* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Tests\ControllerMetadata; use Fake\ImportedAndFake; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata\ArgumentMetadata; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\ControllerMetadata\ArgumentMetadataFactory; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Tests\Fixtures\Controller\BasicTypesController; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Tests\Fixtures\Controller\NullableController; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Tests\Fixtures\Controller\VariadicController; class ArgumentMetadataFactoryTest extends TestCase { /** * @var ArgumentMetadataFactory */ private $factory; protected function setUp() { $this->factory = new ArgumentMetadataFactory(); } public function testSignature1() { $arguments = $this->factory->createArgumentMetadata(array($this, 'signature1')); $this->assertEquals(array( new ArgumentMetadata('foo', self::class, false, false, null), new ArgumentMetadata('bar', 'array', false, false, null), new ArgumentMetadata('baz', 'callable', false, false, null), ), $arguments); } public function testSignature2() { $arguments = $this->factory->createArgumentMetadata(array($this, 'signature2')); $this->assertEquals(array( new ArgumentMetadata('foo', self::class, false, true, null, true), new ArgumentMetadata('bar', __NAMESPACE__.'\FakeClassThatDoesNotExist', false, true, null, true), new ArgumentMetadata('baz', 'Fake\ImportedAndFake', false, true, null, true), ), $arguments); } public function testSignature3() { $arguments = $this->factory->createArgumentMetadata(array($this, 'signature3')); $this->assertEquals(array( new ArgumentMetadata('bar', __NAMESPACE__.'\FakeClassThatDoesNotExist', false, false, null), new ArgumentMetadata('baz', 'Fake\ImportedAndFake', false, false, null), ), $arguments); } public function testSignature4() { $arguments = $this->factory->createArgumentMetadata(array($this, 'signature4')); $this->assertEquals(array( new ArgumentMetadata('foo', null, false, true, 'default'), new ArgumentMetadata('bar', null, false, true, 500), new ArgumentMetadata('baz', null, false, true, array()), ), $arguments); } public function testSignature5() { $arguments = $this->factory->createArgumentMetadata(array($this, 'signature5')); $this->assertEquals(array( new ArgumentMetadata('foo', 'array', false, true, null, true), new ArgumentMetadata('bar', null, false, false, null), ), $arguments); } /** * @requires PHP 5.6 */ public function testVariadicSignature() { $arguments = $this->factory->createArgumentMetadata(array(new VariadicController(), 'action')); $this->assertEquals(array( new ArgumentMetadata('foo', null, false, false, null), new ArgumentMetadata('bar', null, true, false, null), ), $arguments); } /** * @requires PHP 7.0 */ public function testBasicTypesSignature() { $arguments = $this->factory->createArgumentMetadata(array(new BasicTypesController(), 'action')); $this->assertEquals(array( new ArgumentMetadata('foo', 'string', false, false, null), new ArgumentMetadata('bar', 'int', false, false, null), new ArgumentMetadata('baz', 'float', false, false, null), ), $arguments); } /** * @requires PHP 7.1 */ public function testNullableTypesSignature() { $arguments = $this->factory->createArgumentMetadata(array(new NullableController(), 'action')); $this->assertEquals(array( new ArgumentMetadata('foo', 'string', false, false, null, true), new ArgumentMetadata('bar', \stdClass::class, false, false, null, true), new ArgumentMetadata('baz', 'string', false, true, 'value', true), new ArgumentMetadata('mandatory', null, false, false, null, true), ), $arguments); } private function signature1(self $foo, array $bar, callable $baz) { } private function signature2(self $foo = null, FakeClassThatDoesNotExist $bar = null, ImportedAndFake $baz = null) { } private function signature3(FakeClassThatDoesNotExist $bar, ImportedAndFake $baz) { } private function signature4($foo = 'default', $bar = 500, $baz = array()) { } private function signature5(array $foo = null, $bar) { } }