[ 'host' => 'server.isp.simulated', 'user' => 'www-admin', 'ssh' => [ 'options' => '-o PasswordAuthentication=whatever' ], 'paths' => [ 'drush-script' => '/path/to/drush', ], ], 'local' => [ ], ]; $this->setUpSettings($fixtureSites, 'synctest'); $options = [ 'simulate' => null, 'alias-path' => __DIR__ . '/resources/alias-fixtures', ]; // Test simulated simple rsync remote-to-local $this->drush('sql:sync', ['@synctest.remote', '@synctest.local'], $options, '@synctest.local', null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1'); $output = $this->getSimplifiedOutput(); $this->assertContains("Simulating backend invoke: ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=whatever www-admin@server.isp.simulated '/path/to/drush --backend=2 --strict=0 --alias-path=__DIR__/resources/alias-fixtures:__SANDBOX__/etc/drush/sites --root=__SUT__/web --uri=remote sql-dump --no-interaction --gzip --result-file", $output); $this->assertContains("Simulating backend invoke: __SUT__/vendor/drush/drush/drush --backend=2 --alias-path=__DIR__/resources/alias-fixtures:__SANDBOX__/etc/drush/sites --root=__SUT__/web --uri=local core-rsync '@synctest.remote:/simulated/path/to/dump.tgz' '@synctest.local:__SANDBOX__/tmp/dump.tgz' -- --remove-source-files", $output); $this->assertContains("Simulating backend invoke: __SUT__/vendor/drush/drush/drush --backend=2 --strict=0 --alias-path=__DIR__/resources/alias-fixtures:__SANDBOX__/etc/drush/sites --root=__SUT__/web --uri=local sql-query --no-interaction --file=__SANDBOX__/tmp/dump.tgz --file-delete", $output); // Test simulated simple rsync local-to-remote $this->drush('sql:sync', ['@synctest.local', '@synctest.remote'], $options, '@synctest.local', null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1'); $output = $this->getSimplifiedOutput(); $this->assertContains("Simulating backend invoke: __SUT__/vendor/drush/drush/drush --backend=2 --strict=0 --alias-path=__DIR__/resources/alias-fixtures:__SANDBOX__/etc/drush/sites --root=__SUT__/web --uri=local sql-dump --no-interaction --gzip --result-file", $output); $this->assertContains("Simulating backend invoke: __SUT__/vendor/drush/drush/drush --backend=2 --alias-path=__DIR__/resources/alias-fixtures:__SANDBOX__/etc/drush/sites --root=__SUT__/web --uri=local core-rsync '@synctest.local:/simulated/path/to/dump.tgz' '@synctest.remote:/tmp/dump.tgz' -- --remove-source-files", $output); $this->assertContains("Simulating backend invoke: ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=whatever www-admin@server.isp.simulated '/path/to/drush --backend=2 --strict=0 --alias-path=__DIR__/resources/alias-fixtures:__SANDBOX__/etc/drush/sites --root=__SUT__/web --uri=remote sql-query --no-interaction --file=/tmp/dump.tgz --file-delete", $output); // Test simulated backend invoke with a remote runner. // Note that the target aliases are not interpreted at all until they recach // the remote side. Injection for alias parameters is currently only done when // they are used with drush_invoke_process. $this->drush('sql:sync', ['@synctest.remote', '@synctest.local'], $options, 'user@server/path/to/drupal#sitename', null, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1'); $output = $this->getSimplifiedOutput(); $this->assertContains("Simulating backend invoke: ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no user@server 'drush --alias-path=__DIR__/resources/alias-fixtures:__SANDBOX__/etc/drush/sites --root=/path/to/drupal --uri=sitename --no-interaction sql:sync '\''@synctest.remote'\'' '\''@synctest.local'\''", $output); } /** * Covers the following responsibilities. * - A user created on the source site is copied to the destination site. * - The email address of the copied user is sanitized on the destination site. * * General handling of site aliases will be in sitealiasTest.php. */ public function testLocalSqlSync() { if ($this->dbDriver() == 'sqlite') { $this->markTestSkipped('SQL Sync does not apply to SQLite.'); return; } $this->setUpDrupal(2, true); return $this->localSqlSync(); } public function localSqlSync() { $options = [ 'uri' => 'stage', 'yes' => null, ]; // Create a user in the staging site $name = 'joe.user'; $mail = "joe.user@myhome.com"; // Add user fields and a test User. $this->drush('pm-enable', ['field,text,telephone,comment'], $options + ['yes' => null]); $this->drush('php-script', ['user_fields-D' . UNISH_DRUPAL_MAJOR_VERSION, $name, $mail], $options + ['script-path' => __DIR__ . '/resources',]); // Copy stage to dev, and then sql:sanitize. $sync_options = [ 'yes' => null, // Test wildcards expansion from within sql-sync. Also avoid D8 persistent entity cache. 'structure-tables-list' => 'cache,cache*', ]; $this->drush('sql-sync', ['@unish.stage', '@unish.dev'], $sync_options); $this->drush('sql-sanitize', [], ['yes' => null], '@unish.dev'); // Confirm that the sample user is unchanged on the staging site $this->drush('user-information', [$name], $options + ['format' => 'json'], '@unish.stage'); $info = $this->getOutputFromJSON(2); $this->assertEquals($mail, $info->mail, 'Email address is unchanged on source site.'); $this->assertEquals($name, $info->name); // Get the unchanged pass. $this->drush('user-information', [$name], $options + ['field' => 'pass']); $original_hashed_pass = $this->getOutput(); // Confirm that the sample user's email and password have been sanitized on the dev site $this->drush('user-information', [$name], $options + ['fields' => 'uid,name,mail,pass', 'format' => 'json', 'yes' => null], '@unish.dev'); $info = $this->getOutputFromJSON(2); $this->assertEquals("user+2@localhost.localdomain", $info->mail, 'Email address was sanitized on destination site.'); $this->assertEquals($name, $info->name); $this->assertNotEquals($info->pass, $original_hashed_pass); // Copy stage to dev with --sanitize and a fixed sanitized email $sync_options = [ 'yes' => null, // Test wildcards expansion from within sql-sync. Also avoid D8 persistent entity cache. 'structure-tables-list' => 'cache,cache*', ]; $this->drush('sql-sync', ['@unish.stage', '@unish.dev'], $sync_options); $this->drush('sql-sanitize', [], ['yes' => null, 'sanitize-email' => 'user@mysite.org'], '@unish.dev'); // Confirm that the sample user's email address has been sanitized on the dev site $this->drush('user-information', [$name], $options + ['yes' => null, 'format' => 'json'], '@unish.dev'); $info = $this->getOutputFromJSON(2); $this->assertEquals('user@mysite.org', $info->mail, 'Email address was sanitized (fixed email) on destination site.'); $this->assertEquals($name, $info->name); $fields = [ 'field_user_email' => 'joe.user.alt@myhome.com', 'field_user_string' => 'Private info', 'field_user_string_long' => 'Really private info', 'field_user_text' => 'Super private info', 'field_user_text_long' => 'Super duper private info', 'field_user_text_with_summary' => 'Private', ]; // Assert that field DO NOT contain values. foreach ($fields as $field_name => $value) { $this->assertUserFieldContents($field_name, $value); } // Assert that field_user_telephone DOES contain "5555555555". $this->assertUserFieldContents('field_user_telephone', '5555555555', true); } /** * Assert that a field on the user entity does or does not contain a value. * * @param string $field_name * The machine name of the field. * @param string $value * The field value. * @param bool $should_contain * Whether the field should contain the value. Defaults to false. */ public function assertUserFieldContents($field_name, $value, $should_contain = false) { $table = 'user__' . $field_name; $column = $field_name . '_value'; $this->drush('sql-query', ["SELECT $column FROM $table LIMIT 1"], [], '@unish.dev'); $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertNotEmpty($output); if ($should_contain) { $this->assertContains($value, $output); } else { $this->assertNotContains($value, $output); } } }