checkResourceParam($uri, true); if ($uri) { $this->uri = $uri; $this->parsedUri = new EasyRdf_ParsedUri($uri); if ($data) { $this->parse($data, $format, $this->uri); } } } /** * Create a new graph and load RDF data from a URI into it * * This static function is shorthand for: * $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($uri); * $graph->load($uri, $format); * * The document type is optional but should be specified if it * can't be guessed or got from the HTTP headers. * * @param string $uri The URI of the data to load * @param string $format Optional format of the data (eg. rdfxml) * @return object EasyRdf_Graph The new the graph object */ public static function newAndLoad($uri, $format = null) { $graph = new self($uri); $graph->load($uri, $format); return $graph; } /** Get or create a resource stored in a graph * * If the resource did not previously exist, then a new resource will * be created. If you provide an RDF type and that type is registered * with the EasyRdf_TypeMapper, then the resource will be an instance * of the class registered. * * If URI is null, then the URI of the graph is used. * * @param string $uri The URI of the resource * @param mixed $types RDF type of a new resource (e.g. foaf:Person) * @return object EasyRdf_Resource */ public function resource($uri = null, $types = array()) { $this->checkResourceParam($uri, true); if (!$uri) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$uri is null and EasyRdf_Graph object has no URI either.' ); } // Resolve relative URIs if ($this->parsedUri) { $uri = $this->parsedUri->resolve($uri)->toString(); } // Add the types $this->addType($uri, $types); // Create resource object if it doesn't already exist if (!isset($this->resources[$uri])) { $resClass = $this->classForResource($uri); $this->resources[$uri] = new $resClass($uri, $this); } return $this->resources[$uri]; } /** Work out the class to instantiate a resource as * @ignore */ protected function classForResource($uri) { $rdfType = ''; if (isset($this->index[$uri][$rdfType])) { foreach ($this->index[$uri][$rdfType] as $type) { if ($type['type'] == 'uri' or $type['type'] == 'bnode') { $class = EasyRdf_TypeMapper::get($type['value']); if ($class != null) { return $class; } } } } // Parsers don't typically add a rdf:type to rdf:List, so we have to // do a bit of 'inference' here using properties. if ($uri == '' or isset($this->index[$uri]['']) or isset($this->index[$uri]['']) ) { return 'EasyRdf_Collection'; } return 'EasyRdf_Resource'; } /** * Create a new blank node in the graph and return it. * * If you provide an RDF type and that type is registered * with the EasyRdf_TypeMapper, then the resource will be an instance * of the class registered. * * @param mixed $types RDF type of a new blank node (e.g. foaf:Person) * @return object EasyRdf_Resource The new blank node */ public function newBNode($types = array()) { return $this->resource($this->newBNodeId(), $types); } /** * Create a new unique blank node identifier and return it. * * @return string The new blank node identifier (e.g. _:genid1) */ public function newBNodeId() { return "_:genid".(++$this->bNodeCount); } /** * Parse some RDF data into the graph object. * * @param string $data Data to parse for the graph * @param string $format Optional format of the data * @param string $uri The URI of the data to load * @return integer The number of triples added to the graph */ public function parse($data, $format = null, $uri = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($uri, true); if (empty($format) or $format == 'guess') { // Guess the format if it is Unknown $format = EasyRdf_Format::guessFormat($data, $uri); } else { $format = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat($format); } if (!$format) { throw new EasyRdf_Exception( "Unable to parse data of an unknown format." ); } $parser = $format->newParser(); return $parser->parse($this, $data, $format, $uri); } /** * Parse a file containing RDF data into the graph object. * * @param string $filename The path of the file to load * @param string $format Optional format of the file * @param string $uri The URI of the file to load * @return integer The number of triples added to the graph */ public function parseFile($filename, $format = null, $uri = null) { if ($uri === null) { $uri = "file://$filename"; } return $this->parse( file_get_contents($filename), $format, $uri ); } /** * Load RDF data into the graph from a URI. * * If no URI is given, then the URI of the graph will be used. * * The document type is optional but should be specified if it * can't be guessed or got from the HTTP headers. * * @param string $uri The URI of the data to load * @param string $format Optional format of the data (eg. rdfxml) * @return integer The number of triples added to the graph */ public function load($uri = null, $format = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($uri, true); if (!$uri) { throw new EasyRdf_Exception( "No URI given to load() and the graph does not have a URI." ); } // Setup the HTTP client $client = EasyRdf_Http::getDefaultHttpClient(); $client->resetParameters(true); $client->setConfig(array('maxredirects' => 0)); $client->setMethod('GET'); $client->setHeaders('Accept', EasyRdf_Format::getHttpAcceptHeader()); $requestUrl = $uri; $response = null; $redirectCounter = 0; do { // Have we already loaded it into the graph? $requestUrl = EasyRdf_Utils::removeFragmentFromUri($requestUrl); if (in_array($requestUrl, $this->loaded)) { return 0; } // Make the HTTP request $client->setHeaders('host', null); $client->setUri($requestUrl); $response = $client->request(); // Add the URL to the list of URLs loaded $this->loaded[] = $requestUrl; if ($response->isRedirect() and $location = $response->getHeader('location')) { // Avoid problems with buggy servers that add whitespace $location = trim($location); // Some servers return relative URLs in the location header // resolve it in relation to previous request $baseUri = new EasyRdf_ParsedUri($requestUrl); $requestUrl = $baseUri->resolve($location)->toString(); $requestUrl = EasyRdf_Utils::removeFragmentFromUri($requestUrl); // If it is a 303 then drop the parameters if ($response->getStatus() == 303) { $client->resetParameters(); } ++$redirectCounter; } elseif ($response->isSuccessful()) { // If we didn't get any location, stop redirecting break; } else { throw new EasyRdf_Http_Exception( "HTTP request for {$requestUrl} failed: ".$response->getMessage(), $response->getStatus(), null, $response->getBody() ); } } while ($redirectCounter < $this->maxRedirects); if (!$format or $format == 'guess') { list($format, $params) = EasyRdf_Utils::parseMimeType( $response->getHeader('Content-Type') ); } // Parse the data return $this->parse($response->getBody(), $format, $uri); } /** Get an associative array of all the resources stored in the graph. * The keys of the array is the URI of the EasyRdf_Resource. * * @return array Array of EasyRdf_Resource */ public function resources() { foreach ($this->index as $subject => $properties) { if (!isset($this->resources[$subject])) { $this->resource($subject); } } foreach ($this->revIndex as $object => $properties) { if (!isset($this->resources[$object])) { $this->resource($object); } } return $this->resources; } /** Get an arry of resources matching a certain property and optional value. * * For example this routine could be used as a way of getting * everyone who has name: * $people = $graph->resourcesMatching('foaf:name') * * Or everyone who is male: * $people = $graph->resourcesMatching('foaf:gender', 'male'); * * Or all homepages: * $people = $graph->resourcesMatching('^foaf:homepage'); * * @param string $property The property to check. * @param mixed $value Optional, the value of the propery to check for. * @return array Array of EasyRdf_Resource */ public function resourcesMatching($property, $value = null) { $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); $this->checkValueParam($value); // Use the reverse index if it is an inverse property if ($inverse) { $index = &$this->revIndex; } else { $index = &$this->index; } $matched = array(); foreach ($index as $subject => $props) { if (isset($index[$subject][$property])) { if (isset($value)) { foreach ($this->index[$subject][$property] as $v) { if ($v['type'] == $value['type'] and $v['value'] == $value['value']) { $matched[] = $this->resource($subject); break; } } } else { $matched[] = $this->resource($subject); } } } return $matched; } /** Get the URI of the graph * * @return string The URI of the graph */ public function getUri() { return $this->uri; } /** Check that a URI/resource parameter is valid, and convert it to a string * @ignore */ protected function checkResourceParam(&$resource, $allowNull = false) { if ($allowNull == true) { if ($resource === null) { if ($this->uri) { $resource = $this->uri; } else { return; } } } elseif ($resource === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$resource should be either IRI, blank-node identifier or EasyRdf_Resource. got null" ); } if (is_object($resource) and $resource instanceof EasyRdf_Resource) { $resource = $resource->getUri(); } elseif (is_object($resource) and $resource instanceof EasyRdf_ParsedUri) { $resource = strval($resource); } elseif (is_string($resource)) { if ($resource == '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$resource should be either IRI, blank-node identifier or EasyRdf_Resource. got empty string" ); } elseif (preg_match("|^<(.+)>$|", $resource, $matches)) { $resource = $matches[1]; } else { $resource = EasyRdf_Namespace::expand($resource); } } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$resource should be either IRI, blank-node identifier or EasyRdf_Resource" ); } } /** Check that a single URI/property parameter (not a property path) * is valid, and expand it if required * @ignore */ protected function checkSinglePropertyParam(&$property, &$inverse) { if (is_object($property) and $property instanceof EasyRdf_Resource) { $property = $property->getUri(); } elseif (is_object($property) and $property instanceof EasyRdf_ParsedUri) { $property = strval($property); } elseif (is_string($property)) { if ($property == '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$property cannot be an empty string" ); } elseif (substr($property, 0, 1) == '^') { $inverse = true; $property = EasyRdf_Namespace::expand(substr($property, 1)); } elseif (substr($property, 0, 2) == '_:') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$property cannot be a blank node" ); } else { $inverse = false; $property = EasyRdf_Namespace::expand($property); } } if ($property === null or !is_string($property)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$property should be a string or EasyRdf_Resource and cannot be null" ); } } /** Check that a value parameter is valid, and convert it to an associative array if needed * @ignore */ protected function checkValueParam(&$value) { if (isset($value)) { if (is_object($value)) { if (!method_exists($value, 'toRdfPhp')) { // Convert to a literal object $value = EasyRdf_Literal::create($value); } $value = $value->toRdfPhp(); } elseif (is_array($value)) { if (!isset($value['type'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$value is missing a 'type' key" ); } if (!isset($value['value'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$value is missing a 'value' key" ); } // Fix ordering and remove unknown keys $value = array( 'type' => strval($value['type']), 'value' => strval($value['value']), 'lang' => isset($value['lang']) ? strval($value['lang']) : null, 'datatype' => isset($value['datatype']) ? strval($value['datatype']) : null ); } else { $value = array( 'type' => 'literal', 'value' => strval($value), 'datatype' => EasyRdf_Literal::getDatatypeForValue($value) ); } if (!in_array($value['type'], array('uri', 'bnode', 'literal'), true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$value does not have a valid type (".$value['type'].")" ); } if (empty($value['datatype'])) { unset($value['datatype']); } if (empty($value['lang'])) { unset($value['lang']); } if (isset($value['lang']) and isset($value['datatype'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$value cannot have both and language and a datatype" ); } } } /** Get a single value for a property of a resource * * If multiple values are set for a property then the value returned * may be arbitrary. * * If $property is an array, then the first item in the array that matches * a property that exists is returned. * * This method will return null if the property does not exist. * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string $propertyPath A valid property path * @param string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal or resource) * @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en) * @return mixed A value associated with the property */ public function get($resource, $propertyPath, $type = null, $lang = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); if (is_object($propertyPath) and $propertyPath instanceof EasyRdf_Resource) { return $this->getSingleProperty($resource, $propertyPath->getUri(), $type, $lang); } elseif (is_string($propertyPath) and preg_match('|^(\^?)<(.+)>|', $propertyPath, $matches)) { return $this->getSingleProperty($resource, "$matches[1]$matches[2]", $type, $lang); } elseif ($propertyPath === null or !is_string($propertyPath)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$propertyPath should be a string or EasyRdf_Resource and cannot be null" ); } elseif ($propertyPath === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$propertyPath cannot be an empty string" ); } // Loop through each component in the path foreach (explode('/', $propertyPath) as $part) { // Stop if we come to a literal if ($resource instanceof EasyRdf_Literal) { return null; } // Try each of the alternative paths foreach (explode('|', $part) as $p) { $res = $this->getSingleProperty($resource, $p, $type, $lang); if ($res) { break; } } // Stop if nothing was found $resource = $res; if (!$resource) { break; } } return $resource; } /** Get a single value for a property of a resource * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal or resource) * @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en) * @return mixed A value associated with the property * * @ignore */ protected function getSingleProperty($resource, $property, $type = null, $lang = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); // Get an array of values for the property $values = $this->propertyValuesArray($resource, $property, $inverse); if (!isset($values)) { return null; } // Filter the results $result = null; if ($type) { foreach ($values as $value) { if ($type == 'literal' and $value['type'] == 'literal') { if ($lang == null or (isset($value['lang']) and $value['lang'] == $lang)) { $result = $value; break; } } elseif ($type == 'resource') { if ($value['type'] == 'uri' or $value['type'] == 'bnode') { $result = $value; break; } } } } else { $result = $values[0]; } // Convert the internal data structure into a PHP object return $this->arrayToObject($result); } /** Get a single literal value for a property of a resource * * If multiple values are set for a property then the value returned * may be arbitrary. * * This method will return null if there is not literal value for the * property. * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string|array $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en) * @return object EasyRdf_Literal Literal value associated with the property */ public function getLiteral($resource, $property, $lang = null) { return $this->get($resource, $property, 'literal', $lang); } /** Get a single resource value for a property of a resource * * If multiple values are set for a property then the value returned * may be arbitrary. * * This method will return null if there is not resource for the * property. * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string|array $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @return object EasyRdf_Resource Resource associated with the property */ public function getResource($resource, $property) { return $this->get($resource, $property, 'resource'); } /** Return all the values for a particular property of a resource * @ignore */ protected function propertyValuesArray($resource, $property, $inverse = false) { // Is an inverse property being requested? if ($inverse) { if (isset($this->revIndex[$resource])) { $properties = &$this->revIndex[$resource]; } } else { if (isset($this->index[$resource])) { $properties = &$this->index[$resource]; } } if (isset($properties[$property])) { return $properties[$property]; } else { return null; } } /** Get an EasyRdf_Resource or EasyRdf_Literal object from an associative array. * @ignore */ protected function arrayToObject($data) { if ($data) { if ($data['type'] == 'uri' or $data['type'] == 'bnode') { return $this->resource($data['value']); } else { return EasyRdf_Literal::create($data); } } else { return null; } } /** Get all values for a property path * * This method will return an empty array if the property does not exist. * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string $propertyPath A valid property path * @param string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal) * @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en) * @return array An array of values associated with the property */ public function all($resource, $propertyPath, $type = null, $lang = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); if (is_object($propertyPath) and $propertyPath instanceof EasyRdf_Resource) { return $this->allForSingleProperty($resource, $propertyPath->getUri(), $type, $lang); } elseif (is_string($propertyPath) and preg_match('|^(\^?)<(.+)>|', $propertyPath, $matches)) { return $this->allForSingleProperty($resource, "$matches[1]$matches[2]", $type, $lang); } elseif ($propertyPath === null or !is_string($propertyPath)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$propertyPath should be a string or EasyRdf_Resource and cannot be null" ); } elseif ($propertyPath === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$propertyPath cannot be an empty string" ); } $objects = array($resource); // Loop through each component in the path foreach (explode('/', $propertyPath) as $part) { $results = array(); foreach (explode('|', $part) as $p) { foreach ($objects as $o) { // Ignore literals found earlier in path if ($o instanceof EasyRdf_Literal) { continue; } $results = array_merge( $results, $this->allForSingleProperty($o, $p, $type, $lang) ); } } // Stop if we don't have anything if (empty($objects)) { break; } // Use the results as the input to the next iteration $objects = $results; } return $results; } /** Get all values for a single property of a resource * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal) * @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en) * @return array An array of values associated with the property * * @ignore */ protected function allForSingleProperty($resource, $property, $type = null, $lang = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); // Get an array of values for the property $values = $this->propertyValuesArray($resource, $property, $inverse); if (!isset($values)) { return array(); } $objects = array(); if ($type) { foreach ($values as $value) { if ($type == 'literal' and $value['type'] == 'literal') { if ($lang == null or (isset($value['lang']) and $value['lang'] == $lang)) { $objects[] = $this->arrayToObject($value); } } elseif ($type == 'resource') { if ($value['type'] == 'uri' or $value['type'] == 'bnode') { $objects[] = $this->arrayToObject($value); } } } } else { foreach ($values as $value) { $objects[] = $this->arrayToObject($value); } } return $objects; } /** Get all literal values for a property of a resource * * This method will return an empty array if the resource does not * has any literal values for that property. * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en) * @return array An array of values associated with the property */ public function allLiterals($resource, $property, $lang = null) { return $this->all($resource, $property, 'literal', $lang); } /** Get all resources for a property of a resource * * This method will return an empty array if the resource does not * has any resources for that property. * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @return array An array of values associated with the property */ public function allResources($resource, $property) { return $this->all($resource, $property, 'resource'); } /** Get all the resources in the graph of a certain type * * If no resources of the type are available and empty * array is returned. * * @param string $type The type of the resource (e.g. foaf:Person) * @return array The array of resources */ public function allOfType($type) { return $this->all($type, '^rdf:type'); } /** Count the number of values for a property of a resource * * @param string $resource The URI of the resource (e.g. * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param string $type The type of value to filter by (e.g. literal) * @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en) * @return integer The number of values for this property */ public function countValues($resource, $property, $type = null, $lang = null) { return count($this->all($resource, $property, $type, $lang)); } /** Concatenate all values for a property of a resource into a string. * * The default is to join the values together with a space character. * This method will return an empty string if the property does not exist. * * @param mixed $resource The resource to get the property on * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param string $glue The string to glue the values together with. * @param string $lang The language to filter by (e.g. en) * @return string Concatenation of all the values. */ public function join($resource, $property, $glue = ' ', $lang = null) { return join($glue, $this->all($resource, $property, 'literal', $lang)); } /** Add data to the graph * * The resource can either be a resource or the URI of a resource. * * Example: * $graph->add("", 'dc:title', 'Title of Page'); * * @param mixed $resource The resource to add data to * @param mixed $property The property name * @param mixed $value The new value for the property * @return integer The number of values added (1 or 0) */ public function add($resource, $property, $value) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); $this->checkValueParam($value); // No value given? if ($value === null) { return 0; } // Check that the value doesn't already exist if (isset($this->index[$resource][$property])) { foreach ($this->index[$resource][$property] as $v) { if ($v == $value) { return 0; } } } $this->index[$resource][$property][] = $value; // Add to the reverse index if it is a resource if ($value['type'] == 'uri' or $value['type'] == 'bnode') { $uri = $value['value']; $this->revIndex[$uri][$property][] = array( 'type' => substr($resource, 0, 2) == '_:' ? 'bnode' : 'uri', 'value' => $resource ); } // Success return 1; } /** Add a literal value as a property of a resource * * The resource can either be a resource or the URI of a resource. * The value can either be a single value or an array of values. * * Example: * $graph->add("", 'dc:title', 'Title of Page'); * * @param mixed $resource The resource to add data to * @param mixed $property The property name * @param mixed $value The value or values for the property * @param string $lang The language of the literal * @return integer The number of values added */ public function addLiteral($resource, $property, $value, $lang = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); if (is_array($value)) { $added = 0; foreach ($value as $v) { $added += $this->addLiteral($resource, $property, $v, $lang); } return $added; } elseif (!is_object($value) or !$value instanceof EasyRdf_Literal) { $value = EasyRdf_Literal::create($value, $lang); } return $this->add($resource, $property, $value); } /** Add a resource as a property of another resource * * The resource can either be a resource or the URI of a resource. * * Example: * $graph->add("", 'foaf:knows', ''); * * @param mixed $resource The resource to add data to * @param mixed $property The property name * @param mixed $resource2 The resource to be value of the property * @return integer The number of values added */ public function addResource($resource, $property, $resource2) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); $this->checkResourceParam($resource2); return $this->add( $resource, $property, array( 'type' => substr($resource2, 0, 2) == '_:' ? 'bnode' : 'uri', 'value' => $resource2 ) ); } /** Set a value for a property * * The new value will replace the existing values for the property. * * @param string $resource The resource to set the property on * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param mixed $value The value for the property * @return integer The number of values added (1 or 0) */ public function set($resource, $property, $value) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); $this->checkValueParam($value); // Delete the old values $this->delete($resource, $property); // Add the new values return $this->add($resource, $property, $value); } /** Delete a property (or optionally just a specific value) * * @param mixed $resource The resource to delete the property from * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param mixed $value The value to delete (null to delete all values) * @return integer The number of values deleted */ public function delete($resource, $property, $value = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); if (is_object($property) and $property instanceof EasyRdf_Resource) { return $this->deleteSingleProperty($resource, $property->getUri(), $value); } elseif (is_string($property) and preg_match('|^(\^?)<(.+)>|', $property, $matches)) { return $this->deleteSingleProperty($resource, "$matches[1]$matches[2]", $value); } elseif ($property === null or !is_string($property)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$property should be a string or EasyRdf_Resource and cannot be null" ); } elseif ($property === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "\$property cannot be an empty string" ); } // FIXME: finish implementing property paths for delete return $this->deleteSingleProperty($resource, $property, $value); } /** Delete a property (or optionally just a specific value) * * @param mixed $resource The resource to delete the property from * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param mixed $value The value to delete (null to delete all values) * @return integer The number of values deleted * * @ignore */ public function deleteSingleProperty($resource, $property, $value = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); $this->checkValueParam($value); $count = 0; if (isset($this->index[$resource][$property])) { foreach ($this->index[$resource][$property] as $k => $v) { if (!$value or $v == $value) { unset($this->index[$resource][$property][$k]); $count++; if ($v['type'] == 'uri' or $v['type'] == 'bnode') { $this->deleteInverse($v['value'], $property, $resource); } } } // Clean up the indexes - remove empty properties and resources if ($count) { if (count($this->index[$resource][$property]) == 0) { unset($this->index[$resource][$property]); } if (count($this->index[$resource]) == 0) { unset($this->index[$resource]); } } } return $count; } /** Delete a resource from a property of another resource * * The resource can either be a resource or the URI of a resource. * * Example: * $graph->delete("", 'foaf:knows', ''); * * @param mixed $resource The resource to delete data from * @param mixed $property The property name * @param mixed $resource2 The resource value of the property to be deleted */ public function deleteResource($resource, $property, $resource2) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); $this->checkResourceParam($resource2); return $this->delete( $resource, $property, array( 'type' => substr($resource2, 0, 2) == '_:' ? 'bnode' : 'uri', 'value' => $resource2 ) ); } /** Delete a literal value from a property of a resource * * Example: * $graph->delete("", 'dc:title', 'Title of Page'); * * @param mixed $resource The resource to add data to * @param mixed $property The property name * @param mixed $value The value of the property * @param string $lang The language of the literal */ public function deleteLiteral($resource, $property, $value, $lang = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); $this->checkValueParam($value); if ($lang) { $value['lang'] = $lang; } return $this->delete($resource, $property, $value); } /** This function is for internal use only. * * Deletes an inverse property from a resource. * * @ignore */ protected function deleteInverse($resource, $property, $value) { if (isset($this->revIndex[$resource])) { foreach ($this->revIndex[$resource][$property] as $k => $v) { if ($v['value'] === $value) { unset($this->revIndex[$resource][$property][$k]); } } if (count($this->revIndex[$resource][$property]) == 0) { unset($this->revIndex[$resource][$property]); } if (count($this->revIndex[$resource]) == 0) { unset($this->revIndex[$resource]); } } } /** Check if the graph contains any statements * * @return boolean True if the graph contains no statements */ public function isEmpty() { return count($this->index) == 0; } /** Get a list of all the shortened property names (qnames) for a resource. * * This method will return an empty array if the resource has no properties. * * @return array Array of shortened URIs */ public function properties($resource) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $properties = array(); if (isset($this->index[$resource])) { foreach ($this->index[$resource] as $property => $value) { $short = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($property); if ($short) { $properties[] = $short; } } } return $properties; } /** Get a list of the full URIs for the properties of a resource. * * This method will return an empty array if the resource has no properties. * * @return array Array of full URIs */ public function propertyUris($resource) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); if (isset($this->index[$resource])) { return array_keys($this->index[$resource]); } else { return array(); } } /** Get a list of the full URIs for the properties that point to a resource. * * @return array Array of full property URIs */ public function reversePropertyUris($resource) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); if (isset($this->revIndex[$resource])) { return array_keys($this->revIndex[$resource]); } else { return array(); } } /** Check to see if a property exists for a resource. * * This method will return true if the property exists. * If the value parameter is given, then it will only return true * if the value also exists for that property. * * By providing a value parameter you can use this function to check * to see if a triple exists in the graph. * * @param mixed $resource The resource to check * @param string $property The name of the property (e.g. foaf:name) * @param mixed $value An optional value of the property * @return boolean True if value the property exists. */ public function hasProperty($resource, $property, $value = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource); $this->checkSinglePropertyParam($property, $inverse); $this->checkValueParam($value); // Use the reverse index if it is an inverse property if ($inverse) { $index = &$this->revIndex; } else { $index = &$this->index; } if (isset($index[$resource][$property])) { if (is_null($value)) { return true; } else { foreach ($index[$resource][$property] as $v) { if ($v == $value) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** Serialise the graph into RDF * * The $format parameter can be an EasyRdf_Format object, a * format name, a mime type or a file extension. * * Example: * $turtle = $graph->serialise('turtle'); * * @param mixed $format The format to serialise to * @param array $options Serialiser-specific options, for fine-tuning the output * @return mixed The serialised graph */ public function serialise($format, array $options = array()) { if (!$format instanceof EasyRdf_Format) { $format = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat($format); } $serialiser = $format->newSerialiser(); return $serialiser->serialise($this, $format->getName(), $options); } /** Return a human readable view of all the resources in the graph * * This method is intended to be a debugging aid and will * return a pretty-print view of all the resources and their * properties. * * @param string $format Either 'html' or 'text' * @return string */ public function dump($format = 'html') { $result = ''; if ($format == 'html') { $result .= "
". "Graph: ". $this->uri . "
\n"; } else { $result .= "Graph: ". $this->uri . "\n"; } foreach ($this->index as $resource => $properties) { $result .= $this->dumpResource($resource, $format); } return $result; } /** Return a human readable view of a resource and its properties * * This method is intended to be a debugging aid and will * print a resource and its properties. * * @param mixed $resource The resource to dump * @param string $format Either 'html' or 'text' * @return string */ public function dumpResource($resource, $format = 'html') { $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true); if (isset($this->index[$resource])) { $properties = $this->index[$resource]; } else { return ''; } $plist = array(); foreach ($properties as $property => $values) { $olist = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { if ($value['type'] == 'literal') { $olist []= EasyRdf_Utils::dumpLiteralValue($value, $format, 'black'); } else { $olist []= EasyRdf_Utils::dumpResourceValue($value['value'], $format, 'blue'); } } $pstr = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($property); if ($pstr == null) { $pstr = $property; } if ($format == 'html') { $plist []= " ". "". htmlentities($pstr) . " ". " ". join(", ", $olist); } else { $plist []= " -> $pstr -> " . join(", ", $olist); } } if ($format == 'html') { return "
\n". "
".EasyRdf_Utils::dumpResourceValue($resource, $format, 'blue')." ". "(". $this->classForResource($resource).")
\n". "
\n". "
", $plist)."
". "
\n"; } else { return $resource." (".$this->classForResource($resource).")\n" . join("\n", $plist) . "\n\n"; } } /** Get the resource type of the graph * * The type will be a shortened URI as a string. * If the graph has multiple types then the type returned * may be arbitrary. * This method will return null if the resource has no type. * * @return string A type assocated with the resource (e.g. foaf:Document) */ public function type($resource = null) { $type = $this->typeAsResource($resource); if ($type) { return EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($type); } return null; } /** Get the resource type of the graph as a EasyRdf_Resource * * If the graph has multiple types then the type returned * may be arbitrary. * This method will return null if the resource has no type. * * @return object EasyRdf_Resource A type assocated with the resource */ public function typeAsResource($resource = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true); if ($resource) { return $this->get($resource, 'rdf:type', 'resource'); } return null; } /** Get a list of types for a resource * * The types will each be a shortened URI as a string. * This method will return an empty array if the resource has no types. * * If $resource is null, then it will get the types for the URI of the graph. * * @return array All types assocated with the resource (e.g. foaf:Person) */ public function types($resource = null) { $resources = $this->typesAsResources($resource); $types = array(); foreach ($resources as $type) { $types[] = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($type); } return $types; } /** * Get the resource types of the graph as a EasyRdf_Resource * * @return EasyRdf_Resource[] */ public function typesAsResources($resource = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true); if ($resource) { return $this->all($resource, 'rdf:type', 'resource'); } return array(); } /** Check if a resource is of the specified type * * @param string $resource The resource to check the type of * @param string $type The type to check (e.g. foaf:Person) * @return boolean True if resource is of specified type */ public function isA($resource, $type) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true); $type = EasyRdf_Namespace::expand($type); foreach ($this->all($resource, 'rdf:type', 'resource') as $t) { if ($t->getUri() == $type) { return true; } } return false; } /** Add one or more rdf:type properties to a resource * * @param string $resource The resource to add the type to * @param string $types One or more types to add (e.g. foaf:Person) * @return integer The number of types added */ public function addType($resource, $types) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true); if (!is_array($types)) { $types = array($types); } $count = 0; foreach ($types as $type) { $type = EasyRdf_Namespace::expand($type); $count += $this->add($resource, 'rdf:type', array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $type)); } return $count; } /** Change the rdf:type property for a resource * * Note that if the resource object has already previously * been created, then the PHP class of the resource will not change. * * @param string $resource The resource to change the type of * @param string $type The new type (e.g. foaf:Person) * @return integer The number of types added */ public function setType($resource, $type) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true); $this->delete($resource, 'rdf:type'); return $this->addType($resource, $type); } /** Get a human readable label for a resource * * This method will check a number of properties for a resource * (in the order: skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label, foaf:name, dc:title) * and return an approriate first that is available. If no label * is available then it will return null. * * @return string A label for the resource. */ public function label($resource = null, $lang = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true); if ($resource) { return $this->get( $resource, 'skos:prefLabel|rdfs:label|foaf:name|rss:title|dc:title|dc11:title', 'literal', $lang ); } else { return null; } } /** Get the primary topic of the graph * * @return EasyRdf_Resource The primary topic of the document. */ public function primaryTopic($resource = null) { $this->checkResourceParam($resource, true); if ($resource) { return $this->get( $resource, 'foaf:primaryTopic|^foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf', 'resource' ); } else { return null; } } /** Returns the graph as a RDF/PHP associative array * * @return array The contents of the graph as an array. */ public function toRdfPhp() { return $this->index; } /** Calculates the number of triples in the graph * * @return integer The number of triples in the graph. */ public function countTriples() { $count = 0; foreach ($this->index as $resource) { foreach ($resource as $property => $values) { $count += count($values); } } return $count; } /** Magic method to return URI of resource when casted to string * * @return string The URI of the resource */ public function __toString() { return $this->uri == null ? '' : $this->uri; } /** Magic method to get a property of the graph * * Note that only properties in the default namespace can be accessed in this way. * * Example: * $value = $graph->title; * * @see EasyRdf_Namespace::setDefault() * @param string $name The name of the property * @return string A single value for the named property */ public function __get($name) { return $this->get($this->uri, $name); } /** Magic method to set the value for a property of the graph * * Note that only properties in the default namespace can be accessed in this way. * * Example: * $graph->title = 'Title'; * * @see EasyRdf_Namespace::setDefault() * @param string $name The name of the property * @param string $value The value for the property */ public function __set($name, $value) { return $this->set($this->uri, $name, $value); } /** Magic method to check if a property exists * * Note that only properties in the default namespace can be accessed in this way. * * Example: * if (isset($graph->title)) { blah(); } * * @see EasyRdf_Namespace::setDefault() * @param string $name The name of the property */ public function __isset($name) { return $this->hasProperty($this->uri, $name); } /** Magic method to delete a property of the graph * * Note that only properties in the default namespace can be accessed in this way. * * Example: * unset($graph->title); * * @see EasyRdf_Namespace::setDefault() * @param string $name The name of the property */ public function __unset($name) { return $this->delete($this->uri, $name); } }