createFile(); db_insert('file_usage') ->fields([ 'fid' => $file->id(), 'module' => 'testing', 'type' => 'foo', 'id' => 1, 'count' => 1 ]) ->execute(); db_insert('file_usage') ->fields([ 'fid' => $file->id(), 'module' => 'testing', 'type' => 'bar', 'id' => 2, 'count' => 2 ]) ->execute(); $usage = $this->container->get('file.usage')->listUsage($file); $this->assertEqual(count($usage['testing']), 2, 'Returned the correct number of items.'); $this->assertTrue(isset($usage['testing']['foo'][1]), 'Returned the correct id.'); $this->assertTrue(isset($usage['testing']['bar'][2]), 'Returned the correct id.'); $this->assertEqual($usage['testing']['foo'][1], 1, 'Returned the correct count.'); $this->assertEqual($usage['testing']['bar'][2], 2, 'Returned the correct count.'); } /** * Tests \Drupal\file\FileUsage\DatabaseFileUsageBackend::add(). */ public function testAddUsage() { $file = $this->createFile(); $file_usage = $this->container->get('file.usage'); $file_usage->add($file, 'testing', 'foo', 1); // Add the file twice to ensure that the count is incremented rather than // creating additional records. $file_usage->add($file, 'testing', 'bar', 2); $file_usage->add($file, 'testing', 'bar', 2); $usage = db_select('file_usage', 'f') ->fields('f') ->condition('f.fid', $file->id()) ->execute() ->fetchAllAssoc('id'); $this->assertEqual(count($usage), 2, 'Created two records'); $this->assertEqual($usage[1]->module, 'testing', 'Correct module'); $this->assertEqual($usage[2]->module, 'testing', 'Correct module'); $this->assertEqual($usage[1]->type, 'foo', 'Correct type'); $this->assertEqual($usage[2]->type, 'bar', 'Correct type'); $this->assertEqual($usage[1]->count, 1, 'Correct count'); $this->assertEqual($usage[2]->count, 2, 'Correct count'); } /** * Tests file usage deletion when files are made temporary. */ public function testRemoveUsageTemporary() { $this->config('file.settings') ->set('make_unused_managed_files_temporary', TRUE) ->save(); $file = $this->doTestRemoveUsage(); $this->assertTrue($file->isTemporary()); } /** * Tests file usage deletion when files are made temporary. */ public function testRemoveUsageNonTemporary() { $this->config('file.settings') ->set('make_unused_managed_files_temporary', FALSE) ->save(); $file = $this->doTestRemoveUsage(); $this->assertFalse($file->isTemporary()); } /** * Tests \Drupal\file\FileUsage\DatabaseFileUsageBackend::delete(). */ public function doTestRemoveUsage() { $file = $this->createFile(); $file->setPermanent(); $file_usage = $this->container->get('file.usage'); db_insert('file_usage') ->fields([ 'fid' => $file->id(), 'module' => 'testing', 'type' => 'bar', 'id' => 2, 'count' => 3, ]) ->execute(); // Normal decrement. $file_usage->delete($file, 'testing', 'bar', 2); $count = db_select('file_usage', 'f') ->fields('f', ['count']) ->condition('f.fid', $file->id()) ->execute() ->fetchField(); $this->assertEqual(2, $count, 'The count was decremented correctly.'); // Multiple decrement and removal. $file_usage->delete($file, 'testing', 'bar', 2, 2); $count = db_select('file_usage', 'f') ->fields('f', ['count']) ->condition('f.fid', $file->id()) ->execute() ->fetchField(); $this->assertIdentical(FALSE, $count, 'The count was removed entirely when empty.'); // Non-existent decrement. $file_usage->delete($file, 'testing', 'bar', 2); $count = db_select('file_usage', 'f') ->fields('f', ['count']) ->condition('f.fid', $file->id()) ->execute() ->fetchField(); $this->assertIdentical(FALSE, $count, 'Decrementing non-exist record complete.'); return $file; } /** * Create files for all the possible combinations of age and status. * * We are using UPDATE statements because using the API would set the * timestamp. */ public function createTempFiles() { // Temporary file that is old. $temp_old = file_save_data(''); db_update('file_managed') ->fields([ 'status' => 0, 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME - $this->config('system.file')->get('temporary_maximum_age') - 1, ]) ->condition('fid', $temp_old->id()) ->execute(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($temp_old->getFileUri()), 'Old temp file was created correctly.'); // Temporary file that is new. $temp_new = file_save_data(''); db_update('file_managed') ->fields(['status' => 0]) ->condition('fid', $temp_new->id()) ->execute(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($temp_new->getFileUri()), 'New temp file was created correctly.'); // Permanent file that is old. $perm_old = file_save_data(''); db_update('file_managed') ->fields(['changed' => REQUEST_TIME - $this->config('system.file')->get('temporary_maximum_age') - 1]) ->condition('fid', $temp_old->id()) ->execute(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($perm_old->getFileUri()), 'Old permanent file was created correctly.'); // Permanent file that is new. $perm_new = file_save_data(''); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($perm_new->getFileUri()), 'New permanent file was created correctly.'); return [$temp_old, $temp_new, $perm_old, $perm_new]; } /** * Ensure that temporary files are removed by default. */ public function testTempFileCleanupDefault() { list($temp_old, $temp_new, $perm_old, $perm_new) = $this->createTempFiles(); // Run cron and then ensure that only the old, temp file was deleted. $this->container->get('cron')->run(); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($temp_old->getFileUri()), 'Old temp file was correctly removed.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($temp_new->getFileUri()), 'New temp file was correctly ignored.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($perm_old->getFileUri()), 'Old permanent file was correctly ignored.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($perm_new->getFileUri()), 'New permanent file was correctly ignored.'); } /** * Ensure that temporary files are kept as configured. */ public function testTempFileNoCleanup() { list($temp_old, $temp_new, $perm_old, $perm_new) = $this->createTempFiles(); // Set the max age to 0, meaning no temporary files will be deleted. $this->config('system.file') ->set('temporary_maximum_age', 0) ->save(); // Run cron and then ensure that no file was deleted. $this->container->get('cron')->run(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($temp_old->getFileUri()), 'Old temp file was correctly ignored.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($temp_new->getFileUri()), 'New temp file was correctly ignored.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($perm_old->getFileUri()), 'Old permanent file was correctly ignored.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($perm_new->getFileUri()), 'New permanent file was correctly ignored.'); } /** * Ensure that temporary files are kept as configured. */ public function testTempFileCustomCleanup() { list($temp_old, $temp_new, $perm_old, $perm_new) = $this->createTempFiles(); // Set the max age to older than default. $this->config('system.file') ->set('temporary_maximum_age', 21600 + 2) ->save(); // Run cron and then ensure that more files were deleted. $this->container->get('cron')->run(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($temp_old->getFileUri()), 'Old temp file was correctly ignored.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($temp_new->getFileUri()), 'New temp file was correctly ignored.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($perm_old->getFileUri()), 'Old permanent file was correctly ignored.'); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($perm_new->getFileUri()), 'New permanent file was correctly ignored.'); } /** * Tests file usage with translated entities. */ public function testFileUsageWithEntityTranslation() { /** @var \Drupal\file\FileUsage\FileUsageInterface $file_usage */ $file_usage = $this->container->get('file.usage'); $this->enableModules(['node', 'language']); $this->installEntitySchema('node'); $this->installSchema('node', ['node_access']); // Activate English and Romanian languages. ConfigurableLanguage::create(['id' => 'en'])->save(); ConfigurableLanguage::create(['id' => 'ro'])->save(); NodeType::create(['type' => 'page'])->save(); ContentLanguageSettings::loadByEntityTypeBundle('node', 'page') ->setLanguageAlterable(FALSE) ->setDefaultLangcode('en') ->save(); // Create a file field attached to 'page' node-type. FieldStorageConfig::create([ 'type' => 'file', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'field_name' => 'file', ])->save(); FieldConfig::create([ 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'page', 'field_name' => 'file', 'label' => 'File', ])->save(); // Create a node, attach a file and add a Romanian translation. $node = Node::create(['type' => 'page', 'title' => 'Page']); $node ->set('file', $file = $this->createFile()) ->addTranslation('ro', $node->getTranslation('en')->toArray()) ->save(); // Check that the file is used twice. $usage = $file_usage->listUsage($file); $this->assertEquals(2, $usage['file']['node'][$node->id()]); // Remove the Romanian translation. $node->removeTranslation('ro'); $node->save(); // Check that one usage has been removed and is used only once now. $usage = $file_usage->listUsage($file); $this->assertEquals(1, $usage['file']['node'][$node->id()]); } }