getDbSpec(); if (null == ($this->getPasswordFile()) && isset($dbSpec['password'])) { $pgpass_parts = [ empty($dbSpec['host']) ? 'localhost' : $dbSpec['host'], empty($dbSpec['port']) ? '5432' : $dbSpec['port'], // Database '*', $dbSpec['username'], $dbSpec['password'] ]; // Escape colon and backslash characters in entries. // @see array_walk($pgpass_parts, function (&$part) { // The order of the replacements is important so that backslashes are // not replaced twice. $part = str_replace(['\\', ':'], ['\\\\', '\:'], $part); }); $pgpass_contents = implode(':', $pgpass_parts); $this->password_file = drush_save_data_to_temp_file($pgpass_contents); chmod($this->password_file, 0600); } return $this->password_file; } public function command() { $environment = drush_is_windows() ? "SET " : ""; $pw_file = $this->createPasswordFile(); if (isset($pw_file)) { $environment .= "PGPASSFILE={$pw_file} "; } return "{$environment}psql -q"; } /* * @param $hide_password * Not used in postgres. Use .pgpass file instead. See */ public function creds($hide_password = true) { $dbSpec = $this->getDbSpec(); // Some drush commands (e.g. site-install) want to connect to the // server, but not the database. Connect to the built-in database. $parameters['dbname'] = empty($dbSpec['database']) ? 'template1' : $dbSpec['database']; // Host and port are optional but have defaults. $parameters['host'] = empty($dbSpec['host']) ? 'localhost' : $dbSpec['host']; $parameters['port'] = empty($dbSpec['port']) ? '5432' : $dbSpec['port']; // Username is required. $parameters['username'] = $dbSpec['username']; // Don't set the password. // @see return $this->paramsToOptions($parameters); } public function createdbSql($dbname, $quoted = false) { if ($quoted) { $dbname = '"' . $dbname . '"'; } $sql[] = sprintf('drop database if exists %s;', $dbname); $sql[] = sprintf("create database %s ENCODING 'UTF8';", $dbname); return implode(' ', $sql); } public function dbExists() { $dbSpec = $this->getDbSpec(); $database = $dbSpec['database']; // Get a new class instance that has no 'database'. $db_spec_no_db = $dbSpec; unset($db_spec_no_db['database']); $sql_no_db = new SqlPgsql($db_spec_no_db, $this->getOptions()); $query = "SELECT 1 AS result FROM pg_database WHERE datname='$database'"; drush_always_exec($sql_no_db->connect() . ' -t -c %s', $query); $output = drush_shell_exec_output(); return (bool)$output[0]; } public function queryFormat($query) { if (strtolower($query) == 'show tables;') { return PSQL_SHOW_TABLES; } return $query; } public function listTables() { $return = $this->alwaysQuery(PSQL_SHOW_TABLES); $tables = drush_shell_exec_output(); if (!empty($tables)) { return $tables; } return []; } public function dumpCmd($table_selection) { $parens = false; $skip_tables = $table_selection['skip']; $structure_tables = $table_selection['structure']; $tables = $table_selection['tables']; $ignores = []; $skip_tables = array_merge($structure_tables, $skip_tables); $data_only = $this->getOption('data-only'); $create_db = $this->getOption('create-db'); $environment = ""; $pw_file = $this->createPasswordFile(); if (isset($pw_file)) { $environment = "PGPASSFILE={$pw_file} "; } $exec = "{$environment}pg_dump "; // Unlike psql, pg_dump does not take a '--dbname=' before the database name. $extra = str_replace('--dbname=', ' ', $this->creds()); if ($data_only) { $extra .= ' --data-only'; } if ($option = $this->getOption('extra-dump')) { $extra .= " $option"; } $exec .= $extra; $exec .= (!$create_db && !$data_only ? ' --clean' : ''); if (!empty($tables)) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $exec .= " --table=$table"; } } else { foreach ($skip_tables as $table) { $ignores[] = "--exclude-table=$table"; } $exec .= ' '. implode(' ', $ignores); // Run pg_dump again and append output if we need some structure only tables. if (!empty($structure_tables)) { $parens = true; $schemaonlies = []; foreach ($structure_tables as $table) { $schemaonlies[] = "--table=$table"; } $exec .= " && pg_dump --schema-only " . implode(' ', $schemaonlies) . $extra; $exec .= (!$create_db && !$data_only ? ' --clean' : ''); } } return $parens ? "($exec)" : $exec; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getPasswordFile() { return $this->password_file; } }