'function', 'name' => 'date')); $this->assertEquals(array('U', null), $node->getArguments('date', array('format' => 'U', 'timestamp' => null))); } /** * @expectedException Twig_Error_Syntax * @expectedExceptionMessage Positional arguments cannot be used after named arguments for function "date". */ public function testGetArgumentsWhenPositionalArgumentsAfterNamedArguments() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'date')); $node->getArguments('date', array('timestamp' => 123456, 'Y-m-d')); } /** * @expectedException Twig_Error_Syntax * @expectedExceptionMessage Argument "format" is defined twice for function "date". */ public function testGetArgumentsWhenArgumentIsDefinedTwice() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'date')); $node->getArguments('date', array('Y-m-d', 'format' => 'U')); } /** * @expectedException Twig_Error_Syntax * @expectedExceptionMessage Unknown argument "unknown" for function "date(format, timestamp)". */ public function testGetArgumentsWithWrongNamedArgumentName() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'date')); $node->getArguments('date', array('Y-m-d', 'timestamp' => null, 'unknown' => '')); } /** * @expectedException Twig_Error_Syntax * @expectedExceptionMessage Unknown arguments "unknown1", "unknown2" for function "date(format, timestamp)". */ public function testGetArgumentsWithWrongNamedArgumentNames() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'date')); $node->getArguments('date', array('Y-m-d', 'timestamp' => null, 'unknown1' => '', 'unknown2' => '')); } /** * @expectedException Twig_Error_Syntax * @expectedExceptionMessage Argument "case_sensitivity" could not be assigned for function "substr_compare(main_str, str, offset, length, case_sensitivity)" because it is mapped to an internal PHP function which cannot determine default value for optional argument "length". */ public function testResolveArgumentsWithMissingValueForOptionalArgument() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'substr_compare')); $node->getArguments('substr_compare', array('abcd', 'bc', 'offset' => 1, 'case_sensitivity' => true)); } public function testResolveArgumentsOnlyNecessaryArgumentsForCustomFunction() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'custom_function')); $this->assertEquals(array('arg1'), $node->getArguments(array($this, 'customFunction'), array('arg1' => 'arg1'))); } public function testGetArgumentsForStaticMethod() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'custom_static_function')); $this->assertEquals(array('arg1'), $node->getArguments(__CLASS__.'::customStaticFunction', array('arg1' => 'arg1'))); } /** * @expectedException LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessage The last parameter of "Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_CallTest::customFunctionWithArbitraryArguments" for function "foo" must be an array with default value, eg. "array $arg = array()". */ public function testResolveArgumentsWithMissingParameterForArbitraryArguments() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'foo', 'is_variadic' => true)); $node->getArguments(array($this, 'customFunctionWithArbitraryArguments'), array()); } public static function customStaticFunction($arg1, $arg2 = 'default', $arg3 = array()) { } public function customFunction($arg1, $arg2 = 'default', $arg3 = array()) { } public function customFunctionWithArbitraryArguments() { } /** * @expectedException LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #^The last parameter of "custom_Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_CallTest_function" for function "foo" must be an array with default value, eg\. "array \$arg \= array\(\)"\.$# */ public function testResolveArgumentsWithMissingParameterForArbitraryArgumentsOnFunction() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'foo', 'is_variadic' => true)); $node->getArguments('custom_Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_CallTest_function', array()); } /** * @expectedException LogicException * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #^The last parameter of "CallableTestClass\:\:__invoke" for function "foo" must be an array with default value, eg\. "array \$arg \= array\(\)"\.$# */ public function testResolveArgumentsWithMissingParameterForArbitraryArgumentsOnObject() { $node = new Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call(array(), array('type' => 'function', 'name' => 'foo', 'is_variadic' => true)); $node->getArguments(new CallableTestClass(), array()); } } class Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_Call extends Twig_Node_Expression_Call { public function getArguments($callable, $arguments) { return parent::getArguments($callable, $arguments); } } class CallableTestClass { public function __invoke($required) { } } function custom_Twig_Tests_Node_Expression_CallTest_function($required) { }