markTestSkipped('Config only available on D8+.'); } if (!$this->getSites()) { $this->setUpDrupal(1, TRUE); $this->drush('pm-enable', array('config'), $this->options()); } } function testConfigGetSet() { $options = $this->options(); $this->drush('config-set', array('', 'name', 'config_test'), $options); $this->drush('config-get', array('', 'name'), $options); $this->assertEquals("'': config_test", $this->getOutput(), 'Config was successfully set and get.'); } function testConfigList() { $options = $this->options(); $this->drush('config-list', array(), $options); $result = $this->getOutputAsList(); $this->assertNotEmpty($result, 'An array of config names was returned.'); $this->assertTrue(in_array('update.settings', $result), 'update.settings name found in the config names.'); $this->drush('config-list', array('system'), $options); $result = $this->getOutputAsList(); $this->assertTrue(in_array('', $result), ' found in list of config names with "system" prefix.'); $this->drush('config-list', array('system'), $options + array('format' => 'json')); $result = $this->getOutputFromJSON(); $this->assertNotEmpty($result, 'Valid, non-empty JSON output was returned.'); } function testConfigExportImport() { $options = $this->options(); // Get path to sync dir. $this->drush('core-status', array('config-sync'), $options + array('format' => 'json')); $sync = $this->webroot() . '/' . $this->getOutputFromJSON('config-sync'); $system_site_yml = $sync . '/'; $core_extension_yml = $sync . '/core.extension.yml'; // Test export $this->drush('config-export', array(), $options); $this->assertFileExists($system_site_yml); // Test import by finishing the round trip. $contents = file_get_contents($system_site_yml); $contents = preg_replace('/front: .*/', 'front: unish', $contents); $contents = file_put_contents($system_site_yml, $contents); $this->drush('config-import', array(), $options); $this->drush('config-get', array('', 'page'), $options + array('format' => 'json')); $page = $this->getOutputFromJSON(''); $this->assertContains('unish', $page->front, 'Config was successfully imported.'); // Similar, but this time via --partial option. $contents = file_get_contents($system_site_yml); $contents = preg_replace('/front: .*/', 'front: unish partial', $contents); $partial_path = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/partial'; mkdir($partial_path); $contents = file_put_contents($partial_path. '/', $contents); $this->drush('config-import', array(), $options + array('partial' => NULL, 'source' => $partial_path)); $this->drush('config-get', array('', 'page'), $options + array('format' => 'json')); $page = $this->getOutputFromJSON(''); $this->assertContains('unish partial', $page->front, '--partial was successfully imported.'); $this->drush('pm-enable', array('tracker'), $options); $ignored_modules = array('skip-modules' => 'tracker'); // Run config-export again - note that 'tracker' is enabled, but we // are going to ignore it on write, so no changes should be written // to core.extension when it is exported. $this->drush('config-export', array(), $options + $ignored_modules); $this->assertFileExists($core_extension_yml); $contents = file_get_contents($core_extension_yml); $this->assertNotContains('tracker', $contents); // Run config-import again, but ignore 'tracker' when importing. // It is not presently in the exported configuration, because we enabled // it after export. If we imported again without adding 'tracker' with // 'skip-modules' option, then it would be disabled. $this->drush('config-import', array(), $options + $ignored_modules); $this->drush('config-get', array('core.extension', 'module'), $options + array('format' => 'yaml')); $modules = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertContains('tracker', $modules, 'Tracker module appears in extension list after import, as it should.'); // Run config-export one final time. 'tracker' is still enabled, even // though it was ignored in the previous import/export operations. // When we remove the skip-modules option, then 'tracker' will // be exported. $this->drush('config-export', array(), $options); $this->assertFileExists($core_extension_yml); $contents = file_get_contents($core_extension_yml); $this->assertContains('tracker', $contents); } function options() { return array( 'yes' => NULL, 'root' => $this->webroot(), 'uri' => key($this->getSites()), ); } }