boot(), so there is a chance * for clients to add compiler passes et. al. before then. */ public function addServiceModifier(ServiceModifierInterface $serviceModifier) { drush_log(dt("Add service modifier"), LogLevel::DEBUG); $this->serviceModifiers[] = $serviceModifier; } /** * @inheritdoc */ protected function getContainerBuilder() { drush_log(dt("Get container builder"), LogLevel::DEBUG); $container = parent::getContainerBuilder(); foreach ($this->serviceModifiers as $serviceModifier) { $serviceModifier->alter($container); } return $container; } /** * Initializes the service container. * * @return \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface */ protected function initializeContainer() { $container_definition = $this->getCachedContainerDefinition(); if ($this->shouldDrushInvalidateContainer()) { // Normally when the container is being rebuilt, the existing // container is still available for use until the newly built one // replaces it. Certain contrib modules rely on services (like State // or the config factory) being available for things like defining // event subscriptions. // @see if (isset($container_definition)) { $class = Settings::get('container_base_class', '\Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container'); $container = new $class($container_definition); $this->attachSynthetic($container); \Drupal::setContainer($container); } $this->invalidateContainer(); } return parent::initializeContainer(); } protected function shouldDrushInvalidateContainer() { if (empty($this->moduleList) && !$this->containerNeedsRebuild) { $container_definition = $this->getCachedContainerDefinition(); foreach ($this->serviceModifiers as $serviceModifier) { if (!$serviceModifier->check($container_definition)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function discoverServiceProviders() { // Let Drupal discover all of its service providers parent::discoverServiceProviders(); // Add those Drush service providers from Drush core that // need references to the Drupal DI container. This includes // Drush commands, and those services needed by those Drush // commands. // // Note that: // - We list all of the individual service files we use here. // - These commands are not available until Drupal is bootstrapped. $this->addDrushServiceProvider("_drush__config", DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/src/Drupal/Commands/config/'); $this->addDrushServiceProvider("_drush__core", DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/src/Drupal/Commands/core/'); $this->addDrushServiceProvider("_drush__pm", DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/src/Drupal/Commands/pm/'); $this->addDrushServiceProvider("_drush__sql", DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/src/Drupal/Commands/sql/'); // TODO: We could potentially also add service providers from: // - DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/drush/'); // - DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/../drush/'); // Or, perhaps better yet, from every Drush command directory // (e.g. DRUSH_BASE_PATH/drush/mycmd/ in // any of these `drush` folders. In order to do this, it is // necessary that the class files in these commands are available // in the autoloader. // Also add Drush services from all modules $module_filenames = $this->getModuleFileNames(); // Load each module's serviceProvider class. foreach ($module_filenames as $module => $filename) { $this->addModuleDrushServiceProvider($module, $filename); } } /** * Determine whether or not the Drush services.yml file is applicable * for this version of Drush. */ protected function addModuleDrushServiceProvider($module, $filename) { $serviceYmlPath = $this->findModuleDrushServiceProvider($module, dirname($filename)); $this->addDrushServiceProvider("_drush.$module", $serviceYmlPath); } protected function findModuleDrushServiceProvider($module, $dir) { $services = $this->findModuleDrushServiceProviderFromComposer($dir); if (!$services) { return $this->findDefaultServicesFile($module, $dir); } return $this->findAppropriateServicesFile($module, $services, $dir); } protected function findDefaultServicesFile($module, $dir) { $result = $dir . "/"; if (!file_exists($result)) { return; } drush_log(dt("!module should have an section in its composer.json. See", ['!module' => $module]), LogLevel::DEBUG); return $result; } /** * In composer.json, the Drush version constraints will appear * in the 'extra' section like so: * * "extra": { * "drush": { * "services": { * "": "^9" * } * } * } * * There may be multiple drush service files listed; the first * one that has a version constraint that matches the Drush version * is used. */ protected function findModuleDrushServiceProviderFromComposer($dir) { $composerJsonPath = "$dir/composer.json"; if (!file_exists($composerJsonPath)) { return false; } $composerJsonContents = file_get_contents($composerJsonPath); $info = json_decode($composerJsonContents, true); if (!$info) { drush_log(dt('Invalid json in {composer}', ['composer' => $composerJsonPath]), LogLevel::WARNING); return false; } if (!isset($info['extra']['drush']['services'])) { return false; } return $info['extra']['drush']['services']; } protected function findAppropriateServicesFile($module, $services, $dir) { $version = Drush::getVersion(); foreach ($services as $serviceYmlPath => $versionConstraint) { $version = preg_replace('#-dev.*#', '', $version); if (Semver::satisfies($version, $versionConstraint)) { drush_log(dt('Found {services} for {module} Drush commands', ['module' => $module, 'services' => $serviceYmlPath]), LogLevel::DEBUG); return $dir . '/' . $serviceYmlPath; } } drush_log(dt('{module} has Drush commands, but none of {constraints} match the current Drush version "{version}"', ['module' => $module, 'constraints' => implode(',', $services), 'version' => $version]), LogLevel::DEBUG); return false; } /** * Add a services.yml file if it exists. */ protected function addDrushServiceProvider($serviceProviderName, $serviceYmlPath) { if (file_exists($serviceYmlPath)) { $this->serviceYamls['app'][$serviceProviderName] = $serviceYmlPath; } } }