command = $command; parent::__construct(); } /** * Get the namespace of this command. */ public function getNamespace() { $parts = explode(':', $this->getName()); return count($parts) >= 2 ? array_shift($parts) : 'global'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function configure() { $this ->setName($this->command->getName()) ->setAliases($this->command->getAliases()) ->setDefinition($this->command->getDefinition()) ->setDescription($this->command->getDescription()) ->setHelp($this->buildHelpFromCommand()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $args = $input->getArguments(); $first = array_shift($args); // If the first argument is an alias, assign the next argument as the // command. if (strpos($first, '@') === 0) { $alias = $first; $command = array_shift($args); } else { // Otherwise, default the alias to '@self' and use the first argument as the // command. $alias = '@self'; $command = $first; } $options = array_diff_assoc($input->getOptions(), $this->getDefinition()->getOptionDefaults()); // Force the 'backend' option to TRUE. $options['backend'] = true; $return = drush_invoke_process($alias, $command, array_values($args), $options, ['interactive' => true]); if (($return['error_status'] > 0) && !empty($return['error_log'])) { foreach ($return['error_log'] as $error_type => $errors) { $output->write($errors); } // Add a newline after so the shell returns on a new line. $output->writeln(''); } else { $output->page(drush_backend_get_result()); } } /** * Build a command help from the Drush configuration array. * * Currently it's a word-wrapped description, plus any examples provided. * * @return string * The help string. */ protected function buildHelpFromCommand() { $help = wordwrap($this->command->getDescription()); $examples = []; foreach ($this->command->getExampleUsages() as $ex => $def) { // Skip empty examples and things with obvious pipes... if (($ex === '') || (strpos($ex, '|') !== false)) { continue; } $ex = preg_replace('/^drush\s+/', '', $ex); $examples[$ex] = $def; } if (!empty($examples)) { $help .= "\n\ne.g."; foreach ($examples as $ex => $def) { $help .= sprintf("\n// %s\n", wordwrap(OutputFormatter::escape($def), 75, "\n// ")); $help .= sprintf(">>> %s\n", OutputFormatter::escape($ex)); } } return $help; } }