--TEST-- "autoescape" tag does not apply escaping on literals --TEMPLATE-- {% autoescape 'html' %} 1. Simple literal {{ "
" }} 2. Conditional expression with only literals {{ true ? "
" : "
" }} 3. Conditional expression with a variable {{ true ? "
" : someVar }} 4. Nested conditionals with only literals {{ true ? (true ? "
" : "
") : "\n" }} 5. Nested conditionals with a variable {{ true ? (true ? "
" : someVar) : "\n" }} 6. Nested conditionals with a variable marked safe {{ true ? (true ? "
" : someVar|raw) : "\n" }} {% endautoescape %} --DATA-- return array() --EXPECT-- 1. Simple literal
2. Conditional expression with only literals
3. Conditional expression with a variable <br /> 4. Nested conditionals with only literals
5. Nested conditionals with a variable <br /> 6. Nested conditionals with a variable marked safe