connection->prepareQuery((string) $this); // Fetch the list of blobs and sequences used on that table. $table_information = $this->connection->schema()->queryTableInformation($this->table); // Expressions take priority over literal fields, so we process those first // and remove any literal fields that conflict. $fields = $this->fields; foreach ($this->expressionFields as $field => $data) { if (!empty($data['arguments'])) { foreach ($data['arguments'] as $placeholder => $argument) { // We assume that an expression will never happen on a BLOB field, // which is a fairly safe assumption to make since in most cases // it would be an invalid query anyway. $stmt->bindParam($placeholder, $data['arguments'][$placeholder]); } } if ($data['expression'] instanceof SelectInterface) { $data['expression']->compile($this->connection, $this); $select_query_arguments = $data['expression']->arguments(); foreach ($select_query_arguments as $placeholder => $argument) { $stmt->bindParam($placeholder, $select_query_arguments[$placeholder]); } } unset($fields[$field]); } foreach ($fields as $field => $value) { $placeholder = ':db_update_placeholder_' . ($max_placeholder++); if (isset($table_information->blob_fields[$field])) { $blobs[$blob_count] = fopen('php://memory', 'a'); fwrite($blobs[$blob_count], $value); rewind($blobs[$blob_count]); $stmt->bindParam($placeholder, $blobs[$blob_count], \PDO::PARAM_LOB); ++$blob_count; } else { $stmt->bindParam($placeholder, $fields[$field]); } } if (count($this->condition)) { $this->condition->compile($this->connection, $this); $arguments = $this->condition->arguments(); foreach ($arguments as $placeholder => $value) { $stmt->bindParam($placeholder, $arguments[$placeholder]); } } $options = $this->queryOptions; $options['already_prepared'] = TRUE; $options['return'] = Database::RETURN_AFFECTED; $this->connection->addSavepoint(); try { $result = $this->connection->query($stmt, [], $options); $this->connection->releaseSavepoint(); return $result; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->connection->rollbackSavepoint(); throw $e; } } }