prophesize(CacheContextsManager::class); $contexts_manager->assertValidTokens(Argument::any())->willReturn(TRUE); $builder = new ContainerBuilder(); $builder->set('cache_contexts_manager', $contexts_manager->reveal()); \Drupal::setContainer($builder); } /** * Test the access check of the LatestRevisionCheck service. * * @param string $entity_class * The class of the entity to mock. * @param string $entity_type * The machine name of the entity to mock. * @param bool $has_forward * Whether this entity should have a forward revision in the system. * @param array $account_permissions * An array of permissions the account has. * @param bool $is_owner * Indicates if the user should be the owner of the entity. * @param string $result_class * The AccessResult class that should result. One of AccessResultAllowed, * AccessResultForbidden, AccessResultNeutral. * * @dataProvider accessSituationProvider */ public function testLatestAccessPermissions($entity_class, $entity_type, $has_forward, array $account_permissions, $is_owner, $result_class) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account */ $account = $this->prophesize(AccountInterface::class); $possible_permissions = [ 'view latest version', 'view any unpublished content', 'view own unpublished content', ]; foreach ($possible_permissions as $permission) { $account->hasPermission($permission)->willReturn(in_array($permission, $account_permissions)); } $account->id()->willReturn(42); /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */ $entity = $this->prophesize($entity_class); $entity->getCacheContexts()->willReturn([]); $entity->getCacheTags()->willReturn([]); $entity->getCacheMaxAge()->willReturn(0); if (is_subclass_of($entity_class, EntityOwnerInterface::class)) { $entity->getOwnerId()->willReturn($is_owner ? 42 : 3); } /** @var \Drupal\content_moderation\ModerationInformation $mod_info */ $mod_info = $this->prophesize(ModerationInformation::class); $mod_info->hasForwardRevision($entity->reveal())->willReturn($has_forward); $route = $this->prophesize(Route::class); $route->getOption('_content_moderation_entity_type')->willReturn($entity_type); $route_match = $this->prophesize(RouteMatch::class); $route_match->getParameter($entity_type)->willReturn($entity->reveal()); $lrc = new LatestRevisionCheck($mod_info->reveal()); /** @var \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult $result */ $result = $lrc->access($route->reveal(), $route_match->reveal(), $account->reveal()); $this->assertInstanceOf($result_class, $result); } /** * Data provider for testLastAccessPermissions(). */ public function accessSituationProvider() { return [ // Node with global permissions and latest version. [Node::class, 'node', TRUE, ['view latest version', 'view any unpublished content'], FALSE, AccessResultAllowed::class], // Node with global permissions and no latest version. [Node::class, 'node', FALSE, ['view latest version', 'view any unpublished content'], FALSE, AccessResultForbidden::class], // Node with own content permissions and latest version. [Node::class, 'node', TRUE, ['view latest version', 'view own unpublished content'], TRUE, AccessResultAllowed::class], // Node with own content permissions and no latest version. [Node::class, 'node', FALSE, ['view latest version', 'view own unpublished content'], FALSE, AccessResultForbidden::class], // Node with own content permissions and latest version, but no perms to // view latest version. [Node::class, 'node', TRUE, ['view own unpublished content'], TRUE, AccessResultNeutral::class], // Node with own content permissions and no latest version, but no perms // to view latest version. [Node::class, 'node', TRUE, ['view own unpublished content'], FALSE, AccessResultNeutral::class], // Block with forward revision, and permissions to view any. [BlockContent::class, 'block_content', TRUE, ['view latest version', 'view any unpublished content'], FALSE, AccessResultAllowed::class], // Block with no forward revision. [BlockContent::class, 'block_content', FALSE, ['view latest version', 'view any unpublished content'], FALSE, AccessResultForbidden::class], // Block with forward revision, but no permission to view any. [BlockContent::class, 'block_content', TRUE, ['view latest version', 'view own unpublished content'], FALSE, AccessResultNeutral::class], // Block with no forward revision. [BlockContent::class, 'block_content', FALSE, ['view latest version', 'view own unpublished content'], FALSE, AccessResultForbidden::class], ]; } }