ($view->status()) { $enabled_views[] = $row; } else { $disabled_views[] = $row; } } // Sort alphabetically. asort($disabled_views); asort($enabled_views); if (count($enabled_views) || count($disabled_views)) { $rows = array_merge($enabled_views, $disabled_views); return new RowsOfFields($rows); } else { $this->logger()->notice(dt('No views found.')); } } /** * Execute a view and show a count of the results, or the rendered HTML. * * @command views:execute * * @param string $view_name The name of the view to execute. * @param string $display The display ID to execute. If none specified, the default display will be used. * @param string $view_args A comma delimited list of values, corresponding to contextual filters. * @option count Display a count of the results instead of each row. * @option show-admin-links Show contextual admin links in the rendered markup. * @usage drush views:execute my_view * Show the rendered HTML for the default display for the my_view View. * @usage drush views:execute my_view page_1 3 --count * Show a count of my_view:page_1 where the first contextual filter value is 3. * @usage drush views:execute my_view page_1 3,foo * Show the rendered HTML of my_view:page_1 where the first two contextual filter values are 3 and 'foo' respectively. * @validate-entity-load view view_name * @aliases vex,views-execute * @validate-module-enabled views * * @return string */ public function execute($view_name, $display = null, $view_args = null, $options = ['count' => 0, 'show-admin-links' => false]) { $view = Views::getView($view_name); // Set the display and execute the view. $view->setDisplay($display); $view->preExecute(StringUtils::csvToArray($view_args)); $view->execute(); if (empty($view->result)) { $this->logger()->success(dt('No results returned for this View.')); return null; } elseif ($options['count']) { drush_backend_set_result(count($view->result)); drush_print(count($view->result)); return null; } else { // Don't show admin links in markup by default. $view->hide_admin_links = !$options['show-admin-links']; $build = $view->preview(); return (string) $this->getRenderer()->renderPlain($build); } } /** * Get a list of all Views and analyze warnings. * * @command views:analyze * @todo Command has not been fully tested. How to generate a message? * @field-labels * type: Type * message: Message * @aliases va,views-analyze * @validate-module-enabled views * * @return \Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\RowsOfFields */ public function analyze() { $messages = null; $messages_count = 0; $rows = []; $views = $this->getEntityTypeManager()->getStorage('view')->loadMultiple(); if (!empty($views)) { $analyzer = \Drupal::service('views.analyzer'); foreach ($views as $view_name => $view) { $view = $view->getExecutable(); if ($messages = $analyzer->getMessages($view)) { $rows[] = [$messages['type'], $messages['message']]; } } $this->logger()->success(dt('A total of @total views were analyzed and @messages problems were found.', ['@total' => count($views), '@messages' => $messages_count])); return new RowsOfFields($rows); } else { $this->logger()->success(dt('There are no views to analyze')); } } /** * Enable the specified views. * * @command views:enable * @param string $views A comma delimited list of view names. * @validate-entity-load view views * @usage drush ven frontpage,taxonomy_term * Enable the frontpage and taxonomy_term views. * @aliases ven,views-enable */ public function enable($views) { $view_names = StringUtils::csvToArray($views); if ($views = $this->getEntityTypeManager()->getStorage('view')->loadMultiple($view_names)) { foreach ($views as $view) { $view->enable(); $view->save(); } } $this->logger()->success(dt('!str enabled.', ['!str' => implode(', ', $view_names)])); } /** * Disable the specified views. * * @command views:disable * @validate-entity-load view views * @param string $views A comma delimited list of view names. * @usage drush vdis frontpage taxonomy_term * Disable the frontpage and taxonomy_term views. * @aliases vdis,views-disable */ public function disable($views) { $view_names = StringUtils::csvToArray($views); if ($views = $this->getEntityTypeManager()->getStorage('view')->loadMultiple($view_names)) { foreach ($views as $view) { $view->disable(); $view->save(); } } $this->logger()->success(dt('!str disabled.', ['!str' => implode(', ', $view_names)])); } /** * Adds a cache clear option for views. * * @hook on-event cache-clear */ public function cacheClear(&$types, $include_bootstrapped_types) { if ($include_bootstrapped_types && $this->getModuleHandler()->moduleExists('views')) { $types['views'] = 'views_invalidate_cache'; } } }