setUpDrupal(1, true); $uri = key($sites); $root = $this->webroot(); $options = array( 'root' => $root, 'uri' => $uri, ); $this->drush('pm-enable', ['language', 'locale', 'dblog'], $options); $this->drush('config-set', ['locale.settings', 'translation.import_enabled', true], $options); // Setup the interface translation system and prepare a source translation file. // The test uses a local po file as translation source. This po file will be // imported from the translations directory when a module is enabled. $this->drush('config-set', ['locale.settings', 'translation.use_source', 'locale'], $options); $this->drush('config-set', ['locale.settings', 'translation.default_filename', '%project.%language.po'], $options); $this->drush('config-set', ['locale.settings', 'translation.path', '../translations'], $options); $source = Path::join(__DIR__, '/resources/'); $translationDir = Path::join($root, '../translations'); $this->mkdir($translationDir); copy($source, $translationDir . '/'); $this->drush('php-eval', ['\Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage::create([ "id" => "nl", "label" => "Dutch", ])->save()']); $this->drush('pm-enable', ['devel'], $options); $this->drush('watchdog-show', [], $options); $this->assertContains('Translations imported:', $this->getSimplifiedOutput()); // Clean up the mess this test creates. unlink($translationDir . '/'); rmdir($translationDir); } }