{% autoescape 'js' %} (function (xpath, check) { function getPolterNode(xpath) { var polterAgent = window.__poltergeist; var ids = polterAgent.find("xpath", xpath, document); return polterAgent.get(ids[0]); } var pNode = getPolterNode(xpath); if (check && pNode.element.checked) { //requested to check the element and is already check, do nothing. return true; } if (!check && pNode.element.checked == false) { //move along nothing to be done return true; } if (check && pNode.element.checked == false) { //we have to check the element, we will do so by triggering a click event so all change listeners are aware. pNode.trigger("click"); pNode.element.checked = true; } if (!check && pNode.element.checked) { //move along nothing to be done pNode.trigger("click"); pNode.element.checked = false; return true; } return false; }('{{xpath}}', {{check}})); {% endautoescape %}