uri = $uri; $this->parsedUri = new EasyRdf_ParsedUri($uri); } /** Get the URI of the graph store * * @return string The URI of the graph store */ public function getUri() { return $this->uri; } /** Fetch a named graph from the graph store * * The URI can either be a full absolute URI or * a URI relative to the URI of the graph store. * * @param string $uriRef The URI of graph desired * @return EasyRdf_Graph The graph requested */ public function get($uriRef) { if ($uriRef === self::DEFAULT_GRAPH) { $dataUrl = $this->urlForGraph(self::DEFAULT_GRAPH); $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph(); } else { $graphUri = $this->parsedUri->resolve($uriRef)->toString(); $dataUrl = $this->urlForGraph($graphUri); $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($graphUri); } $graph->load($dataUrl); return $graph; } /** * Fetch default graph from the graph store * @return EasyRdf_Graph */ public function getDefault() { return $this->get(self::DEFAULT_GRAPH); } /** Send some graph data to the graph store * * This method is used by insert() and replace() * * @ignore */ protected function sendGraph($method, $graph, $uriRef, $format) { if (is_object($graph) and $graph instanceof EasyRdf_Graph) { if ($uriRef === null) { $uriRef = $graph->getUri(); } $data = $graph->serialise($format); } else { $data = $graph; } if ($uriRef === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Graph IRI is not specified'); } $formatObj = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat($format); $mimeType = $formatObj->getDefaultMimeType(); if ($uriRef === self::DEFAULT_GRAPH) { $dataUrl = $this->urlForGraph(self::DEFAULT_GRAPH); } else { $graphUri = $this->parsedUri->resolve($uriRef)->toString(); $dataUrl = $this->urlForGraph($graphUri); } $client = EasyRdf_Http::getDefaultHttpClient(); $client->resetParameters(true); $client->setUri($dataUrl); $client->setMethod($method); $client->setRawData($data); $client->setHeaders('Content-Type', $mimeType); $response = $client->request(); if (!$response->isSuccessful()) { throw new EasyRdf_Exception( "HTTP request for {$dataUrl} failed: ".$response->getMessage() ); } return $response; } /** Replace the contents of a graph in the graph store with new data * * The $graph parameter is the EasyRdf_Graph object to be sent to the * graph store. Alternatively it can be a string, already serialised. * * The URI can either be a full absolute URI or * a URI relative to the URI of the graph store. * * The $format parameter can be given to specify the serialisation * used to send the graph data to the graph store. * * @param EasyRdf_Graph|string $graph Data * @param string $uriRef The URI of graph to be replaced * @param string $format The format of the data to send to the graph store * @return EasyRdf_Http_Response The response from the graph store */ public function replace($graph, $uriRef = null, $format = 'ntriples') { return $this->sendGraph('PUT', $graph, $uriRef, $format); } /** * Replace the contents of default graph in the graph store with new data * * The $graph parameter is the EasyRdf_Graph object to be sent to the * graph store. Alternatively it can be a string, already serialised. * * The $format parameter can be given to specify the serialisation * used to send the graph data to the graph store. * * @param EasyRdf_Graph|string $graph Data * @param string $format The format of the data to send to the graph store * @return EasyRdf_Http_Response The response from the graph store */ public function replaceDefault($graph, $format = 'ntriples') { return self::replace($graph, self::DEFAULT_GRAPH, $format); } /** Add data to a graph in the graph store * * The $graph parameter is the EasyRdf_Graph object to be sent to the * graph store. Alternatively it can be a string, already serialised. * * The URI can either be a full absolute URI or * a URI relative to the URI of the graph store. * * The $format parameter can be given to specify the serialisation * used to send the graph data to the graph store. * * @param EasyRdf_Graph|string $graph Data * @param string $uriRef The URI of graph to be added to * @param string $format The format of the data to send to the graph store * @return object EasyRdf_Http_Response The response from the graph store */ public function insert($graph, $uriRef = null, $format = 'ntriples') { return $this->sendGraph('POST', $graph, $uriRef, $format); } /** * Add data to default graph of the graph store * * The $graph parameter is the EasyRdf_Graph object to be sent to the * graph store. Alternatively it can be a string, already serialised. * * The $format parameter can be given to specify the serialisation * used to send the graph data to the graph store. * * @param EasyRdf_Graph|string $graph Data * @param string $format The format of the data to send to the graph store * @return object EasyRdf_Http_Response The response from the graph store */ public function insertIntoDefault($graph, $format = 'ntriples') { return $this->insert($graph, self::DEFAULT_GRAPH, $format); } /** Delete named graph content from the graph store * * The URI can either be a full absolute URI or * a URI relative to the URI of the graph store. * * @param string $uriRef The URI of graph to be added to * * @throws EasyRdf_Exception * @return EasyRdf_Http_Response The response from the graph store */ public function delete($uriRef) { if ($uriRef === self::DEFAULT_GRAPH) { $dataUrl = $this->urlForGraph(self::DEFAULT_GRAPH); } else { $graphUri = $this->parsedUri->resolve($uriRef)->toString(); $dataUrl = $this->urlForGraph($graphUri); } $client = EasyRdf_Http::getDefaultHttpClient(); $client->resetParameters(true); $client->setUri($dataUrl); $client->setMethod('DELETE'); $response = $client->request(); if (!$response->isSuccessful()) { throw new EasyRdf_Exception( "HTTP request to delete {$dataUrl} failed: ".$response->getMessage() ); } return $response; } /** * Delete default graph content from the graph store * * @return EasyRdf_Http_Response * @throws EasyRdf_Exception */ public function deleteDefault() { return $this->delete(self::DEFAULT_GRAPH); } /** Work out the full URL for a graph store request. * by checking if if it is a direct or indirect request. * @ignore */ protected function urlForGraph($url) { if ($url === self::DEFAULT_GRAPH) { $url = $this->uri.'?default'; } elseif (strpos($url, $this->uri) === false) { $url = $this->uri."?graph=".urlencode($url); } return $url; } /** Magic method to return URI of the graph store when casted to string * * @return string The URI of the graph store */ public function __toString() { return empty($this->uri) ? '' : $this->uri; } }