getConstants() as $key => $value) { $settings[strtolower($key)] = $value; } $this->exchange = new \TwitterAPIExchange($settings); } /** * GET statuses/mentions_timeline * * @see */ public function testStatusesMentionsTimeline() { $url = ''; $method = 'GET'; $params = '?max_id=595150043381915648'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $expected = "@j7php Test mention"; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); } /** * GET statuses/user_timeline * * @see */ public function testStatusesUserTimeline() { $url = ''; $method = 'GET'; $params = '?user_id=3232926711'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $expected = "Test Tweet"; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); } /** * GET statuses/home_timeline * * @see */ public function testStatusesHomeTimeline() { $url = ''; $method = 'GET'; $params = '?user_id=3232926711&max_id=756123701888839681'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $expected = "Test Tweet"; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); } /** * GET statuses/retweets_of_me * * @see */ public function testStatusesRetweetsOfMe() { $url = ''; $method = 'GET'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method); $expected = 'travis CI and tests'; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); } /** * GET statuses/retweets/:id * * @see */ public function testStatusesRetweetsOfId() { $url = ''; $method = 'GET'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method); $expected = 'travis CI and tests'; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); } /** * GET Statuses/Show/:id * * @see */ public function testStatusesShowId() { $url = ''; $method = 'GET'; $params = '?id=595155660494471168'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $expected = 'travis CI and tests'; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); } /** * POST media/upload * * @see * * @note Uploaded unattached media files will be available for attachment to a tweet for 60 minutes */ public function testMediaUpload() { $file = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/img.png'); $data = base64_encode($file); $url = ''; $method = 'POST'; $params = array( 'media_data' => $data ); $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $expected = 'image\/png'; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); /** Store the media id for later **/ $data = @json_decode($data, true); $this->assertArrayHasKey('media_id', is_array($data) ? $data : array()); self::$mediaId = $data['media_id']; } /** * POST statuses/update * * @see */ public function testStatusesUpdate() { if (!self::$mediaId) { $this->fail('Cannot /update status because /upload failed'); } $url = ''; $method = 'POST'; $params = array( 'status' => 'TEST TWEET TO BE DELETED' . rand(), 'possibly_sensitive' => false, 'media_ids' => self::$mediaId ); $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $expected = 'TEST TWEET TO BE DELETED'; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); /** Store the tweet id for testStatusesDestroy() **/ $data = @json_decode($data, true); $this->assertArrayHasKey('id_str', is_array($data) ? $data : array()); self::$tweetId = $data['id_str']; /** We've done this now, yay **/ self::$mediaId = null; } /** * POST statuses/destroy/:id * * @see */ public function testStatusesDestroy() { if (!self::$tweetId) { $this->fail('Cannot /destroy status because /update failed'); } $url = sprintf('', self::$tweetId); $method = 'POST'; $params = array( 'id' => self::$tweetId ); $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $expected = 'TEST TWEET TO BE DELETED'; $this->assertContains($expected, $data); /** We've done this now, yay **/ self::$tweetId = null; } /** * GET search/tweets * * @see */ public function testCanSearchWithHashTag() { $url = ''; $method = 'GET'; $params = '?q=#twitter'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $data = (array)@json_decode($data, true); $this->assertNotCount(1, $data); } /** * Test to check that options passed to curl do not cause any issues */ public function testAdditionalCurlOptions() { $url = ''; $method = 'GET'; $params = '?q=#twitter'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params, array(CURLOPT_ENCODING => '')); $data = (array)@json_decode($data, true); $this->assertNotCount(1, $data); } /** * Apparently users/lookup was not working with a POST * * @see */ public function testIssue70() { $url = ''; $method = 'POST'; $params = array( 'screen_name' => 'lifehacker' ); $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $this->assertContains('created_at', $data); } /** * Thanks to Sharath at eywamedia for bringint this to my attention */ public function testPut() { $url = ''; $method = 'PUT'; $params = array ( 'name' => 'Important', 'paused' => true ); $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); /** If we get this back, then it looks like we can support PUT! :-) **/ $this->assertContains('UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT_APPLICATION', $data); } public function testDelete() { $params = array(); // foobaa is sandbox Ads account id $url = ''; $method = 'DELETE'; $data = $this->exchange->request($url, $method, $params); $this->assertContains('UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT_APPLICATION', $data); } }