getSites()) { $this->setUpDrupal(1, true); $this->userCreate(); } } public function testBlockUnblock() { $this->drush('user-block', [self::NAME]); $this->drush('user-information', [self::NAME], ['format' => 'json']); $uid = 2; $output = $this->getOutputFromJSON($uid); $this->assertEquals(0, $output->user_status, 'User is blocked.'); // user-unblock $this->drush('user-unblock', [self::NAME]); $this->drush('user-information', [self::NAME], ['format' => 'json']); $output = $this->getOutputFromJSON($uid); $this->assertEquals(1, $output->user_status, 'User is unblocked.'); } public function testUserRole() { // First, create the role since we use testing install profile. $this->drush('role-create', ['test role']); $this->drush('user-add-role', ['test role', self::NAME]); $this->drush('user-information', [self::NAME], ['format' => 'json']); $uid = 2; $output = $this->getOutputFromJSON($uid); $expected = ['authenticated', 'test role']; $this->assertEquals($expected, array_values((array)$output->roles), 'User has test role.'); // user-remove-role $this->drush('user-remove-role', ['test role', self::NAME]); $this->drush('user-information', [self::NAME], ['format' => 'json']); $output = $this->getOutputFromJSON($uid); $expected = ['authenticated']; $this->assertEquals($expected, array_values((array)$output->roles), 'User removed test role.'); } public function testUserPassword() { $newpass = 'newpass'; $name = self::NAME; $this->drush('user-password', [self::NAME, $newpass]); $eval = "return \\Drupal::service('user.auth')->authenticate('$name', '$newpass');"; $this->drush('php-eval', [$eval]); $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertEquals("2", $output, 'User can login with new password.'); } public function testUserLogin() { // Check if user-login on a non-bootstrapped environment returns error. $this->drush('user-login', [], ['uri' => 'OMIT'], null, null, self::EXIT_ERROR); // Check user-login $user_login_options = ['simulate' => null, 'browser' => 'unish']; // Collect full logs so we can check browser. $this->drush('user-login', [], $user_login_options + ['debug' => null]); $logOutput = $this->getErrorOutput(); $url = parse_url($this->getOutput()); $this->assertContains('/user/reset/1', $url['path'], 'Login returned a reset URL for uid 1 by default'); $this->assertContains('Opening browser unish at http://', $logOutput); // Check specific user with a path argument. $uid = 2; $this->drush('user-login', ['node/add'], $user_login_options + ['name' => self::NAME]); $output = $this->getOutput(); $url = parse_url($output); $query = $url['query']; $this->assertContains('/user/reset/' . $uid, $url['path'], 'Login with user argument returned a valid reset URL'); $this->assertEquals('destination=node/add', $query, 'Login included destination path in URL'); // Check path used as only argument when using uid option. $this->drush('user-login', ['node/add'], $user_login_options + ['name' => self::NAME]); $output = $this->getOutput(); $url = parse_url($output); $this->assertContains('/user/reset/' . $uid, $url['path'], 'Login with uid option returned a valid reset URL'); $query = $url['query']; $this->assertEquals('destination=node/add', $query, 'Login included destination path in URL'); } public function testUserCancel() { // Create a content entity type and enable its module. $answers = [ 'name' => 'UnishArticle', 'machine_name' => 'unish_article', 'package' => 'custom', 'version' => '8.x-1.0-dev', 'dependencies' => 'text', 'entity_type_label' => 'UnishArticle', 'entity_type_id' => 'unish_article', 'entity_base_path' => 'admin/content/unish_article', 'fieldable' => 'no', 'revisionable' => 'no', 'template' => 'no', 'access_controller' => 'no', 'title_base_field' => 'yes', 'status_base_field' => 'yes', 'created_base_field' => 'yes', 'changed_base_field' => 'yes', 'author_base_field' => 'yes', 'description_base_field' => 'no', 'rest_configuration' => 'no', ]; $answers = json_encode($answers); $original = getenv('SHELL_INTERACTIVE'); $this->setEnv(['SHELL_INTERACTIVE' => 1]); $this->drush('generate', ['content-entity'], ['answers' => $answers, 'directory' => Path::join(self::webroot(), 'modules/contrib')]); $this->setEnv(['SHELL_INTERACTIVE' => $original]); $this->drush('pm-enable', ['text,unish_article']); // Create one unish_article owned by our example user. $this->drush('php-script', ['create_unish_articles'], ['script-path' => '../vendor/drush/drush/tests/resources']); // Verify that content entity exists. $code = "echo entity_load('unish_article', 1)->id()"; $this->drush('php-eval', [$code]); $this->assertEquals(1, $this->getOutput()); // Cancel user and verify that the account is deleted. $this->drush('user-cancel', [self::NAME], ['delete-content' => null]); $this->drush('user-information', [self::NAME], ['fields' => 'user_status', 'format' => 'string'], null, null, self::EXIT_ERROR); // Verify that the content is deleted. // Sigh - only nodes actually honor the cancellation methods. @see node_user_cancel(). // $this->drush('php-eval', [$code], [], NULL, NULL, self::EXIT_ERROR); // $output = $this->getOutput(); // $this->assertEquals('', $this->getOutput()); } public function userCreate() { $this->drush('user-create', [self::NAME], ['password' => 'password', 'mail' => ""]); $this->drush('user-information', [self::NAME], ['format' => 'json']); $uid = 2; $output = $this->getOutputFromJSON($uid); $this->assertEquals('', $output->mail); $this->assertEquals(self::NAME, $output->name); $this->assertEquals(1, $output->user_status, 'Newly created user is Active.'); $expected = ['authenticated']; $this->assertEquals($expected, array_values((array)$output->roles), 'Newly created user has one role.'); } }