debug) { print "Adding triple: $resource -> $property -> ".$value['type'].':'.$value['value']."\n"; } $count = $this->graph->add($resource, $property, $value); $this->tripleCount += $count; return $count; } protected function generateList($subject, $property, $list) { $current = $subject; $prop = $property; // Output a blank node for each item in the list foreach ($list as $item) { $newNode = $this->graph->newBNodeId(); $this->addTriple($current, $prop, array('type' => 'bnode', 'value' => $newNode)); $this->addTriple($newNode, 'rdf:first', $item); $current = $newNode; $prop = 'rdf:rest'; } // Finally, terminate the list $this->addTriple( $current, $prop, array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => EasyRdf_Namespace::expand('rdf:nil')) ); } protected function addToList($listMapping, $property, $value) { if ($this->debug) { print "Adding to list: $property -> ".$value['type'].':'.$value['value']."\n"; } // Create property in the list mapping if it doesn't already exist if (!isset($listMapping->$property)) { $listMapping->$property = array(); } array_push($listMapping->$property, $value); } protected function printNode($node, $depth) { $indent = str_repeat(' ', $depth); print $indent; switch($node->nodeType) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: print 'node'; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: print 'attr'; break; case XML_TEXT_NODE: print 'text'; break; case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: print 'cdata'; break; case XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE: print 'entref'; break; case XML_ENTITY_NODE: print 'entity'; break; case XML_PI_NODE: print 'pi'; break; case XML_COMMENT_NODE: print 'comment'; break; case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE: print 'doc'; break; case XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: print 'doctype'; break; case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE: print 'html'; break; default: throw new EasyRdf_Exception("unknown node type: ".$node->nodeType); break; } print ' '.$node->nodeName."\n"; if ($node->hasAttributes()) { foreach ($node->attributes as $attr) { print $indent.' '.$attr->nodeName." => ".$attr->nodeValue."\n"; } } } protected function guessTimeDatatype($value) { if (preg_match('/^-?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(Z|[\-\+]\d{2}:\d{2})?$/', $value)) { return ''; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(Z|[\-\+]\d{2}:\d{2})?$/', $value)) { return ''; } elseif (preg_match('/^-?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(Z|[\-\+]\d{2}:\d{2})?$/', $value)) { return ''; } elseif (preg_match('/^P(\d+Y)?(\d+M)?(\d+D)?T?(\d+H)?(\d+M)?(\d+S)?$/', $value)) { return ''; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d{4}$/', $value)) { return ''; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}$/', $value)) { return ''; } else { return null; } } protected function initialContext() { $context = array( 'prefixes' => array(), 'vocab' => null, 'subject' => $this->baseUri, 'property' => null, 'object' => null, 'terms' => array(), 'incompleteRels' => array(), 'incompleteRevs' => array(), 'listMapping' => null, 'lang' => null, 'path' => '', 'xmlns' => array(), ); // Set the default prefix $context['prefixes'][''] = ''; // RDFa 1.1 default term mapping $context['terms']['describedby'] = ''; $context['terms']['license'] = ''; $context['terms']['role'] = ''; return $context; } protected function expandCurie($node, &$context, $value) { if (preg_match('/^(\w*?):(.*)$/', $value, $matches)) { list (, $prefix, $local) = $matches; $prefix = strtolower($prefix); if ($prefix === '_') { // It is a bnode return $this->remapBnode(substr($value, 2)); } elseif (empty($prefix) and $context['vocab']) { // Empty prefix return $context['vocab'] . $local; } elseif (isset($context['prefixes'][$prefix])) { return $context['prefixes'][$prefix] . $local; } elseif ($uri = $node->lookupNamespaceURI($prefix)) { return $uri . $local; } elseif (!empty($prefix) and $uri = EasyRdf_Namespace::get($prefix)) { // Expand using well-known prefixes return $uri . $local; } } } protected function processUri($node, &$context, $value, $isProp = false) { if (preg_match('/^\[(.*)\]$/', $value, $matches)) { // Safe CURIE return $this->expandCurie($node, $context, $matches[1]); } elseif (preg_match(self::TERM_REGEXP, $value) and $isProp) { $term = strtolower($value); if ($context['vocab']) { return $context['vocab'] . $value; } elseif (isset($context['terms'][$term])) { return $context['terms'][$term]; } } elseif (substr($value, 0, 2) === '_:' and $isProp) { return null; } else { $uri = $this->expandCurie($node, $context, $value); if ($uri) { return $uri; } else { $parsed = new EasyRdf_ParsedUri($value); if ($parsed->isAbsolute()) { return $value; } elseif ($isProp) { // Properties can't be relative URIs return null; } elseif ($this->baseUri) { return $this->baseUri->resolve($parsed); } } } } protected function processUriList($node, $context, $values) { if (!$values) { return array(); } $uris = array(); foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', $values) as $value) { $uri = $this->processUri($node, $context, $value, true); if ($uri) { array_push($uris, $uri); } } return $uris; } protected function getUriAttribute($node, &$context, $attributes) { if (!is_array($attributes)) { $attributes = array($attributes); } // Find the first attribute that returns a valid URI foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if ($node->hasAttribute($attribute)) { $value = $node->getAttribute($attribute); $uri = $this->processUri($node, $context, $value); if ($uri) { return $uri; } } } } protected function processNode($node, &$context, $depth = 1) { if ($this->debug) { $this->printNode($node, $depth); } // Step 1: establish local variables $skip = false; $subject = null; $typedResource = null; $object = null; $rels = array(); $revs = array(); $lang = $context['lang']; $incompleteRels = array(); $incompleteRevs = array(); if ($node->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $context['path'] .= '/' . $node->nodeName; $content = $node->hasAttribute('content') ? $node->getAttribute('content') : null; $datatype = $node->hasAttribute('datatype') ? $node->getAttribute('datatype') : null; $property = $node->getAttribute('property') ? $node->getAttribute('property') : null; $typeof = $node->getAttribute('typeof') ? $node->getAttribute('typeof') : null; // Step 2: Default vocabulary if ($node->hasAttribute('vocab')) { $context['vocab'] = $node->getAttribute('vocab'); if ($context['vocab']) { $this->addTriple( $this->baseUri, 'rdfa:usesVocabulary', array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $context['vocab']) ); } } // Step 3: Set prefix mappings // Support for deprecated xmlns if present in document foreach ($context['xmlns'] as $prefix => $uri) { if ($node->hasAttribute('xmlns:' . $prefix)) { $context['prefixes'][$prefix] = $node->getAttribute('xmlns:' . $prefix); if ($this->debug) { print "Prefix (xmlns): $prefix => $uri\n"; } } } if ($node->hasAttribute('prefix')) { $mappings = preg_split('/\s+/', $node->getAttribute('prefix')); while (count($mappings)) { $prefix = strtolower(array_shift($mappings)); $uri = array_shift($mappings); if (substr($prefix, -1) === ':') { $prefix = substr($prefix, 0, -1); } else { continue; } if ($prefix === '_') { continue; } elseif (!empty($prefix)) { $context['prefixes'][$prefix] = $uri; if ($this->debug) { print "Prefix: $prefix => $uri\n"; } } } } // Step 4 if ($node->hasAttributeNS(self::XML_NS, 'lang')) { $lang = $node->getAttributeNS(self::XML_NS, 'lang'); } elseif ($node->hasAttribute('lang')) { $lang = $node->getAttribute('lang'); } // HTML+RDFa 1.1: ignore rel and rev unless they contain CURIEs. foreach (array('rel', 'rev') as $attr) { if ($node->hasAttribute('property') and $node->hasAttribute($attr)) { // Quick check in case there are no CURIEs to deal with. if (strpos($node->getAttribute($attr), ':') === false) { $node->removeAttribute($attr); } else { // Only keep CURIEs. $curies = array(); foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', $node->getAttribute($attr)) as $token) { if (strpos($token, ':')) { $curies[] = $token; } } $node->setAttribute($attr, implode(' ', $curies)); } } } $rels = $this->processUriList($node, $context, $node->getAttribute('rel')); $revs = $this->processUriList($node, $context, $node->getAttribute('rev')); if (!$node->hasAttribute('rel') and !$node->hasAttribute('rev')) { // Step 5: Establish a new subject if no rel/rev if ($property and is_null($content) and is_null($datatype)) { $subject = $this->getUriAttribute($node, $context, 'about'); if ($typeof and !$subject) { $typedResource = $this->getUriAttribute( $node, $context, array('resource', 'href', 'src') ); if (!$typedResource) { $typedResource = $this->graph->newBNodeId(); } $object = $typedResource; } } else { $subject = $this->getUriAttribute( $node, $context, array('about', 'resource', 'href', 'src') ); } // Establish a subject if there isn't one # FIXME: refactor this if (is_null($subject)) { if ($context['path'] === '/html/head') { $subject = $context['object']; } elseif ($depth <= 2) { $subject = $this->baseUri; } elseif ($typeof and !$property) { $subject = $this->graph->newBNodeId(); } else { if (!$property) { $skip = true; } $subject = $context['object']; } } } else { // Step 6 // If the current element does contain a @rel or @rev attribute, then the next step is to // establish both a value for new subject and a value for current object resource: $subject = $this->getUriAttribute($node, $context, 'about'); $object = $this->getUriAttribute( $node, $context, array('resource', 'href', 'src') ); if ($typeof) { if (!$object and !$subject) { $object = $this->graph->newBNodeId(); } $typedResource = $subject ? $subject : $object; } # FIXME: if the element is the root element of the document # then act as if there is an empty @about present if (!$subject) { $subject = $context['object']; } } # FIXME: better place for this? if ($typeof and $subject and !$typedResource) { $typedResource = $subject; } // Step 7: Process @typeof if there is a subject if ($typedResource) { foreach ($this->processUriList($node, $context, $typeof) as $type) { $this->addTriple( $typedResource, 'rdf:type', array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $type) ); } } // Step 8: Create new List mapping if the subject has changed if ($subject and $subject !== $context['subject']) { $listMapping = new StdClass(); } else { $listMapping = $context['listMapping']; } // Step 9: Generate triples with given object if ($subject and $object) { foreach ($rels as $prop) { $obj = array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $object); if ($node->hasAttribute('inlist')) { $this->addToList($listMapping, $prop, $obj); } else { $this->addTriple($subject, $prop, $obj); } } foreach ($revs as $prop) { $this->addTriple( $object, $prop, array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $subject) ); } } elseif ($rels or $revs) { // Step 10: Incomplete triples and bnode creation $object = $this->graph->newBNodeId(); if ($rels) { if ($node->hasAttribute('inlist')) { foreach ($rels as $prop) { # FIXME: add support for incomplete lists if (!isset($listMapping->$prop)) { $listMapping->$prop = array(); } } } else { $incompleteRels = $rels; if ($this->debug) { print "Incomplete rels: ".implode(',', $rels)."\n"; } } } if ($revs) { $incompleteRevs = $revs; if ($this->debug) { print "Incomplete revs: ".implode(',', $revs)."\n"; } } } // Step 11: establish current property value if ($subject and $property) { $value = array(); if ($datatype) { $datatype = $this->processUri($node, $context, $datatype, true); } if ($content !== null) { $value['value'] = $content; } elseif ($node->hasAttribute('datetime')) { $value['value'] = $node->getAttribute('datetime'); $datetime = true; } elseif ($datatype === '') { $value['value'] = $node->textContent; } elseif ($datatype === self::RDF_XML_LITERAL) { $value['value'] = ''; foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) { $value['value'] .= $child->C14N(); } } elseif (is_null($datatype) and empty($rels) and empty($revs)) { $value['value'] = $this->getUriAttribute( $node, $context, array('resource', 'href', 'src') ); if ($value['value']) { $value['type'] = 'uri'; } } if (empty($value['value']) and $typedResource and !$node->hasAttribute('about')) { $value['type'] = 'uri'; $value['value'] = $typedResource; } if (empty($value['value'])) { $value['value'] = $node->textContent; } if (empty($value['type'])) { $value['type'] = 'literal'; if ($datatype) { $value['datatype'] = $datatype; } elseif (isset($datetime) or $node->nodeName === 'time') { $value['datatype'] = $this->guessTimeDatatype($value['value']); } if (empty($value['datatype']) and $lang) { $value['lang'] = $lang; } } // Add each of the properties foreach ($this->processUriList($node, $context, $property) as $prop) { if ($node->hasAttribute('inlist')) { $this->addToList($listMapping, $prop, $value); } elseif ($subject) { $this->addTriple($subject, $prop, $value); } } } // Step 12: Complete the incomplete triples from the evaluation context if (!$skip and $subject and ($context['incompleteRels'] or $context['incompleteRevs'])) { foreach ($context['incompleteRels'] as $prop) { $this->addTriple( $context['subject'], $prop, array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $subject) ); } foreach ($context['incompleteRevs'] as $prop) { $this->addTriple( $subject, $prop, array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $context['subject']) ); } } } // Step 13: create a new evaluation context and proceed recursively if ($node->hasChildNodes()) { if ($skip) { $newContext = $context; } else { // Prepare a new evaluation context $newContext = $context; if ($object) { $newContext['object'] = $object; } elseif ($subject) { $newContext['object'] = $subject; } else { $newContext['object'] = $context['subject']; } if ($subject) { $newContext['subject'] = $subject; } $newContext['incompleteRels'] = $incompleteRels; $newContext['incompleteRevs'] = $incompleteRevs; if (isset($listMapping)) { $newContext['listMapping'] = $listMapping; } } // The language is always updated, even if skip is set $newContext['lang'] = $lang; foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) { if ($child->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $this->processNode($child, $newContext, $depth+1); } } } // Step 14: create triples for lists if (!empty($listMapping)) { foreach ($listMapping as $prop => $list) { if ($context['listMapping'] !== $listMapping) { if ($this->debug) { print "Need to create triples for $prop => ".count($list)." items\n"; } $this->generateList($subject, $prop, $list); } } } } /** * Parse RDFa 1.1 into an EasyRdf_Graph * * @param object EasyRdf_Graph $graph the graph to load the data into * @param string $data the RDF document data * @param string $format the format of the input data * @param string $baseUri the base URI of the data being parsed * @return integer The number of triples added to the graph */ public function parse($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri) { parent::checkParseParams($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri); if ($format != 'rdfa') { throw new EasyRdf_Exception( "EasyRdf_Parser_Rdfa does not support: $format" ); } // Initialise evaluation context. $context = $this->initialContext(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); // Parse the document into DOM $doc = new DOMDocument(); // Attempt to parse the document as strict XML, and fall back to HTML // if XML parsing fails. if ($doc->loadXML($data, LIBXML_NONET)) { if ($this->debug) { print "Document was parsed as XML."; } // Collect all xmlns namespaces defined throughout the document. $sxe = simplexml_import_dom($doc); $context['xmlns'] = $sxe->getDocNamespaces(true); unset($context['xmlns']['']); } else { $doc->loadHTML($data); if ($this->debug) { print "Document was parsed as HTML."; } } // Establish the base for both XHTML and HTML documents. $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace('xh', ""); $nodeList = $xpath->query('/xh:html/xh:head/xh:base'); if ($node = $nodeList->item(0) and $href = $node->getAttribute('href')) { $this->baseUri = new EasyRdf_ParsedUri($href); } $nodeList = $xpath->query('/html/head/base'); if ($node = $nodeList->item(0) and $href = $node->getAttribute('href')) { $this->baseUri = new EasyRdf_ParsedUri($href); } // Remove the fragment from the base URI $this->baseUri->setFragment(null); // Recursively process XML nodes $this->processNode($doc, $context); return $this->tripleCount; } }