setName('_completion') ->setDefinition($this->createDefinition()) ->setDescription('BASH completion hook.') ->setHelp(<<eval `[program] _completion -g`. Or for an alias: eval `[program] _completion -g -p [alias]`. END ); // Hide this command from listing if supported // Command::setHidden() was not available before Symfony 3.2.0 if (method_exists($this, 'setHidden')) { $this->setHidden(true); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getNativeDefinition() { return $this->createDefinition(); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->handler = new CompletionHandler($this->getApplication()); $handler = $this->handler; if ($input->getOption('generate-hook')) { global $argv; $program = $argv[0]; $factory = new HookFactory(); $alias = $input->getOption('program'); $multiple = (bool)$input->getOption('multiple'); if (!$alias) { $alias = basename($program); } $hook = $factory->generateHook( $input->getOption('shell-type') ?: $this->getShellType(), $program, $alias, $multiple ); $output->write($hook, true); } else { $handler->setContext(new EnvironmentCompletionContext()); $output->write($this->runCompletion(), true); } } /** * Run the completion handler and return a filtered list of results * * @deprecated - This will be removed in 1.0.0 in favour of CompletionCommand::configureCompletion * * @return string[] */ protected function runCompletion() { $this->configureCompletion($this->handler); return $this->handler->runCompletion(); } /** * Configure the CompletionHandler instance before it is run * * @param CompletionHandler $handler */ protected function configureCompletion(CompletionHandler $handler) { // Override this method to configure custom value completions } /** * Determine the shell type for use with HookFactory * * @return string */ protected function getShellType() { if (!getenv('SHELL')) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not read SHELL environment variable. Please specify your shell type using the --shell-type option.'); } return basename(getenv('SHELL')); } protected function createDefinition() { return new InputDefinition(array( new InputOption( 'generate-hook', 'g', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Generate BASH code that sets up completion for this application.' ), new InputOption( 'program', 'p', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "Program name that should trigger completion\n(defaults to the absolute application path)." ), new InputOption( 'multiple', 'm', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Generated hook can be used for multiple applications." ), new InputOption( 'shell-type', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Set the shell type (zsh or bash). Otherwise this is determined automatically.' ), )); } }