save(); ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('it')->save(); $field_storage_definition = [ 'field_name' => 'untranslatable_string_field', 'entity_type' => 'node', 'type' => 'string', 'cardinality' => 1, 'translatable' => FALSE, ]; $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::create($field_storage_definition); $field_storage->save(); $field_definition = [ 'field_storage' => $field_storage, 'bundle' => 'page', ]; $field = FieldConfig::create($field_definition); $field->save(); // Enable translation for page nodes. \Drupal::service('content_translation.manager')->setEnabled('node', 'page', TRUE); // Create and log in user. $web_user = $this->drupalCreateUser( [ 'view page revisions', 'revert page revisions', 'delete page revisions', 'edit any page content', 'delete any page content', 'access contextual links', 'translate any entity', 'administer content types', ] ); $this->drupalLogin($web_user); // Create initial node. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(); $settings = get_object_vars($node); $settings['revision'] = 1; $settings['isDefaultRevision'] = TRUE; $nodes = []; $logs = []; // Get original node. $nodes[] = clone $node; // Create three revisions. $revision_count = 3; for ($i = 0; $i < $revision_count; $i++) { $logs[] = $node->revision_log = $this->randomMachineName(32); // Create revision with a random title and body and update variables. $node->title = $this->randomMachineName(); $node->body = [ 'value' => $this->randomMachineName(32), 'format' => filter_default_format(), ]; $node->untranslatable_string_field->value = $this->randomString(); $node->setNewRevision(); // Edit the 1st and 2nd revision with a different user. if ($i < 2) { $editor = $this->drupalCreateUser(); $node->setRevisionUserId($editor->id()); } else { $node->setRevisionUserId($web_user->id()); } $node->save(); // Make sure we get revision information. $node = Node::load($node->id()); $nodes[] = clone $node; } $this->nodes = $nodes; $this->revisionLogs = $logs; } /** * Checks node revision related operations. */ public function testRevisions() { $node_storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('node'); $nodes = $this->nodes; $logs = $this->revisionLogs; // Get last node for simple checks. $node = $nodes[3]; // Confirm the correct revision text appears on "view revisions" page. $this->drupalGet("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions/" . $node->getRevisionId() . "/view"); $this->assertText($node->body->value, 'Correct text displays for version.'); // Confirm the correct log message appears on "revisions overview" page. $this->drupalGet("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions"); foreach ($logs as $revision_log) { $this->assertText($revision_log, 'Revision log message found.'); } // Original author, and editor names should appear on revisions overview. $web_user = $nodes[0]->revision_uid->entity; $this->assertText(t('by @name', ['@name' => $web_user->getAccountName()])); $editor = $nodes[2]->revision_uid->entity; $this->assertText(t('by @name', ['@name' => $editor->getAccountName()])); // Confirm that this is the default revision. $this->assertTrue($node->isDefaultRevision(), 'Third node revision is the default one.'); // Confirm that revisions revert properly. $this->drupalPostForm("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions/" . $nodes[1]->getRevisionid() . "/revert", [], t('Revert')); $this->assertRaw(t('@type %title has been reverted to the revision from %revision-date.', [ '@type' => 'Basic page', '%title' => $nodes[1]->label(), '%revision-date' => format_date($nodes[1]->getRevisionCreationTime()), ]), 'Revision reverted.'); $node_storage->resetCache([$node->id()]); $reverted_node = $node_storage->load($node->id()); $this->assertTrue(($nodes[1]->body->value == $reverted_node->body->value), 'Node reverted correctly.'); // Confirm the revision author is the user performing the revert. $this->assertTrue($reverted_node->getRevisionUserId() == $this->loggedInUser->id(), 'Node revision author is user performing revert.'); // And that its not the revision author. $this->assertTrue($reverted_node->getRevisionUserId() != $nodes[1]->getRevisionUserId(), 'Node revision author is not original revision author.'); // Confirm that this is not the default version. $node = node_revision_load($node->getRevisionId()); $this->assertFalse($node->isDefaultRevision(), 'Third node revision is not the default one.'); // Confirm revisions delete properly. $this->drupalPostForm("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions/" . $nodes[1]->getRevisionId() . "/delete", [], t('Delete')); $this->assertRaw(t('Revision from %revision-date of @type %title has been deleted.', [ '%revision-date' => format_date($nodes[1]->getRevisionCreationTime()), '@type' => 'Basic page', '%title' => $nodes[1]->label(), ]), 'Revision deleted.'); $this->assertTrue(db_query('SELECT COUNT(vid) FROM {node_revision} WHERE nid = :nid and vid = :vid', [':nid' => $node->id(), ':vid' => $nodes[1]->getRevisionId()])->fetchField() == 0, 'Revision not found.'); $this->assertTrue(db_query('SELECT COUNT(vid) FROM {node_field_revision} WHERE nid = :nid and vid = :vid', [':nid' => $node->id(), ':vid' => $nodes[1]->getRevisionId()])->fetchField() == 0, 'Field revision not found.'); // Set the revision timestamp to an older date to make sure that the // confirmation message correctly displays the stored revision date. $old_revision_date = REQUEST_TIME - 86400; db_update('node_revision') ->condition('vid', $nodes[2]->getRevisionId()) ->fields([ 'revision_timestamp' => $old_revision_date, ]) ->execute(); $this->drupalPostForm("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions/" . $nodes[2]->getRevisionId() . "/revert", [], t('Revert')); $this->assertRaw(t('@type %title has been reverted to the revision from %revision-date.', [ '@type' => 'Basic page', '%title' => $nodes[2]->label(), '%revision-date' => format_date($old_revision_date), ])); // Make a new revision and set it to not be default. // This will create a new revision that is not "front facing". $new_node_revision = clone $node; $new_body = $this->randomMachineName(); $new_node_revision->body->value = $new_body; // Save this as a non-default revision. $new_node_revision->setNewRevision(); $new_node_revision->isDefaultRevision = FALSE; $new_node_revision->save(); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id()); $this->assertNoText($new_body, 'Revision body text is not present on default version of node.'); // Verify that the new body text is present on the revision. $this->drupalGet("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions/" . $new_node_revision->getRevisionId() . "/view"); $this->assertText($new_body, 'Revision body text is present when loading specific revision.'); // Verify that the non-default revision vid is greater than the default // revision vid. $default_revision = db_select('node', 'n') ->fields('n', ['vid']) ->condition('nid', $node->id()) ->execute() ->fetchCol(); $default_revision_vid = $default_revision[0]; $this->assertTrue($new_node_revision->getRevisionId() > $default_revision_vid, 'Revision vid is greater than default revision vid.'); // Create an 'EN' node with a revision log message. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(); $node->title = 'Node title in EN'; $node->revision_log = 'Simple revision message (EN)'; $node->save(); $this->drupalGet("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions"); $this->assertResponse(403); // Create a new revision and new log message. $node = Node::load($node->id()); $node->body->value = 'New text (EN)'; $node->revision_log = 'New revision message (EN)'; $node->setNewRevision(); $node->save(); // Check both revisions are shown on the node revisions overview page. $this->drupalGet("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions"); $this->assertText('Simple revision message (EN)'); $this->assertText('New revision message (EN)'); // Create an 'EN' node with a revision log message. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(); $node->langcode = 'en'; $node->title = 'Node title in EN'; $node->revision_log = 'Simple revision message (EN)'; $node->save(); $this->drupalGet("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions"); $this->assertResponse(403); // Add a translation in 'DE' and create a new revision and new log message. $translation = $node->addTranslation('de'); $translation->title->value = 'Node title in DE'; $translation->body->value = 'New text (DE)'; $translation->revision_log = 'New revision message (DE)'; $translation->setNewRevision(); $translation->save(); // View the revision UI in 'IT', only the original node revision is shown. $this->drupalGet("it/node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions"); $this->assertText('Simple revision message (EN)'); $this->assertNoText('New revision message (DE)'); // View the revision UI in 'DE', only the translated node revision is shown. $this->drupalGet("de/node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions"); $this->assertNoText('Simple revision message (EN)'); $this->assertText('New revision message (DE)'); // View the revision UI in 'EN', only the original node revision is shown. $this->drupalGet("node/" . $node->id() . "/revisions"); $this->assertText('Simple revision message (EN)'); $this->assertNoText('New revision message (DE)'); } /** * Checks that revisions are correctly saved without log messages. */ public function testNodeRevisionWithoutLogMessage() { $node_storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('node'); // Create a node with an initial log message. $revision_log = $this->randomMachineName(10); $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['revision_log' => $revision_log]); // Save over the same revision and explicitly provide an empty log message // (for example, to mimic the case of a node form submitted with no text in // the "log message" field), and check that the original log message is // preserved. $new_title = $this->randomMachineName(10) . 'testNodeRevisionWithoutLogMessage1'; $node = clone $node; $node->title = $new_title; $node->revision_log = ''; $node->setNewRevision(FALSE); $node->save(); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id()); $this->assertText($new_title, 'New node title appears on the page.'); $node_storage->resetCache([$node->id()]); $node_revision = $node_storage->load($node->id()); $this->assertEqual($node_revision->revision_log->value, $revision_log, 'After an existing node revision is re-saved without a log message, the original log message is preserved.'); // Create another node with an initial revision log message. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['revision_log' => $revision_log]); // Save a new node revision without providing a log message, and check that // this revision has an empty log message. $new_title = $this->randomMachineName(10) . 'testNodeRevisionWithoutLogMessage2'; $node = clone $node; $node->title = $new_title; $node->setNewRevision(); $node->revision_log = NULL; $node->save(); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id()); $this->assertText($new_title, 'New node title appears on the page.'); $node_storage->resetCache([$node->id()]); $node_revision = $node_storage->load($node->id()); $this->assertTrue(empty($node_revision->revision_log->value), 'After a new node revision is saved with an empty log message, the log message for the node is empty.'); } /** * Gets server-rendered contextual links for the given contextual links IDs. * * @param string[] $ids * An array of contextual link IDs. * @param string $current_path * The Drupal path for the page for which the contextual links are rendered. * * @return string * The decoded JSON response body. */ protected function renderContextualLinks(array $ids, $current_path) { $post = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { $post['ids[' . $i . ']'] = $ids[$i]; } $response = $this->drupalPost('contextual/render', 'application/json', $post, ['query' => ['destination' => $current_path]]); return Json::decode($response); } /** * Tests the revision translations are correctly reverted. */ public function testRevisionTranslationRevert() { // Create a node and a few revisions. $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(['langcode' => 'en']); $initial_revision_id = $node->getRevisionId(); $initial_title = $node->label(); $this->createRevisions($node, 2); // Translate the node and create a few translation revisions. $translation = $node->addTranslation('it'); $this->createRevisions($translation, 3); $revert_id = $node->getRevisionId(); $translated_title = $translation->label(); $untranslatable_string = $node->untranslatable_string_field->value; // Create a new revision for the default translation in-between a series of // translation revisions. $this->createRevisions($node, 1); $default_translation_title = $node->label(); // And create a few more translation revisions. $this->createRevisions($translation, 2); $translation_revision_id = $translation->getRevisionId(); // Now revert the a translation revision preceding the last default // translation revision, and check that the desired value was reverted but // the default translation value was preserved. $revert_translation_url = Url::fromRoute('node.revision_revert_translation_confirm', [ 'node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $revert_id, 'langcode' => 'it', ]); $this->drupalPostForm($revert_translation_url, [], t('Revert')); /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeStorage $node_storage */ $node_storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('node'); $node_storage->resetCache(); /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */ $node = $node_storage->load($node->id()); $this->assertTrue($node->getRevisionId() > $translation_revision_id); $this->assertEqual($node->label(), $default_translation_title); $this->assertEqual($node->getTranslation('it')->label(), $translated_title); $this->assertNotEqual($node->untranslatable_string_field->value, $untranslatable_string); $latest_revision_id = $translation->getRevisionId(); // Now revert the a translation revision preceding the last default // translation revision again, and check that the desired value was reverted // but the default translation value was preserved. But in addition the // untranslated field will be reverted as well. $this->drupalPostForm($revert_translation_url, ['revert_untranslated_fields' => TRUE], t('Revert')); $node_storage->resetCache(); /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */ $node = $node_storage->load($node->id()); $this->assertTrue($node->getRevisionId() > $latest_revision_id); $this->assertEqual($node->label(), $default_translation_title); $this->assertEqual($node->getTranslation('it')->label(), $translated_title); $this->assertEqual($node->untranslatable_string_field->value, $untranslatable_string); $latest_revision_id = $translation->getRevisionId(); // Now revert the entity revision to the initial one where the translation // didn't exist. $revert_url = Url::fromRoute('node.revision_revert_confirm', [ 'node' => $node->id(), 'node_revision' => $initial_revision_id, ]); $this->drupalPostForm($revert_url, [], t('Revert')); $node_storage->resetCache(); /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */ $node = $node_storage->load($node->id()); $this->assertTrue($node->getRevisionId() > $latest_revision_id); $this->assertEqual($node->label(), $initial_title); $this->assertFalse($node->hasTranslation('it')); } /** * Creates a series of revisions for the specified node. * * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node * The node object. * @param $count * The number of revisions to be created. */ protected function createRevisions(NodeInterface $node, $count) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $node->title = $this->randomString(); $node->untranslatable_string_field->value = $this->randomString(); $node->setNewRevision(TRUE); $node->save(); } } }