getDbSpec(); if ($hide_password) { // EMPTY password is not the same as NO password, and is valid. $contents = <<paramsToOptions($parameters); } public function silent() { return '--silent'; } public function createdbSql($dbname, $quoted = false) { $dbSpec = $this->getDbSpec(); if ($quoted) { $dbname = '`' . $dbname . '`'; } $sql[] = sprintf('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s;', $dbname); $sql[] = sprintf('CREATE DATABASE %s /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;', $dbname); $db_superuser = $this->getConfig()->get('sql.db-su'); if (isset($db_superuser)) { // - For a localhost database, create a localhost user. This is important for security. // localhost is special and only allows local Unix socket file connections. // - If the database is on a remote server, create a wildcard user with %. // We can't easily know what IP address or hostname would represent our server. $domain = ($dbSpec['host'] == 'localhost') ? 'localhost' : '%'; $sql[] = sprintf('GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %s.* TO \'%s\'@\'%s\'', $dbname, $dbSpec['username'], $domain); $sql[] = sprintf("IDENTIFIED BY '%s';", $dbSpec['password']); $sql[] = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'; } return implode(' ', $sql); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function dbExists() { // Suppress output. We only care about return value. return $this->alwaysQuery("SELECT 1;", null, drush_bit_bucket()); } public function listTables() { $this->alwaysQuery('SHOW TABLES;'); return drush_shell_exec_output(); } public function dumpCmd($table_selection) { $dbSpec = $this->getDbSpec(); $parens = false; $skip_tables = $table_selection['skip']; $structure_tables = $table_selection['structure']; $tables = $table_selection['tables']; $ignores = []; $skip_tables = array_merge($structure_tables, $skip_tables); $data_only = $this->getOption('data-only'); // The ordered-dump option is only supported by MySQL for now. $ordered_dump = $this->getOption('ordered-dump'); $exec = 'mysqldump '; // mysqldump wants 'databasename' instead of 'database=databasename' for no good reason. $only_db_name = str_replace('--database=', ' ', $this->creds()); $exec .= $only_db_name; // We had --skip-add-locks here for a while to help people with insufficient permissions, // but removed it because it slows down the import a lot. See $extra = ' --no-autocommit --single-transaction --opt -Q'; if ($data_only) { $extra .= ' --no-create-info'; } if ($ordered_dump) { $extra .= ' --skip-extended-insert --order-by-primary'; } if ($option = $this->getOption('extra-dump', $this->queryExtra)) { $extra .= " $option"; } $exec .= $extra; if (!empty($tables)) { $exec .= ' ' . implode(' ', $tables); } else { // Append the ignore-table options. foreach ($skip_tables as $table) { $ignores[] = '--ignore-table=' . $dbSpec['database'] . '.' . $table; $parens = true; } $exec .= ' '. implode(' ', $ignores); // Run mysqldump again and append output if we need some structure only tables. if (!empty($structure_tables)) { $exec .= " && mysqldump " . $only_db_name . " --no-data $extra " . implode(' ', $structure_tables); $parens = true; } } return $parens ? "($exec)" : $exec; } }