dist: trusty language: php php: # - 5.3 - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 - 7.1 - hhvm #before_install: # # This update is mandatory or the 'apt-get install' calls following will fail # - sudo apt-get update -qq # - sudo apt-get install -y apache2 libapache2-mod-fastcgi # # start the xvfb display needed for firefox # - export DISPLAY=:99.0 # - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start # - sh ./test/CI/Travis/setup_selenium.sh # - sh ./test/CI/Travis/setup_apache.sh before_script: - composer install --no-interaction script: - mkdir -p build/logs - vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml --group Unit after_script: - vendor/bin/coveralls